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One week before the flight

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One week before the flight...

"Hmmm, let's see... Where should I go first?" I muttered as I browse the internet on my phone.

I was bent down on my phone as I searched for the go-to places or should I say, my Instagrammable spots, as soon as I land on the beautiful city of Florence, Italy in two weeks time.

"That is nice!" Said my friend, Patrick Jeffries, as he placed our foods on the table.

Our friend, Samantha Alejo, was absent today as she is to attend her sister's wedding somewhere out-of-the-country.

"Oh, gee, thanks for treating me for lunch today. Even though, I have money to pay my own food." I said and scooped on my favorite ice cream sundae.

"Quit eating that. Dig in on real food first. Dessert comes later." Patrick scolded and gave him a sheepish smile.

I dug into my sweet and sour fish and rice as we ate in silence.

Once done, we started talking. I mean, he started asking me about my plans.

"You're really gonna leave me, huh." Patrick commented, the sadness in his voice was evident and I almost cooed to comfort him.

"Hey. Don't get mushy on me! I'm not used to that!" I tried to joke but I couldn't help how he looked so teary-eyed.

Patrick shook his head and looked outside the window of the cafeteria.

We were given an hour break from the graduation practice so instead of heading back to the auditorium, we chose to spend our free hours here.

"So, where do you plan to go first once you get there?" Patrick returned his attention to me and smiled as if nothing awkward between us happened minutes ago.

"Oh, I am so excited to go and visit their art museums and galleries!" I exclaimed and started babbling about the places I have seen earlier on the internet.

Patrick actively listened to me and dropped some comments and questions as I proceed with my daydreaming.

"You really love arts and aesthetics, huh?" Patrick asked with a bright smile on his face.

"Of course, I do! They really are so pleasing and relaxing to my eyes!" I said and gushed about the latest arts I saw on my Instagram feed just recently.

Being his friend for more than two years already, I know Patrick has something to tell me but always hesitant to do so.

I'm not dumb to say that I do not feel his actions towards me.

About him liking me as more than a friend.

I don't know why I don't feel the same for him.

Yes, Patrick is a handsome guy.

He has this boyish charm which would get any woman off his feet.

His dimples will also make an added contribution to his hazel eyes which makes him appear as expressive as he already is.

He's a charmer, alright.

But, what I have with him is purely platonic.

He's more of a companion with a brotherly aura within him.

I would love for him to remain that way and will not let anything take away our friendship which we have built for years.

"Hey! You, alright? You seemed to be in trance? You feel sick?" Patrick's worried voice asked and I blinked.

He must have noticed me staring blankly at him.

"Uh, no. I just got lost with time. I must have shifted to dreamland awhile ago." I said sheepishly and tried to look cute to avoid being further questioned.

"Are you sure? I can tell Mr. Alpuesto that you're unwell and we'll get you a clinic pass so you can rest and go home." Patrick asked again and I nodded.

"Come on. We don't want to be reprimanded if we went in there late." I said and I was about to bring my tray to the empty counter where students load their finished plates and utensils after eating when Patrick held it even before I did so.

I attempted to take his bag instead but he was quick to take his using his free hand.

"Nah-uh. No can do. I can manage, Rence." Patrick grinned and we went towards the empty counter.

I shook my head at his thoughtful sarcasm.

Typical Patrick. Always the gentleman.

His girlfriend will be lucky when she has met him.


When we got inside the auditorium, it was almost filled with graduating students from different majors and departments.

It's our first day of practice today and I was hoping to meet my friend, Ysabelle Cojuangco, from Human Resource Management.

Ysabelle is my friend since we were babies.

We have been hanging around once a month since we got into college and she has been such a faithful and cool one.

"Hey, sis!" Came Ysabelle's cheerful voice.

I looked for her amongst the crowd and I saw her making her way to me.

I squealed in delight and hugged her.

"Geez. You, two, acted like you have never seen each other for years!" Patrick rolled his eyes and leaned on the back of the black monoblock chair.

Since my classmate was still out, I let Ysabelle sat beside me on my right.

"Are you excited? You'll be in Italy in two weeks time!" Ysabelle asked and wiggled her hips in excitement.

Oh, before I forget.

Patrick and Ysabelle had known each other when I introduced them two years ago.

And, another thing, both of them get into each other's nerves.

According to Patrick, Ysabelle is a low-profile weirdo who pretends to be into books when in reality, is a party-goer who spends time at a bar almost every month.

According to Ysabelle, on the other hand, Patrick is a womanizer who skips from one woman to another at a random bar.

Really? Who will understand that these two don't have anything going on with them?

Both acted as the significant other of themselves!

They were all so keen on observing if one has tricks up on their sleeves.

Really now?

I almost believe something is up with them!

"Of course, I am!" I answered and was about to chat with her when Mr. Alpuesto asked us for attention and we all hurried to our places.

"Talk to you later!" Ysabelle hissed and tiptoed to her place at the opposite end of our row.

I waved at her and Jacob could only roll his eyes in acknowledgment.

I waved at her and Jacob could only roll his eyes in acknowledgment

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