Chapter 48: The Warrior In Red

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Journal Entry #1

War Chief Zeke told me keeping a journal would be good for me since I'm mostly a blank slate. The war that had been going on for the past four years finally came to an end the other day. Gabi Braun, bless her and her reckless spirit, single handily took down the armored train. She put all of us Warriors to shame.

When we return home in a few days, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to throw her a party. When we do return home I'll be staying with Porco Galliard. He and I have become rather close over the past four years, he mostly hated me at first but eventually lightened up.

I guess when I hit my head hard toward the end of the war he was the one to nurse me back to health. Since then he has been by my side, if I were anyone else I would find it annoying but I find comfort in his presence. He reminds me of someone, but I can't pinpoint who, thanks to my scrambled brain and all.

I hadn't regained a single memory these past four years, that's what they call me a blank slate. I get migraines but I think that's mostly due to my recent concussion and all

"Hey (y/n)" Closing my Journal, I looked up to see Porco in the doorway, holding up two sandwiches. "What!? You didn't! I could kiss you!" Rising from my seat, I take the sandwich he held out, taking a bite into it. "This is exactly what I've been wanting, I could really kiss you right now Pok" "As much as that sounds tempting, you have a mouth full of food and that isn't all that attractive" 

He walks past me and takes the seat I was previously occupying. "The idiot still hasn't woken up yet?" "No, he hasn't, Zeke said he could be like that for a while" "Figures, seems he was always the self-sacrificing type, especially on Paradis" "You think so?" "I know so, I saw those women's memories" "Oh, I guess your right, what was I like?" "A charming little thing, you knew how to squeeze information out of people, it was hot"

"You think I'm charming?" "Most definitely" Pok turned around in his seat and sent a wink my way. "I would totally be up to that kiss since your mouth isn't full of food anymore" "Oh you would huh? Too bad I still have three-quarters of my sandwich left" "How cold, you wound me so" Pok pretended to be hurt, clutching at his heart.

He was kind of cute, if I were 100% sure that I didn't have someone looking for me I would totally nab him. I'm only unsure because when we flirt my heart sinks and I feel like I'm hurting someone. So I never act on my impulses and neither does Pok, he is quite the gentlemen. "Oh before I forget" "Huh?" "You should hear what the war chief and everyone else has been calling you"

"Oh!? Is it cool!? Or is it mean?" "Definitely cool, due to your kick-ass skills in the field you've been rewarded the title of Warrior in Red" "Ooo! I like the sound of that!" "Yeah when you mercilessly kill your targets and get blood stained on you, a name like that is quick to form" "I don't even mind! It seems cool! Warrior in Red huh!? I could get used to that!"

Pok placed his hand on my head, ruffling my hair. His lips were moving but for some reason, I couldn't make out what he was saying. I finally understood why when my head began to spin and my vision was quickly filled with black and white dots. What the hell is happening, why now!?

The last thing I was able to make out before losing consciousness was a hand reaching out to me.


"Mikasa is Right Eren, that's the infamous Soldier in Red! She/he/they were/was the one who destroyed 50% of the titans that flooded into Shiganshina that day" "No way! Are you sure it's really her/him/them Armin!?" "Yes! It looks like she/he/them even made her/his/their way into Levi's squad!" "Told you Eren, she/he/they are/is kick-ass"


"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?" Opening my eyes, I was greeted by Pok. Behind him were Commander Magath, War Chief Zeke, and Lord Tybur. Why the hell were the three of them here!? Together of all things!? "Oh no, did I do something wrong!?"

"Haha, no no, nothing of the sort, Porco came and got us when he said you passed out." "Yeah everything got all fuzzy and weird" "Did you have any memories come back to you?" Shit, they were fishing, how do I tell them I remember something about being A soldier in red?

I could always lie and act like I didn't but who just passes out for no reason? Well looks like the good ole truth will have to do for now. Looking up at the three of them I nod. "I was traveling through one of the towns in Paradis and a group of teenage kids pointed at me and called me the soldier in red"

"Ahh, you remember some of your time on Paradis, it's a shame they beat us to the punch on the naming scheme!" Lord Tybur and Commander Magath looked at Zeke like he lost his mind. But they quickly got over it. Lord Tybur, one of the most humblest men alive, bent down and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"If you remember anything else please do come to any of us, the more information we have the better we can piece together all of your memories ok?" "Yeah, thanks, I promise I will" He took his stance and smiled at me before leaving with Commander Magath. Zeke followed after them leaving Pok and me alone once more.

"Well it seems you got your work cut out for you" "Yeah, but same for you, it seems your touch has some sort of effect" "Normally I would have made a comment but this time you seem to be right" "Exactly, now do it again!"

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