Chapter 55: Goodbye

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Your P.O.V
It's loud, and there's music. These walls are too thin. I want to sleep in peace, please just shut up stupid noise!

Taking the pillow I was resting my head on, I placed it on top of my head and pulled it down to where it was covering my ears. The people in Liberio always did everything so extravagant! I just wanted sleep before going to war is that too much to ask for!?

"Hey gorgeous, as much as I would love to let you sleep, we have four very excited children waiting outside our door, and they want to enjoy every aspect of this festival tonight before Lord Tybur's big speech."

"If you loved me you would just take them and let me sleep!" "Uh-huh, and what good would that do you in the end? It seems your already having a hard time going back to bed" "You have no proof of that once so ever"

Instead of a verbal response, Pok lifted the pillow off my head and made me look at him. "The fact that you look very much awake is all the proof I need" "I hate you" "Sure keep telling yourself that, just remember that later when your too tired to walk home"

Jokes on you I won't be coming back to this place, I'll be going home to Paradis and sleeping in my own bed! With my boyfriend nonetheless! So you can keep flirting all you want, charm will get you nowhere in this situation!

"(Y/n)?" "Yes, sorry, spaced" "No need and I was only joking, Pieck would kill me if I didn't offer you a piggyback ride on the way home" "Your right she would! Now get out so I can get dressed! Your so buying me ice cream!" "Alright fine, but hurry up, I don't know how long I can keep the heathens at bay!" "They aren't heathens, they are children, and you're officially a jerk!"

Pushing him out of my room, I closed the door behind him and sighed. There was something I needed to do before I went out with all of them one last time. I grabbed my journal from its hiding spot and opened it up, writing my final and last thoughts from my time here on Marley


"Jeez, how much did you eat!?" "I'm not sure, but it felt like everything" "No wonder you don't feel well, Reiner mind dragging your cousin along so we can get to the ceremony on time" "Not at all, jeez Gabi we have to teach you some self-restraint"

As Reiner dragged Gabi along, I made my way to the front of the group, taking Pok's hand in mine. Keeping up appearances was important, especially now of all times. If I was going to sell myself to the people of Marley, my hand had to be in Porco's.

I felt guilty though. I was leading him on this whole time for personal gain, I hope he can find it in his heart to forgive me. "So, why do you think they are declaring war from inside of the internment zone? It's not like the island devils can hear us anyways"

"Your right, but I wish I could say I knew Lord Tyburs thought process, maybe he felt like he should declare war from the place that started it all?" "Good guess Pok! I was thinking the same!" "Really?" "Yeah! Lord Tybur likes to do things all symbolic like!"

"I didn't think about it like that! Your as sharp as ever Pieck" "It's not all me you know!" "Don't sell yourself short! Maybe your right Pieck, you too Pok" the two basked in my praise as we walked to the center of Liberio.

By the time we reached the stage, a crowd was gathering and the sun finally set. Falco, who had disappeared not too long ago, reappeared and asked Reiner to follow him. Of course, Zeke approves it before they ran off which left me slightly suspicious. What the hell is stash face up to.

Before I could conclude anything, a tall marliean soldier approached us just as Levi said. "Commander Magath has called for his warriors" "Well alright then, off we go, Colt, watch the kiddos ok?" "Sure thing" the four of us left with the soldier. It was odd Zeke was there, Levi never said anything about him.

It made me wonder if he was a part of this plan as well. "Jeager you're wanted at the gate" "Alright, see you then" Zeke walked off and we began our trek again. On the way there Pieck saw the panzer unit and had to say hi. She had no idea what was coming and was still bubbly as ever.

When Pok went to retrieve her the tall marliean soldier spoke up. "When we arrive, don't enter the room got it?" "Got it" and like that we were all walking again. As we approached the room with the trap my heart began to beat faster and faster.

If they could read minds we would be so screwed right now. "(Y/n)? Are you ok? You look like our going to hurl" "I feel like I am" "Why?" "I don't know, I just do" "You'll be ok, the commander probably wants to see us for extra security" "Maybe"

"Well, who knows for now we have to meet with him to see what's up" "Yeah" when we finally reached the room and Pok and Pieck entered first. Before they could figure out it was a trap, the tall marliean cut the rope and they dropped.

I didn't hear anything after that fact, and when I peered over they were both unconscious. "Goodbye, thank you for keeping me sane these past four years" I dropped my armband in with them and followed the soldier out.

"It's time to go get you suited up Soldier in Red, seems the scouts need their trump card now more than ever" "Yes I see this, take me to the others, this ends tonight"

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