Thirty Five

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I was biting my lip to suppress my unlawful happiness because of what happened at the sea earlier

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I was biting my lip to suppress my unlawful happiness because of what happened at the sea earlier.

We called it a day and returned to the shoreline to prepare for tonight's dinner at the banquet which Madame Zenith asked her chefs to prepare for us.

I chose to wear a tube summer dress and paired it with a nude-colored flipflops for this cozy dinner. Miyuki is on her best summer attire too, and so do the other girls. According to her, she was eager to spot some hot dates tonight as we planned to go to the bar nearby.

I just shook my head in response to her enthusiasm over meeting her Mister Right. For a hopeless romantic like her, she sure has her eyes set to get to know her man soon.

"Still have that giddy feeling after being kissed under the sunset on the sea?" Miyuki teased me as she sat beside mine at the dining area.

"Shut up." I hissed at her and rolled my eyes.

Again, as if we are on a seating arrangement, the same seats were occupied by the same people. Only this time, there was an empty chair on my left.

Nappy who was sitting there before sat between Miyuki and Alfredo. I frowned thinking what could be the reason until I saw the man who has been invading my thoughts about an hour ago.

There he was in his handsome glory, looking effortlessly dashing in his cream colored polo and a navy blue summer shorts. He smiled as he approached us and removed his shades in a dramatic manner.

I could hear the dreamy sighs of the ladies around me and I looked away when our eyes met. He was shortly followed by Madame Zenith, looking so fashionable in her  beige shorts and white haltered top. Like his son, she also has shades on which she removed as she sat on her usual spot.

I realized I was holding my breath until Carlos sat beside me and gave me a peck on my cheek.

I wasn't sure if her mother noticed it as she was amused by the feast on the table. If earlier during lunch we had an Italian cuisine, now we have a seafood buffet right in front of our eyes.

We had calamari ripieni, involtini de pesce spada, linguine all'astice, acqua pazza, cacciucco, fritto misto de pesce, spaghetti alle vongole and brodetto.

You name it. The resort has it.

"Alright, let us say our graces before meal. Son, Carlos, can you do it?" Madame Zenith asked and Carlos nodded.

Both Madame Zenith and Carlos held hands and he reached for mine.  I was hesitant but I realized that it's only natural to do so I handed him mine and all of us held hands as he say the grace before meal with added message.

"Lord, we thank you for giving us all these blessings. We say thanks for giving us one another and we delight for the people whom we consider as our family. Please keep us safe and healthy always. Benedici noi, o Signore, e questi tuoi doni che stiamo per ricevere dalla tua munificenza per mezzo di Cristo nostro Signore, Amen. (Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.)" Carlos said and we made our sign of the cross before Madame Zenith gave us the go signal to dig in.

Shortly after, all we can hear are the clanking of utensils as we all devour the foods in front of us. Occasional giggles and buzzes were also present as we ate.

Carlos has also been paying extra attention to me and I have been pretty conscious because of what happened an hour ago.

"Hey, hun, try this." He said and brought Fritto Misto on my plate.

"I'm fine, Carlos. I can do it." I said and thanked him when he smiled at me.

I chewed on my food and tried not to get annoyed at the amount of unexpected attention he gave me in front of my colleagues.

"Try this one too." He said and was about to give me a calamari when I stopped him midway.

"I am fine, Carlos. Please. I can manage." I said sighing.

He must have felt my uneasiness and put it on his plate instead.

I could feel the sideway glance Madame Zenith gave me and it's making me uncomfortable. I do not want her to think that I am flirting my way with Carlos just to rank up from my position in the shop.

Actually, I couldn't care less of what people may think of me but at the back of my mind, there is always that tiny doubt and fear of being humiliated in public that slowly settles in my mind.

We continued eating and after an hour, we thanked Madame Zenith and we all thought of hanging out by the pool to buy some time and to relax.

I was feeling the waters with my feet  while I listened to Miyuki talking with Nappy and Alf beside me. They were having fun while I chose to enjoy the calmness of the atmosphere despite the occasional exchange of conversations by my friends.

"Hey, Flo. Being silent again? You alright?" Nappy asked distracting my thoughts.

"No, Nappy. I was just enjoying the cool see breeze. Go ahead. Don't mind me here." I said and for the nth time today, I uttered the words again. "I'm fine. I'm always the silent type whenever I want to reconnect with myself –"

Nappy cut me off and rolled his eyes while Miyuki and Alf gave me a reassuring smile, "you don't have to explain, my dear. We all have those moments. And, we respect your silence. We are your friends and we understand what you mean."

I smiled genuinely at their comforting words. I barely made friends upon my arrival here in Florence and it was indeed finding them in my colleagues.

Suddenly, I missed Ysabelle and Patrick. They are my constants back home. I really need to video call them soon!

"Thank you, guys. That means a lot to me."


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