Chapter 41: The Two Month Gap

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Week 1 - Your P.O.V
"Why didn't you save us?" "You let us all down, you're weak, you were supposed to be the one we relied on" "What a shame" Starring at my bloody commrades, each one dropped to the ground. I wanted to scream, to move, to reach out but I couldn't.

Levi was the last standing, and he had a pairing blade sticking out of his chest. "You did this to me, I hate you (y/n)" Then he dropped aswell.

"LEVI!!!!!!!" Coming to, my breathing was unstable and it was pitch blackoutside. "(Y/n)!? What's wrong!?" Looking to the left of me, Levi was now sitting up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Shit, I'm sorry, you barley get enough sleep as is, I'm sorry" "Dont worry about it, wanna tell me what's wrong?"

Looking at him, I erupted into a fit if tears and laid my head against his chest. "I had that same stupid nightmare again!" "(Y/n), no one blames you for that, if anything were all pissed off at Kyuseishu not you, your help would of been nice but we managed in the end" "I know but what if you guys dies, what if Hisu didn't kill her father!?"

"Listen Love, I can't take away your doubts but I can tell you now that I wouldn't of let it happen. As long as I'm alive I'll try my best to keep our commrades safe" He laid me back down and pulled me close. "So try to clear those morbid thoughts from your head ok?" "Ok" He kissed the top of my head before settling back in himself.

Week 2- Levi's P.O.V
"God, Eren, Jean please stop fighting!" "Why so this suicidial maniac can win I don't think so!" "Your not gonna win either horse face!" Peering past Hange, I watched as the brats began to push and shove one another. "Hange how many more minutes do you need before we can start? Eren and Jean are starting to fight and it's getting on my nerves"

"Just two more, Moblit is almost done loading the executioner so we should be set too..." Hange stopped mid sentence when they happened to look past me. I trudged I turned around seconds later and watched as an ODM gearless (y/n) was sent flying off the outlier of trost by Jean and Eren. "(Y/n)!"

Wasting no time, I jumped off the wall. By the time I got to (y/n), she/he/they had been grabbed by a titan. "Aghhhh!" Her/his/their scream was loud. "(Y/n) I'm sorry in advance!" "Dont be! Just get me away from this thing!" With (y/n)'s ok, I took the titan down in one fell swoop, freeing her/him/them from the lifeless titan.

"Are you hurt!?" "Yeah, that thing totally cracked my ribs, and I can barely breathe without faith feeling like pins and needles" "Well get you the help you need, don't worry" "Kill me" "What!? Are you out of your mind!?" "No, kill me, when I come back to life all my injuires will be healed, and I won't have to be out of commission for a few weeks"

"Im beginning to think I'm more of your executioner than your significant other" "As if you dork, just do it so I can come back and kick those dumbasses ass" "Alright" "I love you, (y/n)" "I love you too Levi" and with that I stabbed my pairing blade straight through (y/n)'s heart once more.

Week 3- Your P.O.V
"The extension of your kick is too low, you need to raise it up a bit" I watched as the kiddos worked on their combat training kills. There's a good chance we might have to engage in hand to hand combat when we go to retake wall maria, we had to be ready for anything.

"Hey! Armin! That was actually really good! Do it one more time!" "Yeah!? Ok!" Armin extended his leg again, and repeated the same kick he previously performed. This time he knocked the head off the training dummy. "Holy shit! You did it! Congrats!" "Thank you! Eren and Mikasa have been helping me!" "Well you have some good teachers, your free to take ten minutes to go do what you need"

"Alright!" I watched as Armin went and sat with the others. They were joking and having fun. It was only a few days ago that I taught them my special skill. To think they mastered it so quick. I know what it's like to be a proud parent now.

Week 4- Third Person P.O.V
It has officially been a month since they took down Rod Reiss's Titan and learned that there was no a chance of them plugging up Wall Maria. Each memember of the survery Corp worked diligently and have come up with many new items, strategies and strengths.

They had quite the way to go, but they were on to something. The thing they didn't know was that just out of their reach the enemy was sitting and plotting, waiting for them to return to where it all started. When they did return the survey corp were in for a big surprise. They had four titans to face, and it wasn't going to be easy, especially since one had the power of a million beast on there side. 

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