Closing the diary, Jeongguk decided to walk around. It's been his daily routine nowadays. He locked 221 and made up a believable lie to tell the neighbors if someone asks him what he was doing in there.

The stars are under the clouds. It's September. The monsoon left Itaewon days before. And Jeongguk missed the thunderstorms. The surrounding was cool. He rubbed the tattoos on his arms which were hidden from the world in the daylight.

Just like Itaewon, Jeongguk and his true self feels freedom only at night. It's illegal to have a tattoo as a police officer. But Jeongguk has a thing towards arts and tattoos. Well, you know how much whipped Jeongguk is when it comes to illegal things.

He has eyebrow piercing, long, dark, and meaningful tattoos from his fingers to shoulders, metal earrings, a well-built body, and an attitude of not afraid of anyone. If he isn't a police officer, people will call him a gangster.

It's all free when he walks under the street lights of the city. That's why Jeongguk became a fan of this. The freedom starry night offers is insane.

Jeongguk was reminiscing about what he read. How Taehyung liked hobi hyung's company. He can feel the connection while reading it. The officer halted in front of an ice cream shop and ordered a strawberry cone for himself.

He walked through the footpath thinking about random things and ice cream in his hands. He was excited to say about all of those things that he read to Yeonjun and Soobin.

'Hmm...Tae and Hoseok.'

Jeongguk exclaimed and walked back to 221 after finishing his ice cream. He somewhere felt that. Taehyung will definitely feel something towards the one who treats him right. Since Jimin is his soulmate, like bestestestet whatever, Jeongguk was waiting for this moment.

Avoiding a pang in his chest, he looked at the sky covered with dark clouds. Moon hiding behind it and stars are nowhere. Jeongguk walked to the apartment.

As he entered, he switched on the lights.

He uttered. It was a blackout. Jeongguk cursed under his breath as he hit on the table in the dark. His chest heaving up and down, eyes searching for light. The officer switched on the mobile flashlight and walked to the kitchen.

He searched for a candle and finally, got it inside one of the drawers and lit it up. The small yellow light spreading around. Jeongguk sighed in relief.

He walked to the bedroom with the candle in his hand. It was a little hot in there. So placing the candle safely on the table, he opened the windows slightly letting the cool breeze enter inside.

The purple curtains moving and Jeongguk didn't want to lose the small yellow light. He blocked the wind towards the candle with his hand and opened the diary. Yeah, weird obsession.

Carefully, Jeongguk flipped the pages where he stopped last. Protecting the light from the strong wind and tracing the lines with his eyes, Jeongguk read it. Once and forever.

The candle was extinguished. The powerful wind took the last light of that night. The pages flipped and the vintage lavender spreading around the room. Jeongguk's eyes, heart, and whole body were shivering. He was covered with the darkness inside and outside.

The chilly breeze and the strong thunder made him flinch. Jeongguk's eyes filled with tears. His lips twitched to speak. His heart stuttering while beating.

Jeongguk wanted to scream, he wanted to scold Taehyung for leaving him tongue-tied, for making him weak, for breaking his imaginations- like always. It was not Taehyung's mistake. Neither his nor the universe.

Jeongguk doesn't want any light. He was afraid of brightness now. The wind became colder and the thunder became stronger. It was raining outside. Maybe the last rain of this monsoon. Strong and merciless.

Like the raindrops touched the soil, Jeongguk touched his diary. Thoughts running inside his head. He hates everything right now. He hates how Taehyung let him down. How Taehyung pinched his thoughts hard.

Back to reality, Jeongguk switched on the flashlight of his phone and turned the page again, where he stopped reading, where his heart skipped a beat.


Dear universe,
In the era of expensive surprise gifts, dark chocolates, red roses, beautiful snow globes, and even miracles,

I have just one wish to make; only one



Okay, when was the last time I cliffhang-ed you? 🤭😉

See ya...


Twilight of Itaewon | Taekook ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ