Chapter 17: Memories

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Your P.O.V
1 month ago

"Oluo get back here! You're going to die for that!" Holding the knife I grabbed from the mess hall in my pursuit, I chased Oluo down to Levi's office. "Don't you dare go in there!" "It's the only way I can save myself from your savage ways!" "FACE ME COWARD!" as I went to strike Oluo I was stopped by a hand on my left shoulder. Turning my head slightly I saw that it was Eld, and behind him was Petra.

"It isn't worth it" "Yeah nothing Oluo does is ever worth taking his life" "Even if he is a gigantic dumbass" "I'm right here you know!" "Your point?" "Nothing, never mind, just let me leave" giving in I drop the knife and allow Oluo to walk off, putting a vast amount of distance between us.

"Jeez what got you so worked up anyway?" "Oluo was looking over my shoulder as I was writing again" "Jeez he really doesn't have anything better to do huh?" "No not really" "Well forget about that, we promised to Eren we teach him some of our combat moves! Maybe while in titan form he can use them against the enemy" "That'd be something huh?" "Wait I know!" Petra, who had only said a few words since Oluo finally decide to speak up.

"You can teach him your fake-out dropkick!" "What!? Really!?  It isn't anything special you know" "Special? Uh yeah, it is! You totally kicked Gunther and I's Asses with that technique" "I guess I could but would the enemy really ever fall for that? Shouldn't Eren be learning more defensive kind of fighting skills than offensive?"

"He needs to learn both actually, and yes the enemy totally would! You almost got the captain with that move to but he is just a different kind of fighter altogether" "Alright alright I get it, sign me up but if I wipe the floor with his ass I'm not responsible for patching him up"

"Don't worry we got you covered" sighing, I walked with Petra and Eld to the training sight, leaving the thoughts of Oluo's ignorance behind.

3 weeks ago
"What!? No! No way! He would freaking crush me! I'm sorry Hange but that's not happening!" "Come on! Erens titan form and your abilities would be a spectacle to watch!" "Not if he loses control and I end up dead because he squished me"

"It would be a fair fight! You could use the ODM gear and Levi and I would be on standby to help if something went wrong!" "Hange seriously no! I value my life! Eld, Petra, Gunther, Oluo a little help!" "I'm not sure I want to disagree, I'm actually intrigued now" "Gunther come on! That isn't fair!" "He has a point (y/n), that would be something to see" "I don't even know why I asked the two of you"

Looking to Eld and Petra with a pleading look, they finally spoke up. "As cool as it would be to watch them fight it out, (y/n) doesn't have control over Kyuseishu, if something went wrong Kyuseishu could really hurt Eren if he deemed him as a threat!" "Yeah Eld has a point section commander Hange! Plus how do we even know Kyuseishu would emerge?"

"It doesn't matter if he does or not! In the end (y/n) has the will power all by herself/himself/themselves!" Not wanting to continue the conversation I caved in. "Fine you win I'll do it, but if Eren doesn't consent then I won't do it" "Oh he will! I'm so excited I can't wait to go tell Levi and Erwin!"

When Hange ran off I turned around and glared at the four of them. "What happened to having my back?" They all kind of blushed a bit and stood there. Jeez, what am I getting myself into?

2 weeks ago
"Jean!" Waving him over, he ends up walking over to me with Armin and Reiner at his side. "Hey, Armin, Reiner" "(y/n) what's up?" "I wanted to introduce Jean to some of my friends in the Levi squad" "The special operations squad? Really?" "Yeah I know you know of them but once you meet them in person you'll see that they are totally different!"

"Alright I trust you" "You can come as well if you both want too" "No that's ok, we were heading off to meet up with Mikasa, Eren and Bertholdt anyways" "Alright! See you guys later!" Waving them off I walked to the barracks where were Eld and Petra were waiting.

"Jeez about time! What took you so long!?" "Finding Jean took more time than I thought, I didn't realize that he would be halfway across the damn headquarters" "Where did you find him?" "In the courtyard with a few of his friends" "Ahh a little pow-wow huh?" "Jeez it wasn't like that, I guess you were right (y/n), they are totally different"

"What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing don't worry about it" "No tell us!" "You're not gonna like what I have to say!" "Just tell us!" "Alright if you insist, my wonderful cousin here told me that you would be different from your reputations and she/he/they was/were right. Your both total idiots" "Why you little!" Holding Eld back I couldn't help but to chuckle slightly.

Jeez, even when he isn't around the kids from the 104th he manages to get himself in trouble. I guess things don't change at all. When I heard a laugh coming from Petra I was kind of shocked I thought she would be upset too but I guess she wasn't. "Jean your a real catch, I'm glad we got to meet you"

Jean was shocked but in the end, he smiled, a sight I thought would never see again.

1 week ago
"I'm worried" "Why?" "I have a feeling something bad isn't going to come of this next mission" "Is It because of Eren?" "Yeah, I can't help but to shake this feeling that after the next mission our lives won't be the same"

Peering at the four of them, I pulled them into a hug. "What the?" "Are you ok?" "Is something wrong?" "Do you not feel well?" "Nothings wrong, I just love all of you that's all" "Even me?" Peering up at Oluo I smiled. "Yes even you" we all shared a quick laugh and they returned the embrace. It was that moment that I wished we could have stayed like that forever.

Present time
"GUYS!" regaining consciousness I found myself face to face with Levi, Erwin, and Hange. On the floor next to me Eren was leaned against the wall, his head buried in his knees. "Whats...What's going on?"

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