Knuckle: "It'll stop accruing interest,  but it won't disappear. Once I'm back in range, the counter will start up again. We won't even need to change it to I.R.S. We've already seen what he can do." Knuckle said.

Morel: "You fool! We may know what pitch he'll use, but we still can't put the bat on the ball. Let's leave him for a Nen user who's better equipped to handle him." Morel suggested.

Knuckle: "You're right. I'm more concerned about Gon and Killua..." Knuckle said.


We currently see Morel, Knov, Knuckle, Shoot, Gon, Killua, and Yuji's group altogether, discussing something.

Knuckle: "So, Your friends of Gon and Killua, huh?" Knuckle asked Yuji.

Yuji: "Yeah, and we're trying to find out where Y/n is and bring him back. Haven't had any luck though." Yuji said sadly.

Shizuku: "It'll be fine. As long as he's alive, we'll eventually find him." Shizuku said reassuringly.

-Cut to Meruem-

We currently see Meruem sitting on the King's throne, with You and the Royal Guards close by him.

Y/n: 'This is annoying.' You thought angrily.

The reason you were annoyed was that you couldn't find anything relating to your feelings. Not a single clue.

Then, while you were thinking, a red string appeared smack dab in the middle of your face, leading outside the castle.

Seeing this, you tried to wack it away, thinking it was a weird insect or something.

But, it didn't go away. It just phased through your hand like it wasn't even there.

Then, you kept swiping at it, trying to make it go away but it didn't, catching the attention of Meruem and the royal guards.

Y/n: "What the hell is this?" You whispered to yourself.

Meruem: "What are you doing, Y/n?" Meruem asked.

Y/n: "Are you seeing this? There's this weird Red String in my face and it won't go away." You said as you kept swiping at the string.

Pitou: "I don't see anything... Are you hallucinating?" Pitou asked condescendingly.

Meruem: "I dont seeing anything either." Meruem said.

Y/n: "Try using Gyo." You suggested.

Then, they activated Gyo. Now being able to see the string, they get just as confused as you are.

Pitou: "Yeah, Meow I can see it... What is that?" Pitou asked confused.

Y/n: "That's what Im trying to figure out." You answered.

Pouf: "Whatever it is, it's leading outside the castle. Perhaps it's someone's Nen ability?" Pouf suggested.

Y/n: "You idiot. If someone were here I would know about it." You retorted.

Pitou: "Maybe you should follow it." Pitou suggested.

Pouf: "But what if it's a trap?" Pouf asked.

Y/n: "If it's a trap I'll just kill whoever set it and come back." You retorted.

Y/n: "Im gonna follow it." You said ad you began to walk away.

Meruem: "Tell me what happened once you're back." Meruem said.

Y/n: "Right." You responded.

Then, you flew out of the castle at high speeds, creating a bit of a shockwave.

Pitou: "Hey, Pouf... Do you perhaps have any knowledge of what that string is?" Pitou asked.

Pouf: "No, I don't. Which kind of worries me a bit. I hope he'll be alright." Pouf said.

-Cut to Yuji and the others-

Everyone continued talking, suggesting ways of trying to find you. While talking, a red string appeared on Shizuku's face, making her shoot up on high alert.

Shizuku: "Guys! Y/n is coming!" Shizuku said while looking up, her red string in the air.

Morel: "What do you mean? Do you sense him coming? because I don't." Morel said.

Then, Gon and Killua used Gyo, seeing the red string on Shizuku.

Gon: "Oh! That's what's going on." Gon said.

Killua: "Yeah, Just calm down guys. Just stay on guard." Killua said.

Shizuku: "Yeah, what Killua said." Shizuku said in agreeance.

Then, Everyone got in a circle formation, wanting you to land in the middle.

Shizuku: "Alright, Just let me do the talking. Y/n may attack you if you get too close." Shizuku said.

Everyone: "Right!" Everyone responded.

Then, You jumped down in the middle of everyone, creating a large dust cloud.

After a few seconds, the dust clears. With everyone staring in shock at your Chimera Ant form.

Y/n: "So... This is where the trail ends." You said while dusting yourself off.

Thanks to the Soul Connection, Y/n, and his friends have reunited. The Chimera Ant arc... Is nearing its climax.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now