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"I never realized how much work revolved around that office window."

"Dr. Shepherd, what ever do you mean?"

"Only that you seem to have strategy down to a science Amy, and not once was there a missing ear during my conversation with Rose."

"We were not eavesdropping, if that's what you're implying."

"Oh, I'm not implying anything Steph, I'm stating a fact."

"That's not very complimentary to us..."

"Lisette, it wasn't a coincidence I paged her to this floor."

"What? You set us up?"

"Help me out here, Tracy, this is one rumor I won't mind if it spreads like wildfire."

"You mean you want us to repeat what we heard....well, I mean... you were not trying to be quiet, we couldn't help but hear."

"Let's get this straight...what would you say the rumor should be..." he laughed.

"Very simple... McDreamy is on his way back...

"He chastised the scrub nurse and told her never to speak about Dr. Grey again"

"Admitted kissing her only helped him realize there's only one woman he loves."

"Not to mention that good morning kiss..." Tracy laughed.

"I thought so...didn't miss a word... carry on ladies...have a good day," he winked.

"McDreamy is definitely on his way back..."
"Good morning ladies...our earlier briefing was thwarted with Shep's presence...what's the latest GS update?"

"Dr. Sloan, you are not going to believe this..."

"Amy spill."

"Really amazing..."

"Ok... can one of you take over here and give me a full update, rather than half sentences."

"Dr. Sloan, we were really surprised with all that happened, and it started this morning when Dr. Shepherd came up to the station and kissed Dr. Grey."

"That takes care of last night's bet."

"Did you win?"

"No Steph, I bet they wouldn't talk to each other. Based on past experience they're too pigheaded to figure things out like normal people.

"This is getting more interesting by the day..."

"It's not over yet," Tracy commented, and proceeded to bring him up to date."

"I'm still holding to my 23 days... they'll find a way to screw it up."

"Dr. Sloan, that is not nice, you did not see them this morning, and he's determined."

"Tracy, let's just wait and see... meanwhile, you joining at Joe's tonight?"

"To baby-sit?


"You and Dr. Hahn," she laughed.

"That's an interesting, no, just you and me tonight."

"Dr. Sloan! That is not what I meant."

"Neither did I, but too easy to pass up on that."

"I'm up to some fun...if you are," she teased.

"Always darling... always up to some fun..." he smiled and walked away.

Meredith and Derek had spent hours tied up with work, and it wasn't till late in the morning they had any communication.

"Lunch?" he sent by text.

"Caf @ 1?"


"Hey," she heard him say, as he caught up with her before entering the cafeteria.

"How's your day going?"

"Good....took care of things I needed to. Yours?"

"Interns are idiots sometimes...and I know, I was not anything like that. I had a very good group."

"Speaking of ..." he motioned to the table where Alex, Izzie and George were sitting.

"We don't have to sit with them."

"It's ok, I don't mind...but they might."

"That would be their problem. But, can we just sit alone?"

"I'd like nothing better," he said as they acknowledged her friends, and went to grab lunch.

Derek looked at her tray and commented, "two pieces of cheesecake...not very nutritious."

"One's for you," she lied.

"Of course it is."

"It has fruit, look at the strawberries."

"I give up... cheesecake, fries and grilled cheese."

"I don't get on your case about your awful taste in food," she teased him as they relaxed in each other's company.

"If it isn't the hero himself," they heard and both raised their heads at the same time.

"Look, Cristina, I told you yesterday, and I'm going to tell you again. If you can't be nice, just shut the hell up."

"Mer, I'm giving him a compliment."

"Yeah and aiming the next dart."

"Seriously...rumor is McDreamy is on his way back."

"Oh, I've just had it with this. Let's eat lunch in peace."

"Mer, you really don't know."

"Don't know what?" she snapped.

"Oh this is going to be interesting..." she said and sat down uninvited.

"Hi Meredith, Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Yang."

"It's Derek, Lexie, join us."

"Oh no... thanks...but...just saying hi, I'm just going to go...and..."

"Sit down Lexie," ordered Cristina, "just what I needed, 2 ramblers."

Lexie looked down a bit embarrassed, and Meredith just glared at Cristina.

"Seriously Cristina, stop with the sarcasm."

"I will if you stop being this softy...feely person. Lexie, fill Mer in on today's gossip about McHero."

"Who? Oh... you mean ...oh...sorry Mer...I know you don't you know..."

"Derek, what in the hell is going on?"

"I have no idea what they're talking about."

"Oh... sharp Shepherd, very sharp."

"Let me fill you in," she recounted the gossip and ended with, "so you see Meredith, seems like McDreamy is making some headway... I just hope you're not stupid enough to fall for all of it in a day."

"Cristina! I've had it," she said and started to get up, but Derek held her down.

"Finish your lunch, we'll talk later."

"So, Lexie, tell me, what's it like working with Dr. Yang?"

Meredith and Derek walked out of the cafeteria together and immediately the buzz rose to new levels of speculation.

They walked to his office and he told her about his conversation with the nurse.

"You stood up for me," she stated.

"Of course I did."

"So, you're not going to be ... you know trying to be friends with her?"

"No, I'm not. I made it clear you're the only woman I'm interesting in."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I wanted to clear things up as soon as possible. I don't want any more misunderstandings between us, I want us to have a chance to work things out and I know how you felt about that."

They were sitting side by side on a small couch in his office, and she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on is lips, before fully observing the emotions displayed on his face.

"Derek, why are you sad?"

"I'm not, I'm happy we're talking...trying to work things out."

"But you look sad, it is because of me?"

"Why are you always placing the blame on yourself?"

She shrugged, "what you did, talking to her, it means a lot to me, but I'm thinking you said she was your friend, maybe your sad you can't...I won't have that anymore."

"Meredith, I am sad."

"Oh, I was right?"

"No. I'm sad because I hurt you, and I realize it may be a long time before you're ever ready to trust me with your heart."

She wanted to scream 'I do... I do... I do...don't you see, right now, I'm trusting you..' instead she said, "I'm here...Derek... can that be enough for now?"

"It's enough... for as long as you need," he told her as he gently caressed her face, and pulled her into his arms and just held her.

Her pager went off minutes later, and she got up to leave, and a bit hesitant at first, she asked him, "do you...want... I maybe you're already busy, but maybe if you're not, we could...we could spend some time together tonight...I mean we're not fighting...and it would be nice... just, just to spend some time together?"

"I'd love to. Do you want to grab a bite to eat?"

"No...I mean yes... we have to eat, but maybe...maybe you can just come over, and we can spend a quiet evening at home."

"Are you inviting me to dinner, or am I expected to cook?"

"I was thinking we could pick something up at the store...pasta maybe..." she smiled hesitantly.

", I am being used for my culinary skills."

"Among other things," she teased.

They met up at the end of the day and he noticed how tired she looked, and instead of going to the store together he offered to go himself.

"Hey, it's been a long day, why don't I go to the store, and you go home, take a long bath and I'll let you know when dinner's ready."

"You're spoiling me," she told him when he opened her car door for and waited for her to get in.

"Yeah...and you're letting me," he said and lightly kissed her lips.

"I'm definitely letting you's my key, so you don't disturb my bath time and force me to come open the door in only my bath towel."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"Who said I can't?" she teased light heartedly.

"Uhm..." he answered, knowing she was not too resistant to his advances.

"Neither should you...Derek...not the time to try to get me all hot and bothered,"
she told him as she pressed her lips to his.

"Two can play at this game, you know," he murmured in low seductive tone.

"I'm sorry...Derek, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be teasing you...I'm not...I'm not ready for more right now."

"It's least I know you haven't lost all interest for me."

"You...don't have to go to the store...I mean it's ok...we don't have to..."

"Meredith, go home, have a long bath...and we'll have dinner."

More than an hour later, he went upstairs to call her for dinner.

"Meredith," he knocked lightly at her door, and hearing no answer, opened it and saw she was still in the tub. She was resting her head back against the tub and had fallen asleep.

Bailey was right she looked so fragile and vulnerable right now, he didn't want to risk doing or saying anything to upset her, when he knew, he was responsible for what she was feeling. He recalled the night she came to tell him she didn't want him to date anyone else. There'd been a light of hopeful expectation in her eyes, and he'd turned it around and ruined it with his flirtation with the nurse.

"Meredith," he nudged lightly, urging her to awaken, "you fell asleep, come on, I've got a towel for you." She looked around disoriented, and when she saw him standing there, reaching out to her to help her out of the tub, all she could do was smile and accept his pampering, as he wrapped her in the towel and then began to gently dry her off.

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