9. Strawberries & Scribbles

Start from the beginning

Said Namjoon. A sudden answer on my lips was a no(or I wanted to say a no). Jimin and Hobi hyung insisted on me as I said no.

"I'm not interested in these things guys, you go."

I told them. Oh, only if you know. Jiminie stared at me and I looked away. Silence. when I thought the case closed, he asked.

"Why I'm feeling like- you're 'acting' like an introvert? why?"

That little mochi.

Anyways, Clear question. Clear answer.

" I'M an introvert "

I told them. First suspicious look from Joon, then Jimin, and followed by others. Nice.

"You're acting like an introvert, but you're not."

Jimin, leave it. Please, soulmate.

I mean- what? Why? I'm an introvert. what's the need to act?.

I kept my mum inside and sat down silently. The same topic came after the lunch break. But I was not involved in it. Maybe they don't need my views. So I concentrated on my Jajjangmyeon.

After lunch, as we were sitting on our same place- steps of the basketball court, Joon walked to us, icecreams in his hand. Everyone got a vanilla-flavored cone top and I got strawberry. Yaay!

"Why strawberry for him?"- asked Jin hyung. I was turned to pale yellow. You don't know how much I love strawberries. Once there was th--- okay, back to the topic.

"Because introverts are special"

said not Joon, but Hobi hyung. I smiled in awkwardness. Hearing that I'm an introvert from them makes me giddy, a negative kind of giddy. Joon hit on hobi hyung's head and said.

"No. Because vanilla flavor was over in the ice cream parlor."

Everyone laughed at that, me too. Namjoon hyung is not like that. I mean- like - like that. Okay, never mind.

Don't know about their plans, but spending little moments like this with them was not so difficult for me. I felt happy about those ice cream breaks.

We walked to the hostel in the evening. I wanted to tell them that I'm new to this type of thing. Heavens, I'm new to friendship.

I wanted to confess my insecurities to them. But something stopped me.

Both I and Jimin was silent. As we reached here, at the dorm, I thought to say, that I'm different and can't handle these...but... Yeah...but...

I called Dad, talked to Taeyeon also. For your information, I don't talk about my friendship matters to them. And I don't make any situation for them to ask about it.

For them, the name I take the most is my best friend - worst thought.

I'm not so older to them to make bad choices, but the truth is - I got a Ph.D. in it.


Jeongguk paused to recall what Seojoon said that day. True, he doesn't talk a lot; even about his friends, about anything. Jeongguk dedicated a blank smile for whatever he read; for not breaking his belief.


The thought of them, they will plan everything without me, they will share stories without my knowledge, they will have fun without me, made me not sad but empty inside.

Why do I do this? Why I choose silence over their laugh? why I choose books over their talks? Why I choose solitude over their company?

Am I the same one who was very happy that day when I made friends with them? Then why I'm keeping the distance now?

It's true- I'm an introvert. But it's friendship. Then why..?? why I can't be happy like them in those topics they share? why I can't find fun in those things they do? why I can't be normal and easy like them?

are... are introverts that boring??



His dairy doesn't have dates. It was not in up-to-date order. Random thoughts of his capture in the blank pages.

Emotions smelled like a dream, truth seemed like a myth. The shades of black ink of him from pages to pages lead Jeongguk to wonderland.

Reading it was now like sleeping in 221- happiness at the next level. Jeongguk is not a deep reader. He reads occasionally. But this is the only book he was reading without checking the cover, climax, reviews, or theme.

In this case, he was helpless, tied his hands, mind, heart, eyes from reading the climax first. He wanted to replace Kim Taehyung with just Tae. Like he said.

For that, he has to listen, explore understand with patience. It's Kim Taehyung we're talking about. He deserves the universe. Then why not a little patience?

I'm plotting something...

But you guys tell me about the chapter...
I hope you liked it...

Stay safe and take care...


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