Twenty Three

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Saturday came and I don't know if I even deserve to go out tonight while my colleagues are busy with the upcoming event that we have in less than two weeks

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Saturday came and I don't know if I even deserve to go out tonight while my colleagues are busy with the upcoming event that we have in less than two weeks.

Now is my scheduled dinner date with Carlos and I cannot help but to sigh in front of the mirror.

I felt guilty all of a sudden. I am now dressed for a fine dining with him at Borgo San Jacopo, very near to my apartment.

I am still glad that he is considerate of my possible exhaustion and stress from work.

I stared at the mirror and straightened my simple cocktail dress which is suited for a casual night out.

I opted for a simple and casual look. I wore a relaxed dress and have it paired with a cardigan and a one-inch heels.

I made sure I have my phone and my ever reliable sling bag with me.

I put on very little make up on my face since I was not in the mood to go out today but since Carlos asked me so nicely, I wasn't able to say no.

With one last look, I tucked a strand of my hair under my ear and opened the door to Carlos' smiling face.

For a moment, I was enthralled seeing him all smiling like this as if he didn't ignore me the other day.

"Hello, signora Florence." He said and offered his hand.

I gave him a smile in return and took his hand.

"Hello, signore Carlos." I greeted back as he led me to the elevator.

"I hope you're hungry as I am." He said with a light chuckle and I have to grin at his humor.

"You bet, I am." I answered and found ourselves exiting the apartment to the restaurant.

As we went inside, I noticed that the restaurant itself is isolated from the hotel. The dining room is so well-decorated and you could really feel the cozy ambiance it gave.

A kind waiter assisted us to our table that has a view of the Arno River.

The setting itself was so relaxing and soon, me and Carlos were enjoying our foods over a talk on how was my nearly a month of working and I told him how ecstatic I was to be busy about a major event where my passion is in.

Our topics went from work to hobbies and then to living here permanently.

What I didn't expect was when he openly confessed about his attraction on me.

I tried to break our eye contact but he lifted my chin making me look into his beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I know this is too fast for you. But I can wait." Carlos said shyly.

"Th-thank you. But I have so much going on, right now, and I don't know if I can handle relationships." I said finally.

It's true. Work was overwhelming. The fact that I am practically living on my own in a country that is not my hometown is still a struggle for me.

Yes, it was my choice to live independently but I am still adjusting to the life here.

I still have a lot to learn and a lot to consider before I jump into a relationship.

Carlos nodded at me and I thanked him for being understanding about me.

He was able to return back the same cheery feeling awhile ago and we walked back home.

"Thank you for tonight, Carlos. It was such a breather to be able to relax for a while and not care about work for a moment." I said sincerely and he smiled his million-dollar smile.

"It's always a pleasure spending moments with you, Florence. Have a good sleep and see you around." Carlos said and kissed me on the cheek.

I know that it's a common greeting for Italians to peck someone on the cheek but it still makes me flushed everytime.

I mean, Carlos is attractive alright!

I might have develop a crush on him but it doesn't mean I should jump into a boat I'm not sure if I can come up, right?

I closed my door after bidding goodnight to Carlos and quickly changed my clothes to my pajamas.

I'll just rest for a bit before I shower and doze to sleep.

Unfortunately, the supposed-to-be nap turned into a peaceful slumber and I woke up to my growling stomach the next day.

This time, I really did stayed home.

I cooked my foods and suddenly I remembered that Mom's birthday is tomorrow and work day for me here in Italy.

I messaged her immediately and asked if she and dad are free to have our video call.

It's ten in the morning here and Philippines is six hours ahead than Italy so it's afternoon there.

Soon, we were saying our hellos and how are yous in front of the camera in our laptop.

Mom was practically crying when I greeted her and dad even has to console her to calm down.

I already told myself that I wouldn't cry if ever I see them on camera but it will always be a different story because I really am missing them so much!

It took them almost thirty minutes to calm down that we have to laugh looking at each other's appearances.

"So, have you found a boyfriend?" Mom's teasing voice said and I groaned remembering last night with Carlos.

"Mooom!" I exclaimed and she chuckled.

"Why? You are already on the right age, Hija! I can't wait to see my grandkids soon!" Mom added and I shook my head in amazement.

Typical Mom.

Shortly after, we immersed into long talks and after two hours, we bid goodbyes.

Shortly after, we immersed into long talks and after two hours, we bid goodbyes

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