Emotional roller coaster

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Careful not to hurt her sister Jenna's feelings, Kathleen quickly and expertly managed to find the right emotional balance for all involved.

"Ok you two," Kathleen said, "make room...I'm the oldest..."

"That you are," Nancy said, immediately recognizing what her sister was doing, "for almost fifty years."

"Almost," Kathleen countered, "and Nancy you are not too far behind."

"Here we go," Maggie laughed. "Meredith, you'll hear this conversation often."

"Derek," Nancy said, "speaking of old...this swing shouldn't have too much weight on it, why don't the two of you sit on the ledge."

"Remember what I told you Meredith;" Carolyn Shepherd encouraged the change of conversation and the distancing from the previously emotional scene, "they are all bossy."

"They certainly seem to be," Meredith giggled, and allowed Derek to pull on her hand and lead her to the concrete ledge adjacent to the swing. Meredith was touched by the way the three women had so flawlessly pulled them away from a situation, that if she gave in to all she was feeling, would bring on an emotional meltdown; instead, she chose to give in to more lighthearted feelings. This day had already made her come to terms with feelings and emotions that ran deeper than any she'd felt in her life, and in the years to come would look back fondly to this moment; the day his family became truly hers.

"Mer, ever since we were kids," Derek said, "we'd fight over this swing and how many of us could fit. Of course there were the other cousins to compete with as well, and then when it was moved here, we still argued ...though we weren't such kids anymore. So, just like now, some of us ended up having to sit here...by the sidelines," he said as he continued to hold her hand.

Maggie's phone rang and she smiled as she talked to one of her boys, "we'll be right there," she said before disconnecting. "Kat, that's our call, kids are at Alice's."

"I thought the kids were coming here." Derek said.

"They are," Maggie said, "but have you forgotten what it's like getting fourteen kids ready for a special dinner celebration, well only twelve tonight, at Mom's? Aunt Pat is driving them to Alice's to get ready, while Nancy's five will be here. So, big brother, enjoy a bit of the quiet before we all descend upon you again," she teased as she and Kathleen left.

"Jenna," Carolyn said, "why don't you go lie down for a while, you know it's going to be a long night," and surprisingly without argument her daughter did.

"I'm going to help Mom in the kitchen," Nancy said. "The two of you should use this as the last of your quiet time for hours."

"I can help," Meredith said, "set the table...or whatever..."

"It's all done dear," Carolyn said, "the girls helped earlier, and Nancy's right, you're going to wish for some quiet time."

"Take our advice Meredith," Nancy told her as she walked toward the kitchen door.

"I think I will," Meredith smiled, "I'll see you in a bit," she said to Derek and gave him a quick peck on the lips, and he understood her need for some time alone.

Derek joined Carolyn, and sat next to her on the swing. "Ma..." he said with deep felt emotion, "it's good to be here."

"I feel blessed," Carolyn told him, "having all my children here. Please, don't stay away so long."

"We won't," he said. "It's all changed Ma...Meredith's changed everything."

"I know she has," she smiled softly and gently touched his check. "I'm very proud of you...and her...how you are there for each other."

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