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I cooked all the four steaks within 30 minute and put two of them in a storage box and put them in the kitchen counter for Ava and Ella. I quickly took out two plates and crockeries from the cabinet and  set up the table. No one ever used the table here. Me ,Ava and Ella always sit on the sofa even while having our food.
I heared the front door open. I quickly looked back to check who it was, I saw Taehyung bringing in a bottle of wine in his hands. I didn't even know when he went out to get it.

"Hey, where are you coming from?" I asked.

"I just went to get a bottle of wine from the car, I saw you cooking steak and I thought that wine will go good with it." He replied.

"Yeah, sure."

Taehyung came into the kitchen acting like he smelled something delicious while smilling and raising his brows. He opened the cabinets to check if we had wine glasses. He got two of them there. I like how casually Taehyung walked in the kitchen and got the glasses, it doesn't feel like its his first time here. I quickly set up the table and he helped me getting the food from the kitchen to the table. We both sat there, we looked at eachother and giggled. It was kind of awkward to be sitting and eating here  after all the problems have just gotten over!

I feel at peace. If I knew that forgiving was the only thing I had to do, I would have done it long back, it was my egoisetic and adamant mind which did not let me do it. I loved to see him right here in front of me. He looked dreamy to me, his perm hair falling on his forehead seeing his soft cheeks and his eyes shining. He was the most handsome man I have ever seen here right now at the moment.

We ate our dinner gleefully, he recalled how I lied to him back in the cabin that I didn't know to cook. I laughed over it and told him the truth that I didn't want to cook for him or just me in general. We ate the dinner looking at eachother and giggling over our thoughts about t the cabin days.He complemented my cardigan which I decided to wear for the dinner. I wanted to talk about the time where I slipped down and injured myself and couldn't walk, he carried me in his arms to my room...but I didn't talk about that, I thought that it would be weird. All sorts of thoughts came in my mind while talking to him.

I checked my phone to see if I had gotten any messages , Ava and Ella messaged me saying that they weren't coming back home tonight, they had to do lots of work, it seemed they were going a little far away for work. How is it that Ava and Ella leave me free during the this time in sense when I'm with Taehyung . I love these girls so much. We were done with eating our food. Taehyung picked up the plates and put them in the sink for wash. He was so kind, he helped me a little and washed the dishes. Till then I went to the washroom to get freshend up. I can't believe that things were finally moving between him and me now. I did my skin care routine and came out to be revealed to Taehyung already sitting on my bed.

The scenery was adorable,he was looking down at the floor while rubbing both of his palms. I saw him that now he was wearing a white plane shirt with black pants! I didn't know when did he get changed and where did he get changed! As far as I remember he didn't have any clothes with him.

"You changed your outfit?!" I asked

"Yeah, I did..and let me tell you that I had these already in Jimin's car. Yeah we have atleast a set of clothing in the car.".

"Ohh, it is Jimins car?" I remembered noticing that it wasn't his car.

"Yeah it is." He replied.

I didn't hesitate to go and sit near him in the bed. I felt comfortable with him. I have always been comfortable here beside him. I just couldn't believe yet that I was here with him. So many people around the world love him, wants to be with him..and I am one of the luckiest girl in the world to be sitting beside him right now and who never expected this to happen. I have seen the amount of love he gets all around the world. This actually scares me.

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