Chapter 64: That Night

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Jean's P.O.V
When we arrived to the rendezvous point, (y/n) was helping Levi sit up, Annie and Reiner were leaning against the furthest tree, while everyone else helped strike camp for the night. "Hey Jean can you come help?" "Yeah, one second" setting my ODM gear to the side, I walked over to Onyonkopon and held the sticks so he could create the fire.

"So now what?" "Now we wait for the sun to rise, in the morning were making our way to the docs" "It's likely Floch and the Jaegerist will be there" "I'm well aware, Hange and (y/n) did calculate for that after all" That voice...

Looking up, Yelena was hoovering over Onyonkopon and I. "Almost forgot your royally majesty was here" "Seems you are still bitter, but we had the world's best intrest at heart" "I rather not get into it" Rising from my spot I made my way over to Connie who was sat next to Armin.

"Remind me why Yelena has to be here?" "I'm not even sure, I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this" "She's essential I guess, Hange and (y/n) really didn't go into detail" "Maybe I should go ask, maybe she/he/they will be more inclined to tell me" "You could always go try"

"I Think I will" Rising from my spot, I walked over to (y/n) and Captain Levi, stopping infront of them.

Your P.O.V
As I helped Levi sit up I noticed Jean and Yelena getting into it. "Why can't she leave things well enough alone? I don't need her patronizing my fucking family" "Don't pay any mind to it, Jean is a big boy and can handle himself" "You're real funny you know that"

"Yes I do, thank you for noticing" Levi looked up at me, and his eyes were sarcastically smiling at me. "If you weren't injured I would so kick your ass" "But I am, and you would never hurt me anyways" "If that's what you tell yourself" "It is" rolling my eyes, I turned around once more to see Jean standing ten feet from me.

"Hey (y/n) got a second?" "Yeah, what's up?" "Why is Yelena here" "Strategic Value" "Really!? That's it?" "Yep, sorry" "Jeez, what value does she have anyways?" "A lot, if you wanna know more go ask Hange, they are spear heading this mission" "I will, I will" and that's the last I heard from him before he walked towards Hange.

"Still mad at Yelena?" "Mad doesn't begin to start to explain how I feel right now" "We can always ditch her with Lady Azumibito" "I like that plan, your a genius" Taking my seat next to him, I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Nothing will be the same after this"

"Nothing at all" "Let's do it" "Do what?" "Let's get married and open that tea shop you wanted, after all this mess is over Let's do it" "Wow you really don't hold back do you?" "Nope, not at all!" When he looked at me he seemed shocked, but came to realize I was being completely serious.

"Alright you have yourself a deal, if we survive this thing we'll do it" "Then we have a deal"


"So" "So what?" "What's the plan?" "Oh, that, Hange?" "Were going to stop the rumbling, Save Eren and hopefully bring him back to us!" "Yeah, but what if we can't do it?" "Do what?" "Bring him back?" "I'm sure we can, you just have to have faith"

Hange was trying desperately to keep spirits high, but the gloomy night wasn't fooling anyone. Right as Hange went to speak up once more, madam trouble herself had to pitch in.

She said somethings I didn't make out because I was helping Levi but it set something off between Annie, Reiner and Jean. They explained to him that they were the ones who murdered his friend Marco, and said his last words were "I don't want to die, why can't we just talk this out!?"

The lot of them were shocked but I could tell Jean was ready to snap. His jaw was clenched and his fist were balled. He threw himself across the campfire, and began to beat the shit out of him. He only let up when Gabi threw herself infront of him, begging him for mercy.

"Please Mr.Jean, Please" Jean unbleached his jaws, and let his hands fall freely next to him. He was no longer angry, but sad. He was making the same face when he was only seven years old. "Jean..." He didn't look my way when he stood and took off into the forest.

"Shit, Levi..." "Go, I'll be here" Getting up, I sprinted after Jean and only caught up to him after he leaned himself against the furtherest tree from the camp. His hands were over his ears and his eyes were shut. It was his natural coping mechanism.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and made him look at me. His eyes shot open and I instinctively pulled him into a hug. "This won't get any better, not till the war is over, your stronger than you think Jean, don't let the past mess up the future we want to pave, I don't think Marco would have approved of you being all sad"

"I know but..." "But nothing, take your time to calm down and then come back, your gonna need some sort of sleep before the morning ok?" "Alright" I gave him a hug and a reassuring smile before making my way back to the others.

It was getting dark out and Pieck was on watch duty. So I made my way over to Levi and rested my hand on his shoulder. "They will be ok right? These kiddos will make it through, they are resilliant" "That they are, don't worry the kiddos will make it, and once this is all over they can help with the tea house"

"Yeah, that sounds good"

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