Chapter 63: Waiting Game

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Your P.O.V

Three Hours Before The Plan

"Pieck, I know I can be a bit dense and a space cadet at times but, where's Porco and Colt? He'll where's Reiner?" "(Y/n)" "I can handle this Pieck" Commander Magath placed his hand on her shoulder as she looked away from me.

"Galliard and Grice both perished during the fight, they were both fine soldier's" "No, you can't be serious! Colt was a warrior candidate! The most skilled! And Porco was a warrior! There's no way they were killed!"

"(Y/n), they died honorably, Porco saved Falco from being a mindless titan and Colt died because he believed his brother was going to aswell" As Pieck (who spoke up before Commander Magath could continue) looked at me, I felt my heart shatter.

This wasn't supposed to happen, they were supposed to live, they were supposed to be apart of this Alliance. "(Y/n)" "I know, I can't let my emotions get the best of me, I won't cry, I can't, not yet" Hange placed their hand on my shoulder and tried to console me.

It helped a little but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Porco died a hero, and Colt died noblely. I won't let their sacrifices go to waste, not now, not ever.

2 Hours Before The Plan

"Hey" Looking behind me, Levi was concious again, this time he managed to sit up by himself. "Hey, yourself" I got up and went to sit by him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Are you alright? Your face, it's dripping regret"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be the sacred protector yet all I've managed to do in the past four years is help reconquer land that might be destroyed anyways" "You can't beat yourself up like that, no one knew what Eren was planning" "I know, I wish I did, because I would have stopped him, or tried at least" 

"Like I said, no one knew and it isn't your fault, we just have to take each moment as it comes, this isn't just a fight for Paradis anymore, it's a fight for the world" "An unfortunate task that happened to land upon our shoulders"

Levi looked down at me with his good eye and tried to smile, wincing in pain a few moments later. "As much as I love the fact that you're trying to cheer me up, you really should be careful alright?" "Ha, yeah, I guess I'm not like I used to be"

"Im sure when it comes down to it, you'll kick some ass" "Maybe" "Not maybe, I know you will, so get more sleep ok?" "Alright" Lifting my head off his shoulder, I helped him lay back down, covering him back up. "Sleep well Love, hopefully when you awake again the kiddos will be here"

An Hour Before The Plan



"This war, this struggle, is it similar to how it was all that time ago?"

In a way yes, the power of the titans and who should control them was the main objective, I only managed to convince Fritz before he perished

"Seems like war is always going to be a contributing factor, is there anything I can do?"

There is, you could use Kyuseishu's light

"Kyuseishu's light?"

The light that can dispell titan shifters

"If that was a thing why the hell couldn't I use it before!?"

It's not as easy as it seems, the light can only be used once, that's why I didn't tell you

"I have a feeling there's more"

There is, but once I mention it, you might change your mind


Looking around I realized I screamed that last part because I had Hange, Pieck and Commander Magath looking at me oddly. "Sorry, talking to Kyuseishu" "What the hell did he say that could have gotten you so worked up?" "Nothing! Don't worry about it!"

I wave my hands to dismiss the notion, focusing back on the connection between Kyuseishu and I.

"So, what is it? Tell me"

Once you use my light, I fade away

"What do you mean fade away?"

My light is the last bit of my power, every person before you has chosen not to use it because it meant I would finally move on

"Which meant they would keep your powers till death and you'd stay attached with them, that isn't a way to live, I'll use it and set you free, deep down I feel as if this war is the final battle in a way, after that what's the use of keeping you bound to me? I'll set you free I swear on it"

Kyuseishu didn't say more to me after that. I wasn't sure if he was expecting something else but the radio silence was kind of odd in a way. It felt as if he wanted to let go but didn't want to say goodbye. When the time comes I'll end the cycle and he will finally be free.

The Plan

"Kiddos! This way let's go!" Once I was sure the coast was clear, we all hopped into the carriage and made our way back to Pieck and the others. It was odd to have all of them here, especially Reiner and Annie, but in a way it felt normal.

"Gabi, Falco, I'm glad your alive and kicking, Annie and Reiner I'm glad we'll be working on the same side as for you three" Looking between Mikasa, Armin and Connie I couldn't help but to shake my head.

"Im glad your alive, I've missed you" They gave me half-smiles before looking away with serious looks on their faces. I wasn't sure what the hell happened in the past twenty four hours but it was only bound to get worse.

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