Chapter 1

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For many years in the history of mankind, only a few chosen ones stood out from the rest of the population. Gaining powers through unusual mutations or strange little creatures. Those who were lucky enough remained hidden.

But since the famous Coronavirus pandemic that began in 2020, these curious demarcations have multiplied, more and more in the years that followed. So much so that by 2117 at least half of the population was endowed with supernatural powers. While some took the opportunity to become superheroes, others were misusing their gift. Heroes and villains had become common.

In an effort to better control this brand new humanity, governments agreed. Several schools were born. Schools that taught young people with powers to use them. Between 2031 and 2035, it was quickly noticed that, despite an apprenticeship focused on the protection of the population and the brand new profession of heroes, a good number of students were undeniably turning to crime.

In order to better manage these young rebels, and to keep an eye on them, it was decided that schools for "supervillains" would be created.Each country began to create its own high schools, but the most famous were in Japan, in Kiyomaki. This peaceful little town between Shingo and Lake Towada had seen the rise of the first specialized schools.

There was Saurity, the superhero school that only accepted students with a gift. The entrance exam required showing the power in front of a jury made up of professors.

Darkeas, the supervillain school was less demanding. Powers and mutations were of course in high demand, but a particularly intelligent student capable of crafting a lethal weapon with a few trinkets was an equally deserving candidate.

Finally, Aitori, the school for magical girls, only accepted students without any particularities. Some saw the so-called "magical girls" as another type of superhero, but the majority were far from agreeing. They were ordinary young girls, without any power, who were given one by a small talking animal, called a Guardian, whose provenance no one knew. They had existed for a long time, in secret, but with the arrival of the heroes, the Guardians had seen fit to no longer hide.

These three schools shared the same building. It was built in a block, forming a circle around a common courtyard. They also shared their main entrance, dining hall, gymnasium, swimming pool, library, nurse office and internet network. The pupils of the three schools were therefore often in contact, although those of Darkeas always tended to keep their distance.

In this return to school on April 1, 2117, former students gathered in front of the doors of the S.D.A. educational complex for a new Year. The new ones, more shy, mostly stayed at a distance. Some still dared to go to their elders to get information. A few students impressed each other with discreet displays of their powers. The discussions were going well and the animation was there. The students still had a few hours to take advantage of the wide open front doors of the school.

The last buses were leaving after dropping off their passengers and only a few parent cars were still parked in the vicinity of the establishment, when a black Ford Lincoln limousine with tinted windows arrived. The vehicle did not pass, of course, unnoticed, and much discussion stopped. On the front, the sculpted radiator cap depicted a robotic skull, leaving no doubt about the owner. It was a vehicle belonging to multimillionaire Uchiri Nakamara, publicly known as Experion. In addition to running the world's most sought-after tech company, he made no secret of being an evil genius, constantly creating machinery far more dangerous than simple domestic robots. He had been arrested more than once, but, having his license from Darkeas School, his actions were authorized and he was soon released.

Despite the interest, no one dared approach the car when it stopped. One of the back doors opened and a teenager stepped out, decked out in Darkeas's uniform. His swarthy skin contrasted with the sky blue color of his left eye. The right was hidden under a thick wick of ebony hair, the tips of which had been colored red. 

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