Unexpected moments

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Derek," Meredith suddenly squeezed his hand tight as they walked by through one of the many wooded areas on their land, and she glanced over what appeared to be recently disturbed soil at the foot of several trees.

"Uhmmm..." he said, as he continued his normal pace.

"Derek," she whispered as she came to a halt, "look."

"What am I looking at, and why are you whispering" he asked as he cocked his head and smiled at her.

"The soil by that tree, it's been disturbed," she spoke quietly, "Derek," the look in her eyes spoke of fear, "it was probably bears..."

"What are you talking about," he said, finally paying attention to what she was saying, as he'd been trying to distract her away from her discovery.

"Derek" she continued quietly, "bears hide food in underground burrows...or they cover it with soil...that's what it looks like... oh my God, we're probably surrounded by them, the bears...right now, just waiting for their next prey...and we're going to be eaten alive...and buried right on our land...your land..."

"My land," he chuckled.

"This is no laughing matter, and keep quiet...don't make more noise than..."

"It was our land...and now it's mine," he chuckled again.

"It's yours when it was stupid and brainless to buy forty acres with cliffs and bears...and we probably won't make it to the trailer."

"I adore you Mer," he said as he gathered her in his arms.

"Not for long...if we have a family of bears nearby, we can try to get out of here quietly, but they probably have a refined sense of hearing...and we're screwed..."

Kissing her hard, he smiled, and tried not to laugh again, "I do love you."

"You're laughing at me," she glared at him.

"Let me show you," he said, and reached for hand to walk toward the trees.

"I'm not going there...are you crazy," she said standing firm, and not budging.

He pulled her along, "would I put you in danger?"

"I don't know, you insist on building a house surrounded by bears and God knows what other wild animals," she continued to resist his attempt to get her to walk.

"Mer, bulbs were recently planted...and depending on the weather, they will be ready to bloom next spring and every spring thereafter, that's why the soil looks the way it does."

"You were gardening?" She asked incredulously.

"No...but I found someone that does," he smiled as she allowed him to pull her along.


"Last Saturday, after we saw the Mulligan's...we have so much land, and I thought it would be nice to have flowers...that you would like that."

"You," she said, teary eyed as she squeezed his hand, "you bought lily of the valley bulbs, not jut any flowers...to plant on our land."

"I did," he said touched by her reaction and just as sentimental about the significance of the flowers, "every spring, around our anniversary...they will be in bloom."

She swung herself into his arms, "Oh Derek...you are my knight in shining armor...my very own prince charming...I love you so much..."

"I love you too Meredith," he said, and kissed her softly, tenderly at first, his gentle caresses leaving no doubts in her mind about how very much he loved her, how very much he was willing to do to make her happy. Then, as was inevitable between them, their passion and desire gave way to discovering a new an unexpected secluded area of their land where only nature was disturbed by their cries of fulfillment.

"Derek, you're always doing things for me, and I've done nothing," she said looking across to where the bulbs had been planted, as she felt his arms tighten their hold on her, while she lay comfortably between his legs, as his back rested against the trunk of the ancient tree.

"Nothing..." he said, his voice filled with emotion, and he nuzzled her neck, placing soft lingering kisses that never failed to make her body tingle with desire, "you forgave me...and found it in your heart to love me again...after all the times I failed you..."

"Derek," she said, softly, "it was never a matter of loving you again...because I never stopped loving you..."

"See," he paused and took a deep breath, "that...your words," he said, "that is all I ever need or want ...just you..."

"Uhmmm..." she teased him, "just words...nothing more..."


"Derek...I'm yours...for always..."

"For always..." he said, "as I am yours..."



She wrapped his arms closer around her, "do you really believe there's no bears in these woods?"

"I sure as hell hope not," he admitted.

"You what...Derek Shepherd, are you kidding me...you told me..."

"Mer...I can't lie to to you. What happens if one day...there's a bear...then you'll throw it back at me that I lied..."

She gave him her most threatening glare, "if there is ever a bear on this land...and you don't tell me about it...you are ..."

"A dead horse's ass... I know..."

"No...a single father of three children who will never set foot on this land again."

"Mer...you know what," he smiled.

"What?" she snapped.

"I hear that bears hate lily of the valley...so I'm going to cover most of our land with it."

"You ass" she said as their joyous laughter filled the air, resonating through the woods, mingling with the sounds of nature, both having found the perfect harmony.

"Dr. Grey, Dr. Shepherd," Amy Lynn greeted them the next day, "haven't seen you in a couple of days."

"Believe it or not," Meredith smiled, "my husband gave up his next Sunday to spend yesterday, my day off this week and a mere Tuesday with me."

Stephanie smiled as she listened, and then said, "Dr. Grey, we'll let you in on a secret, but you may not be too happy about it."

"Oh no," Meredith said, "now what?"

"The bets are back."

"They're betting on us again," Derek said.

"With a vengeance," Mark said as he heard the last of the conversation when he neared the counter with Tracy.

"What now?" Derek said, and Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Well," Stephanie glanced over at Meredith and smiled, "Dr. Shepherd's McDreamy status is no longer questioned, so the bets are how long it will last."

Meredith laughed, "if that ever happens..." she winked at Derek, "it will be something we keep at home."

"Are you implying..." Derek teased her, and put his hand over his heart in mock offense, "I could regress?"

Meredith leaned in to him, and whispered in his ear, "are you forgetting our recent week from misunderstanding hell?"

"I love you," he smiled.

"I know you do," she laughed at his predictable response and kissed his lips softly, "and that's why I know, we'll keep it at home..."

"Uhmmm...not sure I like the idea that ..."

"Derek," Meredith teased him, "it's us, using up our quotas...in private."

"Are you two finished with your secrets?" Mark smirked.

"Mind your own business," Derek told him, "and...how much have you bet?"

"I haven't bet..." Mark answered, and then leaned over to Tracy, "on that one..."

"Mark Sloan, I heard that," Meredith told him.

"I haven't done anything," he said, and Tracy turned her face away to hide her smile.

"Tracy," Derek said, "what do you know?"

"Nothing," she smiled at Meredith. "But, have to admit it's been sort of quiet around here without ...you know...any betting going on."

"Dr. Sloan," Amy Lynn laughed, "you didn't!"

"Why do I get all the blame around here," he said, "I'm not the only one that bets..."

"No," they heard a teasing reprimanding tone, "just the first one to bet $ 100," Lisette joined them.

"Lisette," Mark scowled at her, "I'm wounded...you found me out."

"Oh, why not...I've bet on this one too," she smiled.

"You what," echoed six voices.

"It's a sure bet," Lisette commented. "You all know that."

"No," Meredith said, "we don't all know...so enlighten us."

"Dr. Grey," she laughed, "no offense to either of you...but, it's a matter of time..."

"What's a matter of time?" both Meredith and Derek said.

"Oh, just spit it out," Amy Lynn said, and Stephanie did just that.

"How long before," she paused and laughed, "sorry...I did not make this up..."

"How long before we hear roaring sexcapades from an on call room," Tracy said bluntly.

Meredith and Derek looked at each other and then at the rest of the group, and surprising them all roared with laughter.

"How long?" Derek asked, while still laughing.

"I bet $ 20 on a week," Lisette said.

"$ 25," Amy Lynn smiled mischievously, "three days."

"Three days," Meredith said in surprise, "starting when?"

"Yesterday," Stephanie said. "$ 20 on 4 days."

"Oh my God," Meredith said, "you are all incorrigible. I thought the bets were over."

"Dr. Grey," Tracy said, "this one...it's a fun bet. You are newlyweds."

"What did you bet Tracy," Derek asked.

"I lost already," she laughed.

"You lost," Meredith laughed, "already...how is that possible?"

"Well," Tracy smiled, "you were gone yesterday, so I said before your shift started today."

"How much did you bet?" Derek laughed.

"I was sure I'd win," she replied.

"You bet more than I did? Mark asked.

"You had the same bet?" Stephanie laughed, "isn't that insider information or something?"

"Doesn't count if you're in bed together at the time you decide," Tracy winked at Mark.

"Tracy," Mark laughed, "tell the truth."

"Fine $ 100...there was no way I thought I could lose."

"The two of you bet $ 200 combined?" Derek commented.

"Seemed like a sure bet," Mark smirked.

"Want to split it?" Meredith teased.

"Meredith...I'm shocked," Derek grinned. "You'd ..."

"My shift doesn't start for another thirty minutes..." she smiled at him and playfully batted her eyelashes at him.

"I'm game. Deal?" Derek said and extended his hand to Mark to shake on it, and everyone looked at him and Meredith incredulously.

"What..." Meredith taunted, "don't you want to share in the winnings?"

"What the hell's wrong with you two," Mark said, "you're going along with this?"

"Why not?" Derek smiled, "you're all basically right, it's only a matter of time."

No one said anything, so Meredith spoke up, "you don't want to win?"

"It's," Mark said, "just wrong...you know...if you're in on it..."

Meredith and Derek exchanged glances, and they both laughed, while Meredith reached over and smacked Mark across the back of the head, "as if we would..."

"Shit," Mark said rubbing the back of his head, "Grey that hurt."

"Stop betting on us...or else..." she glared at him.

"You can't take anything back," he retorted. "You, well, you can't."

"You better make sure there's no more bets," she said, and turned to Derek and kissed him goodbye. "See you for lunch?"

"I'll page you," Derek said and smiled, cocking his head, their look exchanged.

"Should have said lunchtime," Mark mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that," Meredith turned around and smiled before she hurried away.

"Didn't she say she had a half hour before her shift?" Mark asked Derek.

"She was putting you on Mark," Derek shook his head.

"It's not as thought you two are strangers to on call rooms," Mark smirked.

"Ladies," Derek ignored him, "have a good day...let us know..." he laughed, "if any of you wins the bet."

It was a week prior to their first month's wedding anniversary, and both Meredith and Derek would be surprised to find they made similar arrangements for that day. Derek had already taken Tuesday of the current week off, displeasing Richard when he rescheduled several elective surgeries, and then appeased him when he offered to work two Sundays to make up for the disruption, both days which Meredith would be working. Meredith had traded the day with Alex in exchange for an extra Sunday the following month. Both displeased the hell out of Miranda Bailey and were surprised to be paged mid-morning to Richard's office.

"Hi Patricia," Meredith greeted, "the Chief paged."

"Actually, Dr. Bailey paged," Patricia smiled at the frown on Meredith's face. "Something about changes causing disruption and havoc to her schedule, just listen to her, she's more bark than bite."

"Patricia," Meredith spoke quietly, "I really appreciate being able to put you down as the contact for the package to be delivered, I emailed them last week and it should be here by tomorrow. I want it to be a surprise for Derek, our first month's anniversary, and anywhere else would have been impossible to coordinate the timing."

"It's my pleasure Meredith, and don't worry, the chief won't know," she smiled at her, "my boss can't keep a secret." But, I can, Patricia thought, especially as Derek Shepherd had the same idea and this morning a small box from Venice had arrived.

"What," Miranda Bailey said a bit exasperated as she waved some papers in front of them and glared at Meredith and Derek, "do you think you are doing to my schedule? And you," she pointed to Webber, "allowing them to create havoc with my planning?"

The Chief looked resigned to the verbal battle, which as everyone else, when Miranda ranted, he let her. He had a soft spot for one his most prominent residents, one he was proud to mentor, and one day would be proud to see her into the position of chief of surgery, his mind wandered to the future, at least, he hoped that would be Derek's choice for his successor. First, he had to decide if he wanted to retire, and if Derek would be the right choice, all that had to happen before Miranda would need to worry about those issues.

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith was the first to speak, a bit confused, "I don't understand."

"You...and this stupid husband of yours, making changes and messing up my scheduling and that of the interns, do you realize how much work it takes to make sure each of you get has the proper rotation and surgeries...and then have it all changed on a whim..."

"Dr. Bailey," Webber started to say, "it's only one day...and it's their..."

"No," Miranda shook her finger, "don't you go defending him..." she looked over at Derek who was smirking, "and get that smile off your face. I told you, you got a week off but not to expect anything else, and I've already made more than enough changes...to accommodate you...being newlyweds."

"It's only one day Bailey," Derek said, and Meredith looked at him surprised, and he went on to explain the reasons for the changes, and had his wife smiling adoringly that he'd gone through all that trouble to spend the day with her. But then it was revealed, she had too as she'd traded with Alex, and both exchanged adoring smiles, with Webber looking rather pleased with himself.

"You," Miranda said, "all of you...just...don't make any change without talking to me, ever. I'm in charge of the resident's schedule...don't mess with it," she turned to walk out, "that's why I'm the chief resident, "and walked out leaving the three other occupants withholding their laughter

"And," Richard called out to her, "that's why I'm the chief..."

"Coward," Derek laughed. "You waited till she left to say that."

"Yeah...well, don't want to mess with her," Richard smiled, "not worth the aggravation. Carry on now, both of you, get to work."

"Chief," Meredith smiled at him, "thank you."

"Go on," he said, and had a bittersweet smile on his face. He never stood up for her, he thought back to Ellis' obsession with work and blatant neglect of her daughter. He owed Meredith Grey this much, even if he'd never admit the reasons for his now apparent leniency, not to mention he'd promised Ellis to look after her.

Miranda walked back in with a smirk on her face, "think you're so smart," and smacked down a piece of paper on Richard's desk. "This," she emphasized, "is the new schedule. Fools, she's trading off a Sunday to spend her month's anniversary with you," she snorted, "and you're scheduling yourself to work the same day. What kind of celebration is that?"

The three occupants in the office were speechless. "You keep forgetting," she glared at them, "I know EVERYTHING! Don't mess with my schedule again."

Meredith and Derek walked out of his office holding hands, both smiling at Patricia.
"She's become an old softie," Derek laughed.

"I'm behind you Shepherd," Miranda appeared out of nowhere, making Meredith let go of his hand. "Quit while you're ahead."

"Dr. Bailey," Meredith turned to her to say thank you.

Miranda waved her off, "not one word," and walked away hiding her satisfied grin.
If word got around, she'd be accommodating the rest of her brood's dating schedule, and speaking of which she thought, and glanced back at the mesmerized look on Meredith and Derek's faces as they stood on the bridge, she was going to find Yang and bet that on call room was going to be put to use before the afternoon was over...and it was!

"Derek," Meredith said, completely out of breath, her hands on his shoulders as she let her body rest completely against his, "I don't think I can move..."

"You think," he said just as breathless, "I can..." as he held his wife's body against his.

"That was..." she said, her hands now wrapped around him, caressing his back, both allowing their breathing to become normal again.

"Afternoon of firsts..."

She giggled, "I'll say."

"First time," he chuckled, "in a supply room..."

"Since we got married," she added.

"First time we've had sex at the hospital..."

"Since...forever..." she said, and leaned back to look up at him, "since we got back..."

"First time," he smiled seductively, and kissed her leaving her breathless again.

"We were quiet..." she said a bit later, and their laughter resonated beyond the room.

"So much for that," he said as his lips kissed the swell of her breast, before he reached for her discarded scrub top, and then tied her pants at the waist.

"I love you Derek," she said and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you too," he cupped her face in his hands, and smiled, "you have sex hair."

"Don't I always," she giggled, "you'd think we could do this without..."

"We can't," he smiled and ran his hands through her hair before he cradled her head and they gazed at each other lovingly. "I love your hair," and they kissed one more time before walking out of the supply room closet, unashamedly, holding hands and approached the desk.

Miranda Bailey looked up, grinned and turned to Yang and Sloan who happened to be at the nearby nurse's station. "Time to settle bets."

"Day's not over, Dr. Bailey," Cristina pointed out smugly.

"Yang, that may be the case," she answered, "but those two just acted like rabbits in that supply room, and that means, I called it."

"Fuck," Mark mumbled.

"Dude," Alex snickered, as he'd approached the desk just in time to hear Bailey's comment and witness the look on Meredith and Derek's face, "and plenty of it, I'd say."

"What did you call?" Derek said, not having paid attention to the rest of the conversation.

"Fools and rabbits," Miranda Bailey stated with a deadpan expression.

"Lions..." Meredith smiled, "maybe...definitely not rabbits."

"Grey," Miranda Bailey reprimanded, "you're my resident. We don't talk about this, your sex life...ever..."

"You bet on us," Derek retorted, "she can..."

"Shepherd," Miranda said, "all that hair making you more brainless."

Everybody snickered, and Derek went along with it, and smiled as Meredith kissed him goodbye and walked away followed by Cristina who told her she really needed to stop with the public displays of affection.

"So...Miranda," Derek teased her, "you gave in to the gossip mongers and joined the betting pool," and laughed as she glared at him.

"I'm not opposed to making money on a sure bet," she answered dryly, and began to walk way when she felt his arm rest briefly over her shoulder.

"Thanks for the schedule change. You are an old softie."

"Shepherd, already told you...I'm not a softie."

"But you're not old," he teased her at first. "How are you Miranda?"

"Barely hanging in there," she admitted.

"I'm here if you need me," he said.

"I know," she said, without breaking their stride, "you're a good friend Derek."

"So are you Miranda. The absolute best."

"Stop screwing around with my resident," Miranda said, back to her normal self. "This is a hospital, and there's work to be done. Patients to take care of, and don't think that McDreamy smile and the leaning and all...works on me."

Hours later Derek sat on the first floor lobby waiting for his wife, and grinned broadly when she approached. "What do you say," Derek walked up to meet her, "we have a quiet romantic dinner alone..."

"What are you planning on feeding me?"

"Whatever your heart desires," he smiled mischievously.

"That would be you..." she said in a low whisper and felt her heart leap with joy as he embraced her and whispered in her ear.

"Can't keep your hands of each other," they heard a mocking voice and several snickers as their friends followed Mark out the front doors, "then complain gossip follows you everywhere."

"Want to guess what the next bet will be," Derek laughed and kissed her lips

"No," she giggled, "but I bet we gave them plenty to talk about today..."

"Our first quiet encounter in an on call room," he smiled, "or storage closet."

"Until you laughed," she smiled as they walked to their car holding hands, "and did you see the expression on Mark's face when I said we had another half hour before my shift started."

"Want to give them more to talk about," he raised his eyebrows at her suggestively.

She smiled as the sparkle in her eyes matched his, and at the end of a day filled with unexpected moments; tender, bittersweet, romantic, passionate, humorous and sensuous; captured his mouth in a playful loving kiss.

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