Kite: "If the Chimera Ant washed ashore there, how would the citizen of the NGL react? They probably wouldn't do anything. When a deadly epidemic spread throughout the area, they refused to admit International medical aid, preferring to let nature take its course. And even if they tried to contact the outside world, it would be too late by the time word arrived. If that arm belonged to the Chimera Ant queen, she may have already begun to build her nest." Kite said.

-Cut to Chimera Ants-

Ant 1: "A contest?"

Ant 2: "Yeah... Between you and me. Let's see who can bring the Queen more humans. I challenge you!" Ant w said.

Ant 1: "Hmph." He said while walking away.

Ant 2: "What? You're running away? Hey, accept my challenge!" Ant 2 shouted.

Ant 1: "Accept? Are you ordering me around?" Ant 1 asked, turning back around.

Ant 1: "Why should I follow an order from you? I only follow the Queen's orders." Ant 1 said.

Ant 2: "You're just scared of losing. My squad is comprised of elite soldiers. I can beat any squad in this castle! Oh, I know... I should get the other squad leaders in on this. If we compete, we'll capture more prey." Ant 2 said.

Ant 1: "More prey? I see... I agree with that idea. If we gather more prey, the Queen will be pleased." Ant 1 said.

Ant 2: "Okay, that settles it." Ant 2 said.

Ant 1: "However, I believe that the prey's quality also matters. We must ensure that the Queen eats highly nutritious humans." Ant 1 said while walking away.

Ant 2: "That guy's such a stiff..." Ant 2 said.

Ant 3: "That's what makes him endearing. He is dedicated and loyal." Ant 3 said.

Ant 4: "I presume... the human he was created from was also quite earnest." Ant 4 said.


Ant 1: "We haven't raided this area yet." The ant said as he and an army of other ants flew down toward a village.

Then, he flew down and walked toward a little girl. But as he was walking toward her, her mother came in and protected her.

Once he sees this, he decides to spare them and take the guy behind them.

-Cut to other Ants-

Ant 3: "Excellent. This should suffice to please the Queen." Ant 3 said.

Then, out of nowhere, people wearing white came in and gunned the ants down. Managing to kill some of them.

Ant 3: "Wh-What's happening?" Ant 3 asked.

Gunner 1: "Exterminate the insects quickly. That's Gyro's order." Gunner 1 said.

Ant 3: "Gyro? What's that?" Ant 3 asked.

Gunner 1: "That's the name of our King!" Gunner 1 said.

Then, they proceeded to gun them down. But Ant 3's used his shell to protect them. He proceeded to roll away at high speeds.

Gunner 1: "Damn it!" The gunner said angrily as the Ant got away.

-Cut to Kite-

Spin: "I bought tickets to the Mitene Union." Spin said.

Banana: "But to reach NGL, we have to take an airship to the neighboring Rokario Republic, and travel by land from there." Banana said.

Stick: "It "ant" gonna be easy to get into a country of such nasty rumors. Just kidding." Stick said while laughing.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now