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Your eyes met the ones of Loki. "When do we start?" you both said in unison. The first thing Mobius did was getting you new clothes suitable for working at the TVA. You chuckled a bit when Loki tried to hit Mrs. Minutes while reading a magazine that was laying around on Mobius desk. You two spend a lot of time watching some videos on how a variant can be dangerous for the time line. You don't know how often you groaned on annoyance or how often Loki did. You turned the videos off and yawned leaning on Loki who was still reading the magazine.

Your little slumber was interrupted by Mobius telling the two of you that there were more minutemen missing. Mobius explained to you that you were going to search for any clues on where the variant went or what they might be planning. As you entered the branch the variant created you walked down a medieval festival. You all were kinda out of place wearing your suits but the other agents who were wearing their armor were even more out of place. You walked into a big tent and your eyes immediately met corpses on the ground. You slowly walked around the corpses looking at their wounds.
"There is no doubt that this was Loki... The stab wounds are identical to the ones I know. He lured them in a trap and....", you stopped when you saw a helmet on the ground yet there wasn't another body that could have belonged to that.

"What's wrong Y/N?", Mobius asked and approached you. "Did it ever happen that the variant took someone hostage?", you asked and looked at him but he shook his head. "Okay... Reset the time line and we go again.", he said and wanted to walk out of the tend. "If you walk out of this tent you will end up like them.", Loki said and kneeled down next to you. "What?", Mobius said and stopped walking and turned around. "I see a pattern here that I see myself in.", he said and went on explaining while you listened and before he could end his explanation you groaned.
"He's lying... There is no one out there.", you hit him on the back of his head and walked out of the tent.

Back in the TVA Loki needed to go through some files while Mobius took you to the cafeteria to get some food. While you were sitting there eating your salad Loki rushed in saying that he found something and demonstrated how the variant would hide in apocalypses like ragnarok using your salad. "Well that sounds great but I wanted to eat that darling....", you sighed and grabbed a chocolate bar from the table and opened it. "Uh yeah... Sorry but I was too excited to tell you about it.", he grinned at you while looking how you ate the chocolate bar. He grinned at you like he had something in his mind that he would like to say but can't. You raised your eyebrows and he nodded letting you enter his mind to read it.

" I love you darling... Sorry for what I did earlier and what I did to your salad.", he said and you almost began to laugh. Did he actually apologize because he watered your salad? "No need to apologize. I love you too.", you chuckled and left his head before he could say something else.
"So if that variant actually hides in apocalypses or disasters and actually won't affect the time line because whatever is going to happen anyways is blocking that a branch gets created then.... This might be it!", you yelled and stood up pulling Mobius and Loki with you. "But there are a ton of apocalypses and disasters in history... We can't know which one it is!", Mobius said and yanked his hand free. "We just have to narrow it down!", you said in hopes that he would approve of Lokis idea. "And how are we supposed to do that?!", he asked and looked at Loki.

"Do you remember what you called me before Y/N got me out of here? A scared little boy.", Loki said and crossed his arms. You looked at Mobius and just rolled your eyes. "But I know something that a child wouldn't know.", Loki continued. "I know that a bad person isn't really a bad person and a good person isn't really a good person.", he ended his explanation and looked at you referring to himself who managed to change because of you. Mobius looked like he had an idea and dragged both of you to a shelf where some kind of candy was stored. Now you needed to search for a a catastrophic event that happened when those candies were produced.

You weren't even searching for a minute until Loki found it. It was a hurricane in Alabama in the future. You waited with Loki in front of an office until Mobius came out and told you that the mission was accepted.

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