Chapter 35: Gratitude

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Your P.O.V
"Jean seriously, if you stop to look at your reflection one more time, I'm going to drop kick you!" "Calm down, I'm not checking myself out! I'm making sure we aren't being followed!" "Oh, cause I'm not doing a good enough job!?" "No!"

"Enough you two! Your drawing attention!" Out of the respect I had for Armin, I quit bickering with Jean for the time being. "Your lucky I like Armin you asshole!" "Asshole? Why are you being so damned mean to me lately!?" "What did I jus.." 

Jean covered Armin's mouth, waiting for an answer to his question. "Fine you wanna know so damn badly?" "Yes!" "ITS BECAUSE YOU ALMOST DIED YESTERDAY!" Jean was shocked by my initial statement but had no time to react due to the fact of people beginning to stare.

"Damn it you two, we need to get the hell out of here now" "Roger!" Following Armin's lead, we took off to the farthest wall from the group of people who had begun to form around us. Using our ODM, we scaled the same wall and descended into Wall Rose, making our way back to the others.

The trip wasn't long, but the silence was most definitely deafening. It made me sick to my stomach, but thankfully Jean finally spoke up. "Seems we're in a vicious cycle of yelling at one another over certain death huh, I didn't mean to upset you, I was just scared, I had never taken anyone life before" 

"I understand, taking another human life is never easy, but when it comes down to the grand scheme of things, its survival of the fittest you know" "Yeah, I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me, I'll do better" "Already forgiven, the fact that you were able to acknowledge your own weakness and work with it is enough"

Jean gives me a slight smile before we reached the others. Connie and Sasha were looking out all while Levi and Mikasa were looking at a map of the area. "So what do we got?" "It's not looking good Captain, Dimo Reeves was murdered and all the scouts were arrested!" 

"Erwin too huh" "Yeah, they are out looking for us right now" "Of course they are, it makes sense why the Mp's are lurking around in a place like this" "Speaking of, there are some right at the edge of the forest, they are bound to come in and..."

Sasha cut us off, alerting us she heard two sets of footsteps making their way over to us. "Shit! Break up, Armin you know what to do" "Sir!" Quietly, we all made our way to the stream where we hid in the trees. The two Mp soldiers appeared and held their guns up, ready to fire at Armin.

Thankfully Levi and Mikasa were quick on their feet and disarmed the MPs. When they turned around I recognized them instantly. "Wait don't hurt them!" Jumping down, I removed the hood that was once shrouding my face. "I know them! I met then when my contact in the Mp's introduced us!" "Tch, your lucky brats, I guess we can do this the Civil way"

"(Y/n)!? What the hell is going on!?" "Way too much, it's a shame you got dragged into this" "Dragged into it? We were doing our job!" "I know kiddo but this isn't a job you really wanna do" "She/he/they is/are right Hitch! The Mp's are in the wrong here! Why would the acouts kill someone they sacrificed so many to protect?" 

Marlo's sudden astuteness was rather shocking. Im unsure if anyone else could sense it, but he truly did mean what he said. "What are you talking about Marlo? They tore up Stohess and Annie is missing because of them! The scouts are cold blooded murders!" Turning my attention back to Hitch, I couldnt help but sigh.

The two of them were at odds, Marlo wanted to serve his branch right but he knew they were in the wrong, whereas Hitch is convinced we kill to kill. It truly was saddening. "Oi, brats, Annie was the titan that we just so happened to catch" "Huh?" "Wait, they didnt tell you?" "The continued look of shock spread acorss their faces answered my question.

"Well shit, seems the Mp's are only sharing information on a need to know basis, we gotta go and find Historia and Eren before it gets way out of hand" "Sir!" "Sasha take these two as far away as you can, we cant have them following us" "You cant kill them!" "Dont worry (y/n), Sasha is just gonna take them away from us, no killing Involved" 

"Wait captain! Let me join your cause! You know how I feel about the current situation!" "I like the spirit kid but as much as I would love to, I'm not sure how great your resolve is, so its gonna have to be no, Sasha" Sasha nodded and approached the two, ready to lead them away. Unfortunatley Jean stopped her, begging Levi to be the one to do it instead.

They made some sort of weird connection with their eyes. They had to be scheming there was no way they werent. I wanted to ask but what good would it be if I opened my mouth and ruined any plan they had of working. I'd be lying if I said I wasnt cocnerned about Jean's intentions, but I had to trust him.

When we parted ways, and I was sure we were out of ear reach, I looked to Levi. "What was that all about?" "Nothing, Lets just say your cousin has a plan, thats all" "Im guessing its one you wont tell me about?" "Nope, no can do, I need your mind focused here, not on something he is doing" "Fine, but if it doesnt work and he ends up hurt, Im kicking your ass" "Alright, if thatll ease your mind, be my guess"

Levi smiled at me with his eyes and continued to walk through the forest with the rest of the squad. It seems that he is relying on jean's plan to work. Lets see if my idiot cousin can pull this off. 

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