Are they done?

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The usual lunch crowd had the cafeteria buzzing with activity, making the seating arrangement decision a very practical one, even if she was still annoyed with some of her friends.

"Hey guys," Meredith greeted as she joined George, Lexie, Izzie and Alex. "I'm absolutely starving, so don't even think about stealing any food."

"Look at this... Bambi, Barbie, Evil Spawn and Xena protecting Dark and Twisty."

"Cristina! I've really had it with your crap, if you can't say something nice, than just shut the hell up."

"Mer, you really need to get a grip, this thing with McDreamy is making you very moody."

"Enough! Seriously...if you can't even pretend to be supportive, than just leave."

"Fine, I'll refrain."

"Thank you, and who the hell is Xena?"

"Dude, Xena the warrior princess!"


"Xena...Lexie, the warrior...protecting her sister."

"Well, at least that's better than money grubbing bet makers..." she paused trying to think of another insult, "and...and persons who think babies are toxic."

"Mer, leave the sarcasm to me. Really, it doesn't suit you."

"You see what I mean...Cristina, it wouldn't kill you to pretend you're on my side here..."

"Mer, we're all on your side," George interrupted.

"No, George you're not, not when you go around placing bets behind my back, and making comments that can do nothing other than hurt my feelings."

"Ok... Meredith, this...this is even freaking me out... what the hell is wrong with you... talking about hurt feelings and all this other crap, we're made of stronger stuff than that."

"Seriously...seriously...the man I love kisses a nurse and breaks up with me, and it's all over this god damn hospital... and you don't think I'm entitled to hurt feelings..."

"Dude, she just admitted she loves McDreamy."

"Alex, leave her alone," Lexie said as she swatted his arm.

"Don't bother, they're all just a bunch of immature teenagers waiting to grow up. I'm going to get dessert," she said, getting up in a huff.

George commented, "she's already eaten her desert," and they all burst out laughing.

"Yeah, you tell her that," Izzie said smiling, "I think it's the lack of 'McDreamy sex' effect.

Lexie observed Meredith quietly, and suddenly gasped, as she saw the scrub nurse enter the cafeteria and head for the cafeteria line. "Alex, go do something, get Mer's tray and offer to pay for it... like a make up gesture... or something... so she doesn't have to run into that woman."

"Why do I have to..."

"False alarm, Rose stopped to talk at that table," George muttered.

Meredith came back to the table oblivious to the minor freak out experienced by her friends. She was not however, spared the obvious interest focused in her direction, when she saw, whom she presumed to be Rose, approach the cash register and join friends at a table across the room. The sudden quick shift in conversation did not go unnoticed and she was grateful.

"So, Mer, did Lexie tell you we're thinking of moving in together?"

"You're what," Izzie jumped in, "you didn't tell me that."

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