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A year after, summer time in Italy

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A year after, summer time in Italy...

"Oh. My. God!" My jaw dropped open in shock as I gaze at the clock, my hair in disarray and me, all sprawled onto the bed.

I tapped it again and it still reads 9:00 in the evening. I found out that  my alarm didn't work! 

I grabbed my phone and saw thar it's ten o'clock already! And, I am awfully late!

I hurried to the bathroom, took a quick shower, didn't bothered blowing my hair dry after and rummaged in my closet to grab the easiest thing to wear. A sundress and a comfy blazer in case it gets cold at night and at the office.

I pulled the charger off the socket and threw it into my bag. I'm just glad that I was able to have everything stored inside it everyday so I have less things to worry if I am in a rush to go out. Just like today.

I made sure to lock my door and ran quickly to the elevator. I stomped my feet when I saw that it's still on the tenth floor. Frustrated, I instinctively went to the stairs and made a run to the lobby.

I almost tripped when I reached the third level panting and all out of breath. Ms. MacMahon, an acquaintance, saw me at the lobby and waved hello. I just grunted a response and pushed open the heavy doubled door of the apartment.

Once out, I blew a strand of hair which went to my face. I was torn between running again and waiting for a cab to pass by when I heard a car honked behind me.

I turned to look and saw a blue convertible sedan approaching me on the sidewalk.

"New car, again?" I asked when the driver waved his hand and gestured me to come to him. I hurried and sat on the passenger seat.

"Late, again?" He grinned and gave me a kiss on the cheeks.

I rolled my eyes and he started to maneuver his car to Casa Della Moda Annex B.

Yes. You have read it right. Our shop finally has its expansion in Siena. And, why am I going there?

Madame Zenith has all of us re-assigned and according to her, is also for our career and personal growth. She also made me a senior fashion designer and co-manager of the shop in Siena.

What happened to the rest of the gang? Here goes:

Napoleon was assigned in Tuscany. Alfredo is in Milan, Viola in Pisa and Miyuki in Cortona. Both Charley and Trixie stayed in the Head Office as they are still new and needed guidance around the country and culture.

Oh, what happened to Renatta?

"You are so, so late again, Florie!" Came Renatta's loud voice as I entered the shop.

There. We are stuck together. And, this made me know her more. Eventually, we became best buddies. She's just straightforward as she is.

"Hello, Ren!" Carlos greeted her and she nodded in acknowledgment.

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