Magical Memories

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"Mrs. Shepherd," Derek smiled, and leaned in to kiss her, "what do you we give them more rumors to spread..."

"Only..." she said, "if you're ready to give up on that intern," she teased, and before she knew it, he'd move them slightly back from the desk and unexpectedly and playfully dipped her, delighting in her laughter, and then without breaking their gaze, pulled her body back up and captured her mouth.

"Shepherd," they heard an unmistakable voice, "what the hell are you doing with my intern?"

Derek felt her giggle on his lips though Meredith's reaction was still to pull away, and ignoring Miranda Bailey, he prolonged the kiss longer than intended.

"And you fools," Miranda addressed the rest of her interns, "this is a hospital people, we've got patients to take care of, not stand around gawking at Shepherd behaving inappropriately."

"Behaving inappropriately," Derek smiled, "it's not inappropriate to kiss my wife."

"I don't care who she is," she said, attempting not to laugh, "Shepherd, dipping people and kissing them is not what you're paid to do, and neither is she. She was supposed to be on duty since seven, not making out with her husband," she added and winked at Meredith, "you all must have had too much champagne after I left last night," she said, clearly establishing her blessings for the couple.

"I'm going now Dr. Bailey," Meredith told her, "I came in early and my interns have already had their work assigned."

"Jet lag," Miranda said, "is going to take a few days to overcome. Just make sure you get enough sleep," she said and glared at Derek.

"You know, I'm not scared of you," Derek told her, and heard the giggles and laughter behind them. "What, I'm not," he insisted as she stared him down, and he walked away mumbling, "busybody."

"I heard that," he heard as he rounded the corner of the hall before he reached his office.

"Dr. Bailey," he replied, following the amusement in her voice, "have you come to lecture some more on marital behavior?"

"Stupid man," she smirked at him, and followed him into his office.

"Miranda," he smiled, "you have something on your mind?"

"I do," she told him.


"How are you?"

"I'm fine. We both are."

"Must be contagious, that fine crap Meredith has down to a science," she said with a bit of sarcasm. "Derek, there's been a lot of changes in your life lately, and I think you know me well enough by now to realize I don't mince words."

"Then why are you doing so now?"

"It's about Meredith...and ..."

"What about her? She's fine...she's happy."

"Let me finish," she told him. "She just lost a baby Derek, and it's going to be several weeks before her hormones are back to normal, and I know you'll keep an eye on her, but if you think she's not ok...if I need to work around her schedule, you let me know. But, it's about you was your loss as well, so if you need to talk..."

"That means a lot to me," he said, reaching over and giving her a hug. "You're a good friend Miranda."

"Just as long as you don't think I'm becoming an old softie," she told him.

"Never," he said and gave her another gentle hug. "Now, tell me, how are you and Tucker and Tuck?"

"We're as well as can be expected," she admitted, "but...I don't know...I really don't know if we're going to make it. But, baby's doing well, and that makes everything else easier to bear."

"Well...I'm here too," he said, "if you need someone to talk to."

"I know," she said, and reverting to the tough exterior, "I won't forget," walked away.

The rumor mill was at its finest, halls buzzing with innuendo within a couple of hours as Olivia had wasted no time in spreading the news, but few had seen the couple together, and that in itself created further speculation to the legitimacy of what she said. But then, as the skepticism spread and comments reached a select group of ten, they began to weave their tale and by the time Meredith and Derek met for lunch, there was very little doubt the couple had reconciled and all bets were truly off. At least, in regard to the marriage, though other bets would soon begin.

"Hey," he said, as they met outside the cafeteria doors, and he kissed her lips, "how's your day going?"

"Busy, my interns were glad to have me back, especially the ones stuck with Cristina over the weekend," she laughed, "apparently she was not in a good mood as she fought jet lag."

"Sounds like Cristina," he laughed, and they walked in holding hands.

"Mer," Izzie called out to her, "join us."

"What do you want to eat?" Derek asked her.

"Get me whatever you want," she told him, but thought better of it and called out to him, "but not too healthy."

"Mer," Cristina said to her, "you're letting him pick your food, what's next, sharing meals from the same plate?"

"Oh, they already do that," George commented.

"What..." the three women turned to him.

"It's true, they're always grabbing food from each other's plate."

"We do not," Meredith told him.

"Sure," he said.

"Bambi," Cristina smirked, "I do believe you're right. Bet Derek does it first, since Mer's going to be on guard now."

"You people really need to get a life," Meredith joked with them, "enough with the bets."

"Mer," Izzie said in a rushed tone, "quick, let me see your hand."

Meredith looked at her skeptically, "what is wrong with you?"

"Let me see your hand before those nurses walk by here."

Meredith showed her right hand, and the rest of the table occupants roared with laughter.

"Mer," Cristina said, "even I know she wants to see your left hand."

Izzie grabbed her left hand just as Nurse Debbie was approaching, "Mer, I still can't get over how romantic the proposal was, on a gondola...and the ring, it's gorgeous... and from Tiffany' can't be any more romantic than that."

"Dr. Grey," Debbie's curiosity got the best of her as she stopped by the table. "We've been hearing all about your wedding...we hardly knew you were engaged."

Derek reached the table at that moment and put down the tray. "Hello Debbie," Derek said in a friendly tone, addressing the nurse as he done in the past.

"Dr. Shepherd, congratulations I was just admiring Dr. Grey's ring, or is it Dr. Shepherd?"

"It's Dr. Grey," he answered, "till Meredith completes her residency."

"Well, best wishes to you both. We hear it was a last minute wedding," she said with a bit of sarcasm.

"Actually, it wasn't," he said, as he sat down, "I'd planned our engagement to be in Venice for some time, and once we were didn't make a lot of sense not to get married."

"The only bad thing," Meredith said, wanting to firmly establish the strength of their relationship, "is that all our friends and family couldn't be there, but we did have some family there," she smiled, unwilling to reveal anything else, and effectively ending the conversation said, "thanks for your good wishes, we do appreciate them."

"That should give her enough gossip to spread, those busybodies," Izzie said as Debbie walked away.

"Yes," George muttered as Derek grabbed his fork and reached in Meredith's salad bowl, and they all laughed including Meredith.

"What are you all laughing at?" He asked, fork suspended midair.

"Don't pay attention to them, they're making fun that we grab food of the other's plate."

"We don't do that," he said, as he brought his fork to his mouth, and realizing what he'd done, joined in their laughter. "Uhmmm, I guess we do."

"Old boring married habits," Cristina said, "even before they were married.

"You're just jealous Cristina," Izzie told her.

"Yeah...right," Cristina smirked. "Been wedding...done that."

"Yang," Derek said, "I do believe Mom may be right."

"About what?"

"When you's going to be interesting to watch."

"In your dreams Shepherd, I'm smarter than that..."

"Famous last words," he joked, and leaned over to kiss Meredith on the cheek.

"You heard Bailey, Dr. Shepherd," George joked, "that's inappropriate behavior."

"What does she know," Derek laughed, "not an ounce of romance in that woman."

"Shepherd," he heard Miranda's voice, "what were you just saying about no romance..." she glared at him, "need I remind you who made it possible for your wife to have a week off?"

"Wife?" Izzie said, "Dr. Bailey you didn't know they were going to get married."

"Stevens, when are you all going to accept that I know EVERYTHING," she said before walking way with a smile on her face, and leaving a look of doubt on the faces of the others.

"She..." Meredith said, "we didn't know we were getting married."

"Mer...where that woman's concerned," Derek told her, "I don't question what she knows."

"Derek, be serious, she could not have possibly known we'd be married, you didn't know."

Derek just shrugged, and finished eating his lunch just as his beeper went off, "got to go, I was waiting for this page, my patient's ready for surgery."

"See you at five," Meredith commented.

"Yes," he said and leaned in to kiss her and whispered something that made her giggle, and at least those in the cafeteria witnessed the unequivocal love shared by the newly married couple.

By four thirty Derek knew he would not be finished on time. "Linda," he addressed one of the familiar faces in his OR, "would you mind calling my wife," his smile was hidden behind the scrub mask, as he made emphasis on calling Meredith his wife, "and let her know I'm stuck here at least another hour, maybe longer. Tell her to take the car and I'll call her before we dock and she can come get me."

Meredith got the message and though disappointed decided to make the best of it, and had just finished changing when George walked in lounge. "George," she asked, "is your shift over?"

"Yeah and I'm off the next two days."

"George...would you help me with something, a favor really..." she said and told him what she wanted and he agreed. It was after six when George dropped Meredith off at the trailer.

Derek was barely out of the car when he saw Meredith walking over to him, "hey," she said, kissing him soundly on the mouth, "we have to hurry, drop your things off and let's go..."

"I didn't know we were going anywhere," he commented.

"We are," she said smiling, "and we're going to be gone for a few hours," she kissed him again quickly before she followed him inside and waited for him.

"Where are we going," he asked again, but she just said, "it's a surprise."

"Ah..." he smiled, "the woman that doesn't like surprises..."

"You made me change my mind..." she teased him, "just a little."

"All right then, lead the way," he said, and she pulled on his hand and headed for his land rover and got in the driver's seat.

"I didn't think you were going to make it on time," she said as she drove, "after I got your text that you were still at the hospital at five thirty."

"You're not going to tell me where we're going," he insisted.

"At least," she smiled as she glanced quickly to meet his yes, "you won't have to wait days and hours to find out we were going to Venice."

"Uhmmm...paying me back..." he joked.

"No...but I expect you will..." she teased him, "very soon," she said as she reached the spot he immediately recognized, and got out of the car, and waited for him to walk around and extended her hand to him, "are you joining me Dr. Shepherd?"

"Wherever you want to take me," he paused, his eyes perusing her body, "Dr. Grey."

"Ah...Derek..." she stopped and turned to him, "'s Mrs. Shepherd."

"Jealous," he teased her, as he lowered his mouth to hers.

"No..." she responded with an all consuming kiss. "I trust my husband."

"Your husband adores you...Meredith Grey," he said, and then followed the path where she led them to the spot where he'd brought her weeks ago to show her the site he'd picked for their home.

"I know..." she smiled.

"Mer..." he said, as he looked around, ""

"Why..." she said, "you don't like my surprise..."

"Of course I do. I love your surprise," he said, and pulled her into his arms, "it's...perfect...but when did you get a chance..."

"It's our first night, well last night was but it's different...this is our holds so many memories...I wanted to make the first, where our home will be...special."

"It is," he told her as he sought her gaze, "absolutely perfect," he said and kissed her softly and then hand in hand they walked toward the edge of the cliff.

"Do you remember..." she said, as he looked into his eyes, "that night you brought me show me where our home would be..."

"I will always remember that," he told her, and cupped her face, "our magical night," he said, repeating the words she'd used that evening.

"Yes," she whispered against his lips.

"You made it look the same...but when..."

"George helped me, I asked him and like I told you, he drove me so I could leave the car with you and then he helped me bring the two chairs and table and the coolers over here," she smiled, "and keep away any bears while I set things up," she joked, and their laughter echoed through the ancient land, joining the sounds of nature and witnessing a spectacular display of colors on the horizon.

Weeks ago they had stood together on the same spot, marveling at the vibrant hues of the canvas that had unveiled itself before them, unaware of the bittersweet memories the spot would evoke throughout their lifetime. But now, the two lovers returned and their hearts were filled with hope. The hope found in nature's unwavering promise, that as sure as the sun had set in anticipation of a new dawn, the next morning's sunrise would pave the way for dreams fated to be fulfilled.

Derek held her, her back pressed against the length of his body, as nature's canvas disappeared from view. "I love you Meredith."

"I love you Derek," she whispered back, his arms tightening around her, and a gentle tender caress of her abdomen mourned the loss of a child, an angel they felt had forever strengthened their love for each other, and then they heard a child's mischievous giggle carried by the wind.

"I love you lots Mommy..." Meredith took a deep broken breath, "I love you lots Daddy," and he wrapped his arms around her, and both closed their eyes and inexplicably whispered, "we love you too," he said, "baby bear..." Meredith completed the sentiment and both understood it would be years before they would hear the whispers of an Angel named Brianna.

"You heard..." she said minutes after.

"I did," he said as he kissed the side of her neck, his lips lingering softly.

"She said goodbye..." Meredith said quietly.

"She said goodbye," he agreed, and turned her to face him, and in each other's reflection found healing and hope for the dreams, both knew, unequivocally, would be fulfilled.

"Derek," she said, "what do you remember most about that night?"

"You gave me hope... when you told me you were mine...for a lifetime..."

"I knew then, one of those moments when you just know what will happen, I knew ...somehow I knew my dream would come true..."

"Our home here," he said, "our on our porch," he kissed her softly.

"Yes...all those dreams..."

"They will Meredith," he cupped her face again, and she reached to stroke his cheek, "they will come true."

"Over there Derek," she said, pointing to where the chairs had been set up, "that's the view from our bedroom."

"Our bedroom," he said, "the one you want with a balcony with French doors the kids can't reach...and a fireplace," he repeated what she'd told him she'd like the afternoon spent with Kathleen and Lexie looking over house plans.

"Yes," she wrapped her arms around him, and smiled, "overlooking the fence to keep the bears away from our windows," and they laughed as they had not so long ago, but now hope was the constant denominator in their view of the future.

"Well, Mrs. Shepherd," he joked, "are you planning on feeding me?"

"I'm planning," she said suggestively, "on feeding your every appetite."

"So," he teased her, "I take it you didn't cook, but went to Real Foods Market."

"Ass," she swatted him playfully.

"I love you Meredith," he smiled, and his lips devoured hers.

"Diversion," she laughed.

"Not on your life," he said, and his lips began to trail kisses along her neck, and back again to nibble her lips while his hands cupped her breasts and his lips continued their journey along her body, settling at some point at the swell of her breast, and soft moans escaped her as the age old ritual began, where lovers find pleasure in fulfilling each other's desires, and Meredith and Derek lost themselves in timeless promises of love filled passion.

"Derek," she said as she rested her head on the crook of his neck, long after he'd wrapped their sated bodies in the blankets she'd had the foresight to bring along, and now she sat on his lap on the wooden chair.


"I'm hungry..."

"Again..." he teased her, "Mer...I don't think I can ..." he joked with her, as his renewed desire was evident as her naked body pressed against him.

"Well..." she smiled, "I'd say it's fair bet you can," she teased, "but I want food first...I'm starving."

"Food trumps sex..." he joked.

"Sex trumped food already," she laughed.

He reached for their discarded clothing, and soon after were enjoying their meal.

"So," he said, "this is what you had in mind when you said you wanted to spend the night at the trailer tonight."

"Actually...I didn't think of this till you were stuck in surgery...I mean, I knew we'd spend the night at the trailer. But when I realized I'd have a little time alone, this just seemed do something for you...after all you've done for me...the gifts...and the trip...and our wedding..."

"Hey," he stopped her, "this is not..."

"Derek," she said, and kissed him softly, "I wanted to...needed to do something for you too. For us, and this I thought would be nice...coming back here...another magical night between us."

"This," he said, kissing her, "tonight, without a doubt...another magical night."

"We should do this again," she smiled.

"Count on it..." he smiled, that smile reserved exclusively for her, and her heart skipped a beat in anticipation, and again he captured her lips and as the evening progressed, their banter and laughter would lead to tender and passion filled caresses. The silence of the night the only witness to the ecstasy of their surrender, creating new memories on the site that would be their home, the site where all their dreams would be fulfilled.

(Shattered...) Dreams FulfilledWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt