Then, he began to walk toward Killua, ignoring you.

???: "Dont worry, it's not serious." He said as he went through his pocket.

???: "Apply this. It's an antibiotic." The person explained.

Crazy slots: "What? That's it? Let's go wild, man!" Crazy slots said.

???: "Shut up... Go away." The person said, deactivating his Nen ability.

???: "You should leave, as well. Damn it. Because of this interruption, I'll need to start over. But the net was destroyed. Damn it, I was forced to rake another life..." The person said as he walked away.

Gon: "Ah!" Gon shouted, getting his attention.

Gon then has a flashback of the time when he was attacked by a large animal. His savior being the same person he sees right in front of him right now.

Gon: "Are you... Are you the one who saved me back then?" Gon asked.

???: "Back then?" He asked confused.

Gon: "On Whale Island, after I stumbled into the territory of a Foxbear with its cub." Gon explained.

???: "Whale Island?" The person asked wide-eyed.

Gon: "That time, too, you had to kill, to protect me." Gon said.

???: "I see. I remember now. I never expected to run into you again. You've grown, Gon!" The person said, now remembering Gon.

Gon: "How do you know my name?" Gon asked.

???: "I heard it from your dad. Mr. Ging." He explained.

Gon: "Old man, you know Ging?" Gin asked.

???: "Old?" He asked confused.

Kite: "Yeah, my name is Kite. Mr. Ging was my master." Kite explained.


Kite: "Oh, so you're also Pro Hunters?" Kite asked whole the fish he caught were cooking.

Gon: "Yep. Are you one too, Mr. Kite?" Gon asked.

Kite: "Just call me Kite. It's awkward being addressed So formally by my master's son." Kite said.

Gon: "Okay. So you're one too, Kite?" Gon asked again.

Kite: "Yeah... Mr. Ging was the one who made me a top-class Hunter. He was my teacher and benefactor. If I hadn't met Mr. Ging... I'd have died long ago, in the alley of a slum." Kite explained while smiling.

Y/n: 'Man. Ging sounds like an incredible person. I kind of want to meet him as well.' You thought to yourself, slightly admiring Ging.

Then, Kite goes on to explain how he met Ging.

Gon: "That was how you met Ging?" Gon asked.

Kite: "Yeah... Mr. Ging said that good Hunters are well liker by animals. He said I had potential, so I git interested." Kite explained.

Killua: "And you became his student?" Killua asked.

Kite: "I had to force him to teach me. He hates dealing with any kind of hassle... So I was never his student officially. But Im pretty stubborn... So I kept bugging him. Eventually, I started to develop my Nen, and he began teaching me to hunt." Kite said as he handed You a fish.

Kite: "As a result, I was able to pass the Hunter Exam with little difficulty." Kite said as he handed Gon and fish.

Kite: "But before Mr. Ging was satisfied I had to clear another hurdle. Can you guess what it was?" Kite asked as he handed Killua a fish.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now