Chapter 19: The Assault on Stohess

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Your P.O.V
"Jean for the fifth time I'm sure I'm fine, there was no way in hell that I was going to go run away with Armin, Eren and Mikasa just in case the plan went south, plus it's more believable if I'm in here with you" "I guess but we could have had one of the others take your spot as a body double"

"Like I said I don't need it, and I rather be here to protect you when shit starts to hit the fan" "You don't need to protect me (y/n), I took on Annie with Reiner and Armin before" "I know that ok! I just can't lose you, your all I have left!"

Jeans P.O.V
After she/he/they yelled at me we rode in silence until we came to a complete stop for one of the first checkpoints. The Mp's took a peek inside to see if we were behaving and then shut us back up, allowing the carts to move.

She/he/they haven't been this quiet since we were kids. (Y/n) was never one to wear her/his/their emotions on her/his/their sleeve but when it's special occasions like this she/he/they can't help it. "(Y/n) listen I didn't mean to.." "It's fine Jean, I'm sorry for taking it out on you, it was hard, losing the people who had grown to love me for me in such a short time, I can't help but feel all alone"

"That isn't true! Like you said you have me! Plus Sasha and Connie adore you! Reiner and Berthodlt hold you in high regards and you have respect from Ymir and Christa, you already know where Eren, Mikasa, and Armin stand" "Yeah I guess your right" she/he/they smiled, changing her/his/their mood instantly. "When all of this is done we should ask if we can go home, I'm sure my parents would love to see you're alive and doing ok"

"Are you sure? Your mom might kill me for not coming to see you guys" "I'm sure she will get over it like I sai..." I was cut off mid-sentence when the sky cracked and the concrete shook, that could only mean one thing, Annie has revealed her true colors.

Your P.O.V
After the ground shook the carriages came to a halt and Jean and I listened as Erwin and Levi spoke with Nile, getting into an argument over what should happen. Not wanting to wait around anymore Jean and I sprung into action.

"Jeager! (L/n)! Who the hell said you could move!?" "The damn wig that's what!" Jean ran off but of course, I was stuck. "Listen here you sons of bitches! If you want Stohess to survive this damn Assault then you better let me go!" A few of the officers whispered while one had the audacity to direct his gun at me.

Well looks like I have no choice. Springing into action I ran towards the officer pointing his gun at me and kicked it out of his hands before he even had enough time to react. This caused panic for a few of the officers to his left so I took the opening and pushed through their defense, running to the nearest squad.

It just happened to be Hanges, they were setting up the canons we used in the forest to trap Annie. "Section Commander Hange! I came as fast as I can! Do you have the spare ODM?" "I figured it would be you coming my way" they looked to Moblit and within seconds I had gotten my gear and put it on. "I love to stay and chat but I have to get to the underground checkpoint"

"It might be decimated by now" "I'm aware but if I can help anyone before taking that damn bitch down it's worth a shot!" "Your free to do as you please just come back in one peace ok?" Nodding I engaged the ODM and soared through the town, blowing through my gas faster than I normally would. When I reached my destination, Jean and Armin were screaming at Eren to get up.

Damn, did Annie really get him? "Hey what the hell is happening?" "Eren can't transform we think he is having some sort of mental block, Jean and I have yelled at him multiple times" "Damn it, you two try and stop Annie I'll get his sorry ass moving I promise" "Be careful" "Same to you" I watched as both Armin and Jean disappeared from view leaving Eren and I alone.

"Eren you got to get up, I know you don't want to believe it's Annie but you've seen for yourself, she didn't have any consolation for our comrades life why should you care now! So please get up we need you!" Desperately trying to free Eren I found myself thinking back to last night's events.

12 hours ago
"Good now that we're all present and focused let's talk, It seems we have discovered the identity of the Female Titan" Perking up, I began to listen intently to what Erwin had to say.

"Armin here helped us realize who the female titan was, its someone you trained within the 104th" "You don't mean" "Unfortunately its true, Annie Leonhart is the female titan" I could tell this was too much for Eren by the way he was gleaming at everyone with those green eyes of his.

"Come on guys that's crazy! Theirs no way Annie could be the female titan!" "Eren I know you're in denial but think back, did anything seem familiar?" It didn't take a genius to tell that Mikasa struck a chord inside of him. He knew that they were right, especially since his face started to grow pale.

"Rest assured our goal is to take her alive not dead, you all have until dawn to prepare so do what you must" "Got it" and like that the meeting ended and everyone disbanded going on about their business.

Present Time
Damn, why was I thinking about that now? Is there something that's supposed to help us that I missed? What significance did it hold besides Eren gain.... that's when it hit me, this is supposed to make Eren mad so he could assume titan form, if that was the case then...

Before I could even get another word out Eren broke free and began to run away, chasing Annie down. Hopefully, he could stop her once and for all.

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