Chapter 51: Kyuseishu's Return

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Your P.O.V
I'm beginning to wonder how I got so lucky? Who would of thought Gabi's gun would misfire and strike me, now I don't have to think of ways to kill myself without bringing up suspicion. But now I also have to put on a grand act before and after dying, and I'm not the greatest at that once so ever.

Stating up at Pok, he had one hand against my cheek and the other pressed firmly against my torso. "You'll be ok, don't worry everything will be fine" I give him my best smile, before taking my hand, and resting it against his cheek. "Any words for Marcel?" "NO! Your not dying! Just hang in there! Zeke should be back soon!"

"Mr.Galliard is right (y/n)! You'll be ok, you'll get help" "Gabi, don't beat yourself up, no one knew that your gun would misfire" "No! Please stop talking like that! Mr.Galliard please make her/him/them stop!" He didn't, and that is what made Gabi finally break. She was a sweet girl, and clueless at best.

I knew the sweet release of death was almost upon me when my vision began to go in and out of focus. I guess Pok knew too because his hold on my wound had become greater. "Pok, please" "No, don't give up!" "Its fine, I had a good life up until now, even if I don't have my memories the one I made with all of you were more than enough"

"(Y/n) please! I..." that was the last thing I heard Pok say before his voice became distant. The light that appeared for the first time when I died was brighter than ever, that had to be good news. It seems the sweet release of death was just the same as it was before.

The Void

It was cold and dark just like (y/n) remembered. It meant she/he/they were in the inbetween state of life and death, (y/n) successfully made it to the void. When there is the void, there is Kyuseishu.

Kyuseishu: Ah, (y/n), it's been quite some time since we last spoke

(Y/n) was pulled from the darkness of the void, when Kyuseishu spoke up.

(Y/n): It has, it seems I've gone four years without my memories, my friends, the man I love and most of all you

Kyuseishu: I was watching over you the whole time, you were never alone (y/n)

(Y/n): I know, I had a lingering feeling that someone was looking out for me

Kyuseishu: You got lucky out there with the girls gun misfiring and all, I was wondering how you were going to make it back here undetected

(Y/n): The godess ymir was on my side today, unfortunately I have no way of contacting the others, I'm not even sure how Eren got ont he island

Kyuseishu: If Eren is on the island, don't you think the others might be here aswell!? Why would he only come? Something big is brewing and I suggest you try to find the others before it's to late

(Y/n): I know that! But now I have to play double agent! They are bound to figure me out sooner rather than later

Kyuseishu: Then seek your friends out quickly, there is something greater coming this way, you need to be with the scouts

(Y/n): I'll try my best, but I'm guessing this is something you can't tell me again?

Kyuseishu: No I can, but it's better if I you find out after you find your commrades, you don't have much time left here so go, go find them

(Y/n): I will, thank you Kyuseishu

A tiny smile found its way to Kyuseishu's face before he began to disappear from view. (Y/n)'s link was now reestablished, and her/his/their first buisness of order is talking to Eren about their friends.

Present time

"What do we tell (y/n) when she/he/they wake up?"  "Depends on her/his/their reaction, there is a possibility that dying may have brought back (y/n)'s memories, if that's the case we need to restrain her/him/them"

"Ok and if (y/n) gives the reaction you're looking for?" "Then we will explain, besides I have a feeling it will be the ladder due to the fact that Kyuseishu hasn't once tries to make a move in four years"

"Your right but we still have to be careful" They want a show huh? If that's the case...

Letting out a harsh cry as I sat up, I quickened my breath to make it seem like I was genuinely confused. "What the fuck!? What the fuck!? What the fuck!? I was dead, I died I saw the light and everything whats...what's going on"

Just like I thought, Pok grabbed my hands and made me look at him. "Hey hey hey, shhhh, calm down, everything is gonna be alright" yeah? Time to kick up the theatrics. "Ok!? Ok!? I just fucking died and came back to life! How is that fine!? How is it even possible?"

"A divine power, just as great as those of the nine titans" Peering behind Pok, I watched as Zeke crossed his arms. "It's called Kyuseishu's light" "Kyuseishu's light?" "Yep, we didn't tell you because we weren't sure if you inherited it from your ancestors or not"

"Inheritance? Ancestors!? War Chief What are you talking about!?" "Our history books speak of a great war hero named Kyuseishu, he was the savior against the titans and worked hard to save the kingdom of Marley, before he passed he made sure to inbed his soul into the path that connects all of us Eldians, hence why your power is called Kyuseishu's light"

"Oh" Gaslighting and fibbing huh? Good combination I suppose, if I didn't have my memories I would have believed him too. "We'll explain in greater detail once you get a check up, I'll go report this to the commander" Zeke left right after leaving Pok and I alone. Seems thinks we're about to get intresting

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