Bets anyone?

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While Kathleen and Derek spent the afternoon catching up on family news, the activities of Seattle Grace carried on with minor exceptions.

Meredith was walking by the surgical board when Mark stopped her. "Grey, how would you like to scrub in with me, include one of your interns?"

"Why? You don't normally like to teach interns?"

"But you do, and you'll be there."

"Why do I think there's an ulterior motive?"

"Scrub in with me, it's easier to keep an eye on you."

"You're keeping an eye on me...Derek asked you to do that, I'm going to kill him."

"No, he didn't, but you better get used to the idea he's going to be overprotective as hell, and he's going to expect that I watch over you, whether he asks or not."

"What's the real reason, and don't lie to me."

"Derek's right."

"About what?"

"You are bossy and feisty...I see why he likes it."

"Mark better not be flirting with me..."

"I gave up on that..."

"You gave up on flirting, seriously...Mark, you are the biggest..."

"I gave up on flirting with you...Grey, you're going to be a Mom, I can't flirt with a pregnant woman."

"You promised not to say anything...till we...till I go to the doctor... I want to wait."

"I'm keeping your secret. Come on, walk with me to my office and scrub in with me in 30 minutes.."

"Only, " she said as she walked next to him, "if you tell me why you suddenly want me in there."

"Fine. Rose is the scrub nurse."

She stopped, "why...why would you do that to me?"

"I'm not doing that to you, I want to do this for you. You are a professional and talented doctor, not to mention a very strong woman, and you can deal with it."

"Mark, no...please...I can't..."

"Yes, you can. You walked out last night, leaving everyone talking, and I do not want that to be an image of you, weak and running out of Joe's because of that woman's actions. He wants you. He's chosen you, and he loves you."

"Why...why are you doing this? Suddenly, why are you my knight..."

"I've never been anyone's knight...haven't you heard, I'm only a man whore."

"What's changed," she asked as she followed him to his office.

"My best friend, the man I considered my brother, finally forgave me..." he told her, and she saw the truth of his emotions, "he forgave me for betraying him, and sleeping with his wife...and now...he's given me a chance...a chance to get my brother back, and has trusted me with the two most precious things in his life, you and your baby."

"Mark," she said with tears in her eyes, "you think he sees a precious thing in his life."

"Meredith, he loves you, I have never seen him feel this way about anyone...not even Addie who was his wife for eleven years. What he feels for you...don't doubt it, you are precious to him."

"Do you think,'s just because now, there's a baby," she said softly, while he saw the tears gathering in her eyes.

"Meredith," he said softly, in a role he was not often used to, "Derek loves you. It's that simple and that complex, because it's about love."

"Sometimes...really more often than not, I feel I'm not good enough for him, you know..." she lowered her voice to a whisper, "dark and twisty...all many issues...just not worthy of him."

"Why are you whispering?"

"I...I told Derek, we can't let the baby hear those things...we can't let that be part of the baby's life."

"Meredith, I don't know all of what happened last night, after you left Joe's, but I know he was tormented, and this morning when Kathleen called me, she was very concerned.
But, what I do know, without any doubts, is that you are the most important thing in his life, baby or not."

"Mark, I'm glad...really glad that you two have found each other again...I mean, that you can be there for one another, he needs that."

"What he most needs is you. To know you're ok, there's not doubt about that in my mind, you being safe, that's all that matter to him."

"You sound so sure."

"I have no doubts, and neither should you."

"I'm trying...very hard."

"Let me tell you something...I think it's time you know...I think it's something you two need to address, because I don't think you have."

"Is it it something..."

"It's not bad, it's reality. When you drowned, that day, I had already lost my friend, but
that day I was afraid the man...the essence of who he is, would die right along with you..." he paused to clear his throat, "I found my friend, sitting down on the floor across the room where they were trying to revive you, and he was broken and lost and crying, and that day, that day was the first time he allowed me in...just for a few seconds, but he allowed me to be his friend again."

"He was crying...on the floor," she said as she sat down across from him, feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

"Meredith, are you ok?"

"Just...just need to sit down, Mark...I didn't know, he was there...and like that...and..." she started to cry, "I know he pulled me out of the water, and saved me...breathed for me..., but I ...I didn't know he sat...and cried...that I did that to him."

"Hey, don't do this, I didn't say that to make you cry, I just wanted...wanted you to now how much he loves scared he was of losing you, how he prayed to get you back. That has nothing to do with a baby, that had to do, and still has to do with the fact that you truly are the love of his life, even when he's an ass, and can't show are."

"Mark, the things I said to him, the awful things I said to him last night," she cried, "how can he ever forgive me."

"He obviously already has, because, I believe the love you have for one another, yes, this is me talking...the man whore, I believe only happens once in a lifetime, and few people are lucky to find it."

"You...really are very special," she said and first wiped the tears from her face, and then leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Don't let him know that, he's insanely jealous."

"He is not."

"Maybe not, but I like to give him a hard time anyway."

"Mark, he is the love of my life."

"I know he is, that's why I'm going to be your knight, bestman, brother in law...and baby Shepherd's godfather."

"I'm glad...very glad you're his friend...and mine...I think you're my friend too."

"You're not going to be able to get rid of me, I might even change diapers," he winked.

"You know, one of the things... one of our issues, is trust...he thinks I don't trust him...anyone..."

"Is he right?"

"I'm trying...but, I've never had anyone...not really, only Cristina...and now...Lexie, I've been trying to be open...

"Grey, look, I'm sorry, but she is not being a good friend. I know I was a shit friend to Shep, but at least I recognized it...but even in that, if I'm honest, and I told him this, I did him a favor..."

"Mark, how can you say could you say that to him, you cheated with his wife."

"I know, and it was wrong, and maybe if we could do it over again, maybe I'd point out to him where his marriage was failing, and they were going in two completely different directions, and who knows, maybe it would have helped, or ended it sooner, and maybe even Addie and I would have had a chance."

"Did you love her?"

"As much as I can love someone. Yeah, I think I did. But, that's another story...another about that, you and I can practice trusting other people...and talking about feelings."

"That could work. I'm learning to be trusting."

"But, Meredith, I think, that I did him a favor, sleeping with Addie, because he found you, and even I can recognize fate's hand in that."

"Fate..." she said, "I'm beginning to believe you're right...about Derek and I..."

"My favorite dirty mistress..."

"Ok, Mark, you can't call me that anymore..." she said and he saw he serious look in her face.

"You're serious?" he laughed.

"Yes...your godchild."

"He or she...can hear me...and knows what I'm talking about?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that," she giggled, "but, if we don't start practicing now, you know you'll call me that sooner or later, and I'm going to be a mom, Mark, my kids can't think of their Mom as a dirty mistress."

"Whatever you say, Mom."

"Thank you."

"Is he right, about you not trusting people."

"Maybe...yes...but, now, I'm trying, I mean, him and I...we've talked more...well, we've put each other through hell, over the last twelve days or so... but, I'm being open, and not keeping my feelings from him...and Lexie...well, I'm thinking of her as my sister...and and me...talking like this...I'm being trusting...because he trusts're going to be my baby's godfather."

"I'm a friend...if you need anything, I'll be here, and you can trust me...because Meredith, I never want to jeopardize my relationship with Derek again."

"I know...and he feels the same way."

"Ok... then... you're scrubbing in with me."

"Mark, no... I don't want to..."

"What's this, a weak sister in law?"

"I'm not weak."

"Prove it."

"What's your intention?"

"I'm just going to establish some new rules for Sloan's OR."

"Mark, I don't... I'd rather...not, I don't want to bring attention to it, and really, it doesn't do anything for me, to call her out on's not important, she has to be embarrassed enough."

"Not good enough, and don't worry, I'm only going to establish a new OR rule."

"'s not my style, to humiliate anyone, and I've had enough of feeding the hospital rumor mill, really, let it go. Derek and I are going to be ok, that's all that matters."

"How can I be your knight, if you don't let me."

"Now, I do know Derek is going to be jealous, if I call you my knight, he thinks he is..."

"It's ok, keep him on his toes."

"He knows me better, he knows he knight in shining armour."

"Yes, I believe he does know you...and his place in your life."

"I hope so, I have to make sure h e knows...after last night..."

"You're going to be fine, now stop worrying, and don't upset the baby."

"Oh God, you're going to be as bad as Derek," she sighed.

"Probably," he laughed. "Ready, Dr. Grey?"

"You'll be nice..."

"I'll be the best of brother in laws, and stop being so nice, she was a bitch last night."

"That's a reflection on her, not me...and she called me a slut...I have been."

"Hold it righ there, didn't you just lecture me on that kind of talk in front of the baby?"

She laughed, "well, I told takes change old habits."

"Stop that one, right now, because neither he, nor any of us think of you that way."

"Nancy did."

"Well, Kathleen doesn't."

"How do you know, I mean...I think she liked me, but...I did...I was involved with him, and he was married."

"Grey, Shep was an ass, he didn't tell you, and if she doesn't know she will before she leaves."

"I don't think it's that important anymore."

"Obviously it is. But, I'd bet money..."

"What else is new," she said and rolled her eyes.

"Let me finish. I'd bet money, she will hear the truth form Derek himself."

"I don't think they're going to talk about that."

"You don't know Kathleen, she's going to want to know everything. She didn't fly out here to make small talk."

"Oh God, she's going to hate me, when he tells her...when..."

"Meredith, stop it, and listen to me."

"We're going to be late. We have to go."

"I'm the surgeon, they can't start without me, and you're going to listen to me."

"When you and Shep broke up, that stupid break up sex period. Don't look at me like that, the entire hospital knows about it. I told him one day, he may be better off without you, not in those words exactly."

"You did what...and're're pretending..."

"No, I am not pretending. That day, he told me off, he was so clear about what you needed, your fears...I began to understand a little, and then, the day in the scrub you remember, my comment?"

"Yes," she answered softly, still moved by the words he'd uttered.

"The apple fell far from the remember that?"

"Yes, I was very touched by it. I loved my mother...but...that day...that meant a lot..."

"So was I, and ever since then, I see the vulnerability and what Shep sees, and all the reasons he loves you, and I told Kathleen, once she got to know you, she'd want to protect you too."

"You told her that..."


"But...that makes me sound...horrible...Mark that makes me sound weak and pathetic..."

"That's where you're wrong, that makes you just who you are, a beautiful, compassionate, caring, loyal individual, that with all the crap you've had in your life, should have turned out to be a selfish cold hard bitch, and instead, when we get the chance to know you, we are reminded how rare your qualities are, and how lucky we are to have a glimpse of them, in someone so close to us."

"Mark, you know...I'm pregnant, and hormones, and know, I' going to cry when you say things like that..." she said, and he reached for her and let her cry on his shoulder.

"I also told her, you're my sister now too...and I mean that...all kidding and're my family, and I want to prove to him and you...that I'm worthy of that...of being part of your family."

"You truly are," she said, and wiped the remaining tears away.

They were ready to walk in to the scrub room, when she said, "Mark, thank your, for telling me about Derek...and the day...the day I drowned, I have a lot to make up for."

"I don't think he feels that way, I think he's happy just knowing you're by his side."

"Yes...but, I need to prove to him...he needs to trust me..." she said, without elaborating.

"Let's go, and don't chicken out on me...just follow my lead."

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

"All you need to do is remember he loves you...only you."

They were on the way to the scrub room, when they came across Cristina and two of her interns, when Mark joined them and interrupted the conversation.

"Dr. Yang, would you mind if one of your interns scrubbed in for a surgery with me?"

"No sir, of course not, did you have anyone in mind?"

"Yes, Dr. Grey."

"That's fine Dr. Sloan, it's not a problem. Dr. Grey, go scrub in, I'll see you later."

Lexie walked with Mark and Meredith, and he asked Meredith, "do you want to get another of your interns to join us?"

"Yes, I'll page them, thank you," she smiled.

"You're welcome," he said, acknowledging the silent communication, that she understood he's asked Lexie to be there to offer moral support.

They were scrubbed in and as soon as they walked in the OR Rose approached him to help with the final preparations of gowning and gloving, when he stopped her.

"Rose, please get another scrub nurse."

"Excuse me, Dr. Sloan."

""I have a new policy, no one is allowed in my OR within 24 hours of being visibly inebriated."

"There's no such hospital policy," she challenged.

"I believe hospital policy addresses no drinking eight to twelve hours before a shift begins, however, it's my policy that no one is allowed in my OR, within twenty four hours of a state similar to yours last night."

"Mark, you don't have to..." Meredith said low enough for only Mark to hear.

"I will take this up with HR."

"Please do. I'm short a scrub nurse in here, can someone call for a replacement immediately?"

"Mark, that was harsh," Meredith said quietly, as they waited away from the rest, until someone came in to finish gowning them.

"Grey, toughen up," he teased whispering for her ears only, "don't want a wimp for a godchild."

"You are a dead man."

"Why, just defending my sister in law's honor."

"I meant for calling my child a wimp."

"Mama bear..."

"Yeah, don't forget it. But you also are feeding gossip all over the hospital."

"You're not really mad, are you?"

"No, just...well, that was humiliating."

"So was her behavior last night, not to mention the consequences, she got off scott free."

They began the surgery about ten minutes later. "Dr. Grey," he said, and to his amusement, both Meredith and Lexie answered.

"Two Grey's in my OR, didn't think of how confusing that could be. Maybe we need to start differentiating between the two of you. Let's see, I guess it's a bit early to start calling you Dr. Shepherd , but maybe we can compromise..."

"Dr. Sloan..."

"Grey, stop being shy, you and Derek have already agreed I'm your bestman, and you admitted to Kathleen you're getting married..."

Meredith rose to his taunt. "Well, she is his sister, and that's a little different...Dr. Sloan...rather than the entire OR."

"Grey, what's the big deal, we all know the bet's over...Mcdreamy is back...what was it...nine days," he roared, "and you're going to marry him."

"Dr. Sloan, you really are not very good at keeping secrets."

"I have it...Grey it is for the future Mrs. Shepherd...Dr. Grey will be Lexie, can we keep that straight."

"I think we can manage. Lexie, does that work while answering to Dr. Sloan."

"Yes, that works," she said smiling behind the face mask.

"Ok...let's continue... Dr. Grey, would you like to step closer so you can assist."

"Yes...yes... of course... of course Dr. Sloan..."

"Dr. Grey...just keep ramblings to a minimum..."

The whole OR had been quiet at his initial request, given his lack of patience and distaste for teaching, but Meredith was the first to laugh, followed by the others at his second comment to Lexie.

"What!!! I can teach... I enjoy teaching ...sometimes."

"Of course, Dr.Sloan," Meredith commented, trying to keep from laughing again.

"Grey, don't be a smart ass...I can see the smirk."

Everyone in the OR laughed, his lack of patience was legendary, and all would walk out and comment about the afternoon's events, and before the day was over, bets were taking place in regard to the upcoming nuptials of Dr. Shepherd and Dr.Grey.

"Let's move along people...this is looking really good, we're not going to take as long as I care to start the bets..."

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