Y/n: "Hey, Kalluto!" You shouted, making the Dog and Kalluto stop and turn toward you.

Kalluto: "Yeah, What is it?" Kalluto shouted back.

Y/n: "You wanna fly?" You asked.

Kalluto: "Wait, you can fly?!" Kalluto asked surprised.

Y/n: "Yeah! Look!" You said as you flew toward Kalluto.

Kalluto: "You big dummy. Why didn't you tell me you can fly?" Kalluto asked while pouting.

Y/n: "Well, It never came up." You answered condescendingly.

Kalluto: "Whatever... Anyway, Lift me up." Kalluto demanded while holding his arms in the air.

Y/n: "Tch. Needy little brat." You mumbled whilst lifting him up.

Y/n: "Comfy?" You asked in a dull tone.

Kalluto: "Comfy. Now hurry and fly." Kalluto said in an impatient tone.

Y/n: "You-! Y'know what... Fine." You said in a defeated tone as you hovered in the air.

Y/n: "Here we go." You said as you flew off at high speeds.

Shizuku: "Off they go. Well, Might as well see if I can summon up anything else." Shizuku said to herself.

-Cut to Gon and Killua-

Machi: "Our stalker isn't taking the bait." Machi said.

Nobunaga: "Which means that it's probably not the chain user." Nobunaga said.

Machi: "Why's that?" Machi asked.

Nobunaga: "I can sense multiple people tailing us but the chain user... probably works alone." Nobunaga answered.

Machi: "Think so?" Machi asked.

Nobunaga: "Yeah, he works ad a bodyguard for the Nostrade family, right? Yet he managed to defeat Uvo completely on his own, and that's no easy task." Nobunaga answered.

Nobunaga: "But the Mafia hasn't taken any action, which supports my theory. If they were responsible, they'd be using Uvo to threaten us whether he was dead or alive. Not to mention the news would probably be all over the web by now." Nobunaga said.

Nobunaga: "Since it's not, the chain user probably defeated Uvo alone, without ever reporting it to the Mafia. Doesn't make sense. Why would someone with ties to the Mafia work alone?" Nobunaga asked.

Nobunaga: "Probably a personal grudge." Nobunaga finished.

Machi: "Probably", huh? You've been saying that a lot." Machi said condescendingly.

Nobunaga: "Oh, shut up. If he went out seeking revenge without mafia backup, I doubt that he'd be teaming up with someone else. Thus, the chain used works alone. The group following us is totally unrelated." Nobunaga said.

Machi: "Impressive how full of holes your logic is." Machi said, making Nobunaga annoyed.

Nobunaga: "Okay, fine then. Let's hear what you think." Nobunaga said.

Machi: "All right. If you really must know... I suspect that there's a link between these guys and the chain user." Machi started.

Nobunaga: "Hunch again?" Nobunaga asked.

Machi: "It is." Machi answered.

Nobunaga: "You've gotta be kidding. People who rely on their gut feelings really shouldn't criticize someone else's logic." Nobunaga said.

Gon: "So, what do you think?" Gon asked Killua.

Killua: "They're waiting for someone, or trying to draw us out. One or the other." Killua answered.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum