Chapter 40: It's Not Your Fight

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Your P.O.V
"Hisu, can we talk?" "Sure what's up?" She pulled me to the side, letting everyone walk ahead of us. "Is this what you really want?" "Im not sure I understand what you mean" "Do you really want to become the queen?" "Oh, that" The small smile that was on her face disappeared, and she looked up at me.

"Is it something I truly want to do? Of course not, but if I can make any change to this cruel world by becoming queen then I'll do it, besides if I'm queen you guys won't ever have to worry about the scouts getting into trouble ever again" "Yeah I guess your right, I'm sorry"

Hisu's smile returned to her face and we caught back up with the others. "So? What's the plan?" "Right now everyone is to get some food, you have twenty minutes to do as you please" As those words left Levi's mouth everyone broke off, leaving him and I alone in the hall.

"Levi, do you want to go have a cup of tea with me?" "I thought you'd never ask" He took my hand in his and we walked to the messhall. Half way there, a sharp pain radiated through out my head. "Fuck" Letting go of Levi's hand, held my head. "Are you ok?" "Just give me a few moments" "Alright"

We stood outside for about five minutes before the pain started to fade. "That was odd" "You can say that again, are you sure you didn't hit your head on any of those under ground pillars?" "Im not so sure, Kenny and Caven were shooting at me non stop, i didn't even check myself over for any injuiries" "Then that's what we're going to do, come on"

Levi took my hand again and headed towards the infirmary. I feel bad because we were supposed to have tea. Come on stupid brain don't go flaking on me now! We still have to beat that titans ass!

This is not your fight


This is not your fight (y/n), back down or else

"What are you talking about? What's not my fight?"

Do not engage Rod Reiss's Titan

"Why not! Answer me damn it!" "(Y/n) what's happening?" "Kyuseishu, hes talking to me, telling me to stay out of tomorrow's fight" "What the hell? Why?" "Im not sure he won't talk to me now! Kyuseishu answer me!"

It's not your fight

"Why!? Stop being so damn cryptic and tell me!"

The girl, she is the one to stop him, not you

"What girl!?"

Historia Reiss, she is the one who will deliver the final blow, you are not to engage at all, your instincts would take you right to Reiss

"So I can't fight because of my instincts!? I understand how crucial it is for Historia to be the one to deal the final blow but I just can't sit on the sidelines I'm sorry"

It seems your mind is made up, I'm sorry in advance for this but you truly can't interfere.

I didn't understand what he meant at first until my head started to hurt again. This time the pain was almost unbearable. "Ahhhh! Levi it hurts please make it stop, make it stop!" Doubling over in pain, I clutched my head once more.

"Levi just do it, please, he won't stop until you do it" "Are you serious!? You want me to kill you again!?" "Yes, I know this is hard but he won't be satisfied till I'm down, so please, do it" Peering up at him, I smile. "I won't be dead forever, and I won't hold it against you, if I were to die I rather be by your hands" Levi bent down, making our eyes meet. "This is probably the worse time to do this but..."

My heart began to flutter when I realized what Levi was motioning for. Heat rose from my stomach, settling in my chest. Levi's lips were getting closer and my heart began to skip a beat. I shut my eyes and parted my lips, and his met mine moments after. The way his lips felt against mine, was like that of warm waves. The pain in my head was now far from mind.

The thing that brought me back to reality was the pairing blade being stabbed right through my heart. He managed to take my mind off the pain and I was grateful for that, I would have to let him know when I woke up again. My consciousness slipped instantaneously and I didn't mind. At least the pain was gone now.

The Void

Kyuseishu: I would of backed down if you would of admitted defeat, there was no need for you to die

(Y/n): I don't do pain well, and I rather not admit defeat to you, I'm still pissed off that I want able to fight with my commrades

Kyuseishu: I apologize but your instincts are something you can't ignore (y/n)

(Y/n): I know, but I'm still pissed

Kyuseishu: I understand, but I promise not to get in your wake again, it's just this one task that needed to be done by the girl with royal blood

(Y/n): She is the one who can save the people in the walls right? If that's the case I can let my anger go, Hisu is the kind of queen our land really needs

Kyuseishu: I can tell you with earnest that she is, that girl will make great strides. She doesn't hold the founder within her so her will, will not be affected by my old pal king Fritz himself

(Y/n): Thats good to know

(Y/n) found herself smiling, although she/he/they were/was dettered from helping the scouts defeat Rod Reiss, she/he/they found themselves feeling happy. Historia was going to be the next queen and help those inside of the walls.

She/he/they weren't sure how long she/he/they were in the void, but when the bright light finally showed up, she waved goodbye to Kyuseishu.

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