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I woke up in irritation to the sound of alarm beside me

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I woke up in irritation to the sound of alarm beside me. I blindly tapped on it hoping to stop it but to no avail.

When it hasn't stopped, I groaned and opened my eyes to see what time it was.

It's only five in the morning! And, as far as I know, I just finished school not too long ago and had my graduation day yesterday!

So, how come I had it set at this time and day? When it's Sunday and everyone is still into their deep slumbers?

Then, I saw my bulky, red gym bag with a note written on top of it.

Frowning, I picked it up and read,


I know you tend to be forgetful lately but I took the initiative to packed your bag for a quick summer getaway with your friend, Patrick & Ysabelle.

Gave you a pocket money and it's inside your bag's front pockets.

Now, Get up! Quick! They'll pick you up at 6am today!

P.S. Don't wake me and your dad up. We're tired like you, as well.
Take care & have fun, daughter.
See you on Tuesday!

Lotsa Love,

My eyes widened and glanced at the wall clock. Geez! Ten minutes have passed already!

I grabbed my towel and bathrobe before hurrying to my bathroom to shower quickly. After a fifteen hour bath, I got out and put on a pair of denim jeans and a comfortable white printed tee. I chose to wear my cream sandals as for sure, we'll get to walk around there and I wouldn't want to be complaining about my soles there and eventually spoil the fun.

I was just really glad that I always get to charge my phone at night time and power bank every Friday. I got my mini-sling bag and put my essentials and some wipes and shades there. I pulled out the pocket money mom gave me from the gym bag and transfer it into my sling bag in different pockets.

I grabbed my pen and wrote my thanks to mom. I went out of my room and posted my note on their door as I silently opened it and saw them snoring as they slept.

Once I have checked both my bags if mom had packed everything I will need for an overnight summer get-away with my buddies, I put my sling bag across my shoulders and lifted my gym bag up when I saw that it was quarter to six in the morning already.

When I reached the landing, I ,first, roamed my eyes to the direction of the kitchen. I dropped my gym bag on our floor and stepped towards the fridge to get the chicken spread and pulled out some wheat bread from the pantry.

Not wanting to get hungry while on our way to somewhere only Patrick knows of, I immediately made the three of us two pairs of chicken sandwich each. I then placed them in a sandwich bag and enclosed it with another plastic to secure their places. I returned the sandwich spread inside the fridge and washed the butter knife before placing it in the knife drawer under the sink.

Then, I felt my phone vibrated inside my shorts pocket and I pulled it out to see Ysabelle's text message telling me to get out of the house already.

I placed my phone back inside my pocket and lifted my gym bag again with my left hand and sandwiches with my right hand.

When I reached our front door, I took one last glance around the house and locked it before scurrying towards Patrick's flamboyant blue colored Honda Civic.

"Finally! You're here!" Ysabelle said and I kissed her cheek.

Patrick, being the gentleman, got out of the driver's seat pulled the switch for the compartment to place my gym bag.

"Thanks, Pat." I smiled and pulled out the door of the car's backseat when Ysabelle stopped me.

"Hey! I'll go sit there. You sit here." She began opening the passenger door and stepping out of the car when I hurried inside the back seat and locked it immediately with a snide smile.

Patrick was already inside the driver's seat and Ysabelle frowned at us from the outside, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Are you gonna get in or what? Should we just leave you here? That would be an adv-" Patrick's comments were cut off when Ysabelle went in again the passenger's seat and slammed the car door. "Heeey! Careful! I just got this car a month ago! Don't you dare do that to my baby!"

From behind them, I can see Ysabelle rolled her eyes and made face. I giggled as I began to feel the coolness of the car's aircon.

"Are you ready to have the time of your life, ladies?" Patrick asked intriguingly and looked at me using the rearview mirror.

"Of course! But, where are we headed?" I cheered and leaned towards their seat.

"You'll see. Just wait. " He grinned and switched on his car's stereo. He tuned it into our favorite fm station and soon we were singing along to the songs being played.

Patrick started to maneuver the steering wheel and drove us around.
He remained mum about the place where we are going.

Ysabelle even had to momentarily slap him as she hates being surprised at.

I had to laugh at that. Not long ago, some guy from the university surprised her with a box of chocolates but had unknowingly switched it with a plastic cockroach inside. According to the guy, he was supposed to prank his stalker (wow! As if!) and he did not intend to do that to Ysa since he 'sincerely' likes her. And that's how Ysa began loathing surprises.

Then, I remembered the sandwich I had made for us and I handed it out to them.

Patrick, being the one who's driving us, had to keep his eyes on the road all the time. He even threatened Ysa about getting into an accident if he wouldn't be fed by her.

Ysa had no choice but to lend her hand out until Patrick finishes his sandwich. I was laughing so hard at how they were with each other. She probably get tired being annoyed with him that she decided to just get along with him.

After an hour on the road, we went for a stop-over and had ourselves relieved and bought snacks good enough to last until tomorrow at the mini-stop that was just beside the restroom before we go out into the road again.

I didn't know what time it was when I woke up to the sound of sea breeze outside.

I opened my eyes and gasped. I really marveled how amazing Patrick is!

We are in a resort! Yay!

We are in a resort! Yay!

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