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I got up from my bed. My feet were cold so I put my socks on which I had kept on the table next to me. I brushed my teeth and showered in the warm water and got ready for the day. I packed my room was a bit mess. I didn't even clean it.

"Good morning!!"

"Ohh!! Hey Joo! How are you?!"

"I'm good..I came here just an hour ago."

"Ohh okay."

"I think you should go and have your breakfast."

"Yeah sure, thankyou."
I walked out of my room to find Se-Hun and Taehyung talking to eachother sitting on the sofa.

"Good morning Hannah." Se-Hun wished me.

"good morning." I wished him back. Taehyung was reading a magazine. He didn't even look at me ..nor did he wish me good morning..what a hitler.
I go to the kitchen counter table and see no breakfast for me. I took out the eggs which were there at the counter table, took out a pan from the cabin and I  made an omlette for myself. I cut few fruits like apple and pears for my breakfast. I was feeling sleepy yet..

"Ehem-Ehem!" I hear Taehyung clearing his throat..he was sitting on  the seat next to the kitchen counter.

"Yes? Do you want something?!"

" No..but I thought someone didn't know how to cook..?"

" Who?"

I had forgotten about the fact that I lied to Taehyung that I do not know how to cook..actually there wasn't even a need to lie..Ugh it was unnecessary.

"Oh that--yeah..okay, I'm sorry! I know how to cook."

"Why did you lie?"

"Simply!..I'm sorry."

"Geez. Whatever." He says with an annoying expression.

"Well, I'm sorry!"

"Yeah!! don't have to lie.."

"Yeah okay! Now please don't tell me about it again and's a little embarrassing."

He laughed it off and left the place.
My omlette was about to burn..but I got it. Taehyung distracted me from making my breakfast. I had my breakfast..went back to my room to find everything clean and tidy. Joo was standing next to my room.

"Hey thankyou, for cleaning the room." I say.

"Yeah, no worries..well, I wanted to say something to you."

"Oh yeah sure, please tell me"

" Take care of yourself..and Our little boy Taehyung." I was kind of jolted by what she just told me. She told me to take care of me and Taehyung..I mean..I'm not his mother or anything..nor his PA. I don't know how would I take it into my mind. It's odd to hear it from Joo, because Taehyung and Joo are close and she is asking me to take care of him?

"Yeah.." I nodded. She left the room. I checked one last time towards the room..and thought from last night pops up into my mind. nothing much happened in this was just about Taehyung lifting me up and carrying me to my room here. 'I was missing it?'..I don't know. I left the room and came out to the hall of the cabin. I saw Taehyung standing there with a small bag wearing a jacket, his hair was down..

" Let's go!" Taehyung looked towards me.

"Yeah!". Taehyung hugged Joo and Se-Hun one last time and we headed, to the car, back to Seoul.

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