Twenty Six

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I stared at the rack of swimsuits our models – I mean, we – are going to wear on Monday, this week

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I stared at the rack of swimsuits our models – I mean, we – are going to wear on Monday, this week.

Right. It will be approximately three days from now.

The bright and radiant vibes of the pastel-themed swimsuit and summer collection did not help to uplift my spirits.

I was jittery and nervous about it.

Yes, I do get to wear these types before but only a one-piece swimsuit every time I went out with Ysabelle and my parents on our summer trips.

I never get to wear skimpy ones like these.

Not really skimpy. But, these semi-revealing type.

I tried to pull one pair of beige-colored swimsuit and touched its fabric.

It was soft under my hands and as I ran my fingers on the lace, I tried to imagine how I would look like wearing one of these.

Oh. My. Gosh.

What if the laces fell off?

What if they got loosed while I was on the runway?

My eyes flew open when I heard a snap of fingers in front of me.

Then I saw Viola staring at me at our  walk-in closet.

Yup. Our shop has ones like this to carefully prepare the things needed for upcoming events instead of storing them along with our display racks outside.

"I always see you in trance. Are you alright?" Viola asked and carefully placed another set of swimwear on a vacant rack behind it.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little nervous for Monday." I confessed and stretched my legs.

Viola shook her head and placed her free hand over her waist.

"Look. If you are not ready and uncomfortable with it, why did you say yes? You should have told us earlier that you couldn't commit!" Viola hollered which made me jumped on my seat.

As if frustrated, she stormed off the walk-in closet leaving me shocked and speechless with her reaction.

Just in time, Renatta entered the place where I am at.

"What happened to her?" She asked and I remained silent on my seat.
"Why was she looking so mad like that?"

I didn't bother to answer and stood up, trying to fight back the tears.

"Hey, are you okay? Had I done something wrong? Had Viola said or done something to you?" Renatta asked and tried to approach me but I shook my head and smiled, afraid my voice would break.

"I- I'm just not feeling well." I stammered and tried to walk away from her and then sprinted to the back of the shop.

There, behind our shop's fire exit, I let my tears fall.

Is it true? Am I really not capable of doing this thing?

I slumped down the messy ground and let the drizzle drown my hiccups and whimpers.

I was distracted when I felt as if the rain and drizzle stop.

I looked up and saw Alfredo stretching his hand out with an umbrella in it.

"I heard what happened back there. Get up. You'll get dirty. We'll talk at the coffee shop nearby." Alfredo instructed and I slowly got up.

I was thankful I didn't plan to wear dress today and had on my denim jeans.

He didn't let me hold the umbrella for us. Instead, he walked me to the coffee shop.

As soon as he got our orders and paid for it, we settled on a corner table where we can see passersby outside.

Before I could even utter a word, he started breaking the ice.

"Viola can be like that. But, she's nice when you get to know her. In case, you didn't notice, she has this huge crush on Carlos." My eyes widened as he paused to sip on his coffee for a while. He nodded and continued talking, "Yes. They have been friends even before you started working with us. And no, they didn't date. Well, as far as I know." He chuckled.

I sipped on my cappucino and let him speak.

"So, don't tell me, you'll let her words get through you. Are you that affected by her?" Alfredo asked, his eyebrows raising in amusement.

I shook my head. I sipped on my drink again and I heard him sigh.

I glanced at him and he said,
"I may not have known you that long and we may not get to be close as you are with Miyuki and Napoleon, but I'm always here to listen to you and come to your aid when you need me."

My heart warmed up with his words of encouragement and comfort.

"Thank you, Alf." I said and he chuckled.

"What? What's my name? Can you say that again?" He asked and laughed.

"Uh, sorry. I'm so used to giving nicknames to everyone.." I stammered in panic, thinking if I have offended him.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. It's fine. You can call me whatever you want." Alfredo laughed and covered my hand with his. "I just missed how my mom used to call me that when I was a kid."

My brows furrowed and I laid my free hand over his and he smiled.

"My mom passed away when I was in school when I was ten. She got hit by a car while she was on her way to fetch me." He said.

"Oh, my! I'm so sorry! That was so cruel of me." I said hurriedly.

"It's fine. You can call me, Alf. That way, I get to remember her." He said, smiling.

"Oh, okay, Alf." I said and began to sit comfortably.

"You done with your coffee?" He asked and I nodded. "Come on. I only told them we're having a fifteen minute break. They might be looking for us."

With that said, we returned to the shop and from then, we became best buddies.

With that said, we returned to the shop and from then, we became best buddies

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