Chapter 45: The Fall Of The Titan Shifters

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Levi's P.O.V

"You must be so proud of yourself you damned monkey, as soon as I get an opening your mine" Switching out my pairing blades, I rushed the front line once again working with Klaus, Derk, Marlene, and the vets of their squads to take down the three-meter titans that were trying to break through our defense.

The recruits were still trying to desperately retreat to the entrance of Shiganshina District, there is enough coverage for them over there after all. "Levi, behind us!" Turning around, I watched as two of the titans rushed the recruits. "I've got it! You guys focus the attack up here!" 

Taking off, I reach the titans before they could do any real damage. "Captain Levi!" "Keep moving! I don't want any deaths here you got me!" "Sir!" Shit, who am I kidding? These brats are gonna start dropping like flies, we were better off leaving them up there.

I wonder how things are going on the other side, I've heard a few explosions so something has to be going well over there, hopefully. (y/n) you better keep your promise, those brats better be alive when I get back over there!

Your P.O.V

"Now! We need to send another volley!" Doing as Hange said, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Mikasa, Armin, Moblit, and I sent the next volley into Reiner's nape, causing him to rise from his titan. His head was completely blown off. "Holy shit! It worked! Take that you son of a bitch!" 

"Don't celebrate too early" "Huh" "He's still alive, I know it, Kyuseishu said titan shifters can send their consciousness throughout the entirety of their nervous system, his head may be missing but Reiner is still very much alive" Jean was taken back by my words. It seems he wasn't expecting something like that to even be a possibility.

"Then we need to use our last thunder spear and end him!" "Exactly! Everyone get ready! We end the armored titan hear and now!" Hange's squad, along with Mikasa and Myself got ready to send the finishing volley. We didn't realize there was a discrepancy till Jean began to shout. "Are you crying for him?" "It's Reiner, he was our comrade" "We can't just kill him, Jean!" 

"Of course we can! Now pick your asses up and stop crying!" "Jean, don't if they can't do it, then I don't blame them, we can..." my statement was cut short when a loud and vicious screaming pierced my ears. Reiner was calling out for Berthodlt, no doubt about it. 

"Shit! Everyone get back to Eren now! Berthodlt is coming" None of them questioned my judgment call, and we were retreating back to Eren. As we did a barrel came flying into Shiganshina and Berthodlt emerged from it. If it weren't for Reiner being in the state he was now then all of us would have died at that moment.

"We can consider ourselves lucky for the moment, but Berthodlt will transform" "We know that! How the hell do we counter it?" "We don't! We need to try and reason with Berthodlt, or at least get him to lower his guard so we can take him down while he is still himself" "Good thinking, Looks like your chance is coming"

I pointed into the direction in which Berthodlt was approaching. "Armin, Mikasa you take point, Jean, Connie, Sasha, you stay here with Eren and I got it?" "Got it!" As Armin and Mikasa went to reason with him, Hange spoke up. "I'm taking my squad to dispatch Reiner" "Alright be safe"

I didn't know what was to come of this, or even if we would be successful, so I hugged Hange and Moblit, just in case it would be the last time I'd be able to do so. "Don't die on me ok? Levi would be so royally pissed at you" "Yeah, I know, I'll stay alive, we all will, now! Everyone let's go!" 

I watched as Hange squad took off towards Reiner. Please Hange, Moblit, finish this and come back to us safely. Looking away, I refocused my attention on Mikasa, Armin, and Berthodlt. I could barely make out what they were saying from back here, but I knew things took a turn for the worse when Berthodlt approached Armin, his pairing blades directed at him.

"Shit, this is about to get ugly, I have to stop them" I wasn't able to reach due to Jean pulling my arm back. "Don't, Captain left you in charge, and we need you here with us, Armin and Mikasa are strong, they will make it back to us no matter what" "We don't know that for sure!" "Your right but..." 

Jean was interrupted this time, a loud explosion masked his words. The five of us watched as Berthodlt's titan took form, leaving nothing but complete and utter chaos in its wake. There's no way they survived that blast. They were all gone. That's what I thought anyway. 

Armin and Mikasa came back, landing on the building in front of us. "I'm sorry, we couldn't negotiate with him" "It's fine, your safe and alive, that's all that matters right now" "Where's Hange squad?" "They weren't so lucky, they got caught up in the blast, were the only ones left on this side" 

When those words left Armin's mouth I felt the sudden urge to throw up. Hange, Moblit, everyone on Hange squad was gone. Berthodlt killed them. "SON OF A BITCH!" "(y/n)! Don't shout! Berthodlt doesn't know we survived! This our one and only chance to take him by surprise!" "How can I not shout!? We just lost so many vets! The only Vet left on this side is me! What the hell are we supposed to do? Our thunder spears are near Reiner and we have no idea if they even survived the blast!" 

Jean took both hands and clasped them on either side of my face. Somehow it managed to calm me down. "Is my kick-ass cousin back with us now?" "Yeah, I'm sorry" "Don't be, as long as you're focused again, we can figure this out" "Yeah" Turning around I looked to Berthodlt. We only had so many chances, if he doesn't fall here, then we're screwed. 

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