Chapter 5: The Reconission Mission (continued)

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Levi's P.O.V
I could tell that something was bothering her/him/them. Right in the middle of the titan-infested town was the time she/he/they decided to lose herself/himself/ themselves in her/his/their thoughts. It wasn't until one of the medium titans reached for her/him/them did she/he/they snapped out of the trance she/he/they were/was in.

"Watch out!" Upon shouting this she/he/they got herself/himself/themself moving, cutting straight through the nape in a single go. Watching as she/he/they did this reminded me of the time I spent underground, like her/him/them I was a natural when it came to the ODM gear. Zooming through the town causing trouble with Farlan and Isabel.

It made me wonder if she/he/they grew up down there as well, when she/he/they joined the scouts she/he/they didn't participate in the ceremony where the cadets got to choose their regiments. She/he/they told us she/he/they were/was always aiming for the scouts, she/he/they had a dream, she/he/they wanted to find this thing called the sea. It is a huge body of water that has a ton of salt in it that merchants could live on their sales for life.

She/he/they said she/he/they will do anything to make that dream come true, it made me wonder what kind of dream I had.....

Never mind that, I shouldn't worry about such trivial things now, she/he/they seem to be in her/his/their trance again, maybe a joke would help. Looking to (y/n), I spoke up capturing her/his/their attention. "How many did you kill?" "Huh just the..." she looked down, staring at the six titans I had taken down before noticing the medium titans reaching for her. "I don't understand! I didn't lose control!" "You sure?"

She/he/they gleamed at me with great concern in her/his/their eyes. "Only kidding those are the ones I took care of, lighten up (y/n)" "Jeez Captain, that wasn't funny!" "You're right I apologize, let's get going, were close to Erwins location and we shouldn't keep him waiting" "Alright, I'm right behind you"

Engaging my ODM gear once more, I flew through the air, swiftly maneuvering to the center of the town where Erwin was setting up a few canons with four eyes. Jeez, what are these idiots doing now?

Your P.O.V
Upon reaching the center of town both the captain and I watched as Erwin worked with Hange and Moblit on setting up the canons. "What the hell Erwin? Also, where are the members of my squad I assigned to assist you Hange?"

"Levi! Don't worry they met up with the others in the west part of town, there weren't many titans over on the east side so I let them go, Erwin said to see him when I had a chance" "So why canons Erwin? You gonna speak up or will I have to yank the truth out of you" "Don't worry Levi, these canons are set to take down any abnormals" "Abnorm..."

That's when it clicked. We were a group of people dead center in town. Abnormals go for groups of people for some weird reason but now I know why we were called here, we're going to be used as bait, great just fucking great. "No offense Erwin but is this full proof?" "No, but it's a gamble I'm willing to take"

There he goes again, talking about making gambles he isn't even sure will succeed half the damn time. I understand why Shadis gave him the position of commander, he does what no one else will. At this point, I'm still conflicted on whether I should punch him or downright congratulate him for being so damned smart.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! if this doesn't work we might need to deploy your ability" "Huh!?" Staring at Section Commander Hange I couldn't help but be at a loss for words. I knew something wasn't right, I should have known it was gonna come down to this. "Fine" "Fine!?" "You heard her/him/them, she/he/they made up her/his/their mind on what she/he/they wanted to do, so no more questioning four eyes" "Will do"

Jeez since when did I...

Without thinking I engaged my ODM gear and made my way to the nap of the fifteen-meter abnormal hovering above us all. "No! Stand down (y/n)!" "But!?" "Please, trust me" backing off, I landed in front of Levi and Hange, protecting them just in case Erwin's plan doesn't work.

"Everyone cover your ears, it's about to get loud and we would hate to ruin your hearing" doing as Erwin said I covered my ears and watched the magic happened. Moblit fires the canons and hits the titan's legs, to where it would fall on its side. When it was on the ground a few more shots were fired and the titan died, splattering titan blood on all five of us.

"Wahoo! Erwin that was exhilarating! Killing the titans whole, Grouped like this really came in handy!" "Thank you Hange now..." before Erwin could finish his statement one of the members of the garrison came rushing towards us. "Attention! Trost has fallen! I repeat Trost has fallen!"

"What!?" "The colossal titan appeared roughly a half-hour after the scouts departed! Please come quick we need your expertise! The 104th Cadet Corp is engaging with the titans as we speak!" Wait, no that means Eren, Mikasa, and Armin are all going to.....

Not being able to bear it anymore, I engaged my ODM gear, rushing back to my horse at the entrance to the town, I heard calls come from Hange, Levi, and Erwin but I didn't listen. They could punish me when they got back but I had to go. Not only was Trost my hometown but I swore that I wouldn't let those kids experience all the things I did.

"Please hang in there, just half an hour, I'll push the limits just please stay alive.  I know I am not much but I'm coming, Mikasa, Eren, Armin"

Kare no Senshi (Levi Ackerman x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя