Megumi was completely stunned when he saw this, Not only because she seemingly has the same abilities as him, but because she looked strikingly similar to him, just with hair that isn't as spiky.

Megumi: "Uh, Do... Do you know me?" Megumi asked Shizuku in a hopeful tone.

Shizuku: "To be honest with you, I don't really. But I do have a feeling that Im related to you in some way. Sorry." Shizuku answered.

Megumi: "It's fine." Megumi said as he ruffled her hair.

Megumi: "As long as you're alive snd well, that's all that matters." Megumi said.

Then, Shizuku starts crying, but she doesn't know why. Knowing that this was an important moment for the two of them, You and Satoru didn't dare interrupt.

After several minutes of Shizuku crying and Megumi comforting her, she finally calms down.

Shizuku: "I-I dont know where that came from..." Shizuku said awkwardly.

Y/n: "So I've been meaning, to ask..." You said while looking at Satoru.

Y/n: "What's that?" You asked while pointing at the large duffel bag in Satoru's hand.

Satoru: "Well, while I was out, I figured I'd take some time to buy some time to buy some things." Satoru said while dumping the contents of the bag on the floor.

Y/n: "Why get food? You dont need to eat as long as your in here." You said while holding a chocolate robot.

Y/n: "Buuut... I ain't complaining." You said while swiftly swiping a couple of robots.

Satoru: "Believe it or not, I haven't eaten in a while due to being stuck in here. Kinda wanted to taste food again." Satoru answered.

Megumi: "I think I'll go and pay a visit to Yuji and Nobara. Haven't seen them in a while." Megumi said.

Satoru: "Oh! Can I come along? I've been wanting to do that as well." Satoru said.

Y/n: "Nobara? Wait, Haven't I heard that name before?" You said out loud.

Megumi: "Wait, you know her?" Megumi asked.

Y/n: "Not really. I only heard the name from some guy with pink hair." You responded, shocking Megumi.

Megumi: "YOU KNOW YUJI TOO?!" Megumi asked, now shouting.


Megumi: "DONT CALL ME A MORON YOU BRAT!" Megumi shouted.

Y/n: "BRAT? OH, I'LL SHOW YOU BRAT!" You said while preparing to take off your blindfold.

Satoru then proceeds to smack you and Megumi on the head.

Satoru: "We're getting off track!" Satoru shouted.

Satoru: "Anyway, You wanna come and meet Yuji and Nobara with us?" Satoru asked you.

Y/n: "Sure. Hey Shizuku, you wanna come as well?" You asked.

Shizuku: "Nah. Someones gotta stay and watch Kalluto." Shizuku responded.

Y/n: "Okay, Love you!" You said while leaving.

Shizuku: "Love you too!" Shizuku responded.

Megumi: "Wait a minute..."

-Cut to Gon and Killua-

Shalnark: "Our only target right now is the chain user, so we can pretty much ignore everybody else." Shalnark said.

Feitan: "There you go. You are lucky." Feitan said, making Gon stick his tongue out mockingly.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now