I Do...for always...

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It was a beautiful morning in Venice, the crisp sunny weather invigorating, as Derek left the hotel followed by Mark and Kevin both of whom had their share of ribbing him the night before, and now he was in no mood for jokes.

He was a nervous wreck, never having felt this way before, the emotions he was experiencing in anticipation of Meredith becoming his wife were nowhere close to his wedding to Addison. Both men had been there at his first wedding, and in silent understanding left him to his thoughts, because they knew this was not like the first time, this was as he had told them the night before, the only time that mattered, because today he was marrying his soul mate, the woman that gave meaning to his life.

"You're damn lucky you know," Mark commented, "being married to a woman like Kathleen."

"Mark, are you still trying to steal her away from me," Kevin laughed.

"Never had a chance, she's never had eyes for anyone but you."

"Jealous, are you?"

"Yeah...sometimes...Kev, I wonder what the fuck it's all about...if we all have that other half...or it's just better my way."

"The manwhore route..."

"Don't knock it...just because you were one lucky bastard."

"That I am Mark, and I never take it for granted, I get what Shep's feeling, because...when you find that, that love of your life..."

"You ever cheat on her?"

"What the f..."

"Guys, I can hear you...stop instigating Mark..." Derek turned around and told them.

"I'm not. I'm asking him...seriously...what it's all about."

"Do you have the rings?" Derek asked.

"I think so..." Mark grinned but was interrupted.

"Shit Mark, this is no time to joke."

"Lighten up Shep...of course I have the rings...I'm the best man ..."

"Yeah...maybe I should change my mind...not a great track record..."

"Hey..." Mark walked up to him and became serious, "that's not fair, you said we moved on from that, and...Grey...I told you...I value our friendship, all of it too much to ever go there, and she's...she's vulnerable and I'm seeing her like a sister Derek. What she's been through, both of you, I was there, and I'm not taking any chances, ever again to screw it up with you...so...you don't get to say that."

"I know...Mark...I know you're her knight..." he half smiled.

"No, her semi-knight," he corrected, "you're her only knight Derek."

"Hey guys," Kevin interrupted, "were the hell are we?"

"What..." both Mark and Derek asked at the same time.

"I don't think this is the way..."

"What are you talking about Kev?" Derek asked irritated.

"I don't remember this being on the map."

"Screw the map, just follow me, I know where we're going," and they walked for another several blocks when he stopped.

"Kev..." Derek said, "you're right...this is not the way."

"Told you, we shouldn't have walked on our own," Mark said, "or at the very least brought Lexie with us, she'd have remembered after one look at the map."

"What the hell is with you and Lexie, and it better be nothing, Mer will kill you."

"You heard her," Mark said, "I'm too old for her, nothing to worry about."

Derek had a feeling there was more to it than that, but decided to let it go, he wasn't going to let anything ruin his wedding day, he'd deal with it when they got back home. For now he knew he was in trouble if they didn't make it to Palazzo Cavalli on time.

Mark took the initiative and stopped a woman passing by, and luckily she spoke enough English to point them in the right direction, and in fact Mark's considerable charm had her walking with them until they were on the path that could not be mistaken and in minutes arrived at the city hall.

"Dr. Shepherd," the driver from earlier in the week greeted him, "please follow me, we will wait upstairs and there is a document for you to read, Lucia will also give it to Dr. Grey, it is the translation of the wedding vows that will be used in the ceremony."

"Wedding vows," Derek commented after the three men were escorted to one of the rooms in the old palace, "I didn't think of wedding vows, I didn't write anything...what the hell is Meredith going to think that I didn't care enough to write some wedding vows for us...and I would have...but there wasn't any time...I didn't think of it, Mark...with everything going on I didn't..."

"Derek," Mark said, trying not to laugh and grabbed him by the shoulders, "she is not going to care, I'm sure she didn't think of it either. Now, get a grip, and read what the man gave you and stop with the rambling. Shit, that made the Grey girls and Kathleen sound like amateurs."

"You ass."

"Hey...that's what I'm here for."

"He's right Shep," Kevin added, "she's not going to care, she's probably a nervous wreck just like you are."

"I am not," Derek protested.

"Well, than you're a better man than me, cause I sure as hell was, especially..."

"Especially what..." Mark prompted.

"We were trying so hard to keep your mother from knowing we'd been living together, and it turns out," he laughed, "she knew all along."

"So, Kev," Mark insisted, "did you ever cheat on her?"

"Shep's right," he laughed, "you're an ass, and no I did not."

"Not even tempted? Man, twenty years the same woman."

"The same woman you still can't resist flirting with," he reminded Mark, "who's still hot as hell...and more beautiful and desirable than the first day I met her."

"Not to mention phone sex," Mark said and they both roared with laughter.

"That is my sister you're talking about," Derek commented, unaware that both men had been trying to keep the conversation along the lines that would ease a bit of his nervousness.

"There was only one time," Kevin started to say.

"You ass," Derek said, "you're telling us you cheated on her...what the fuck kind of love of your life is that you stupid pr..."

"Shut up Derek, listen to the story," Kevin told him, "we'd been married about four years, and at a holiday party when this woman, a very attractive woman started flirting with me, and before I knew it, Kat was at my side and told her, honey I don't object to sharing my husband as long as you don't mind that he's been impotent for years."

Mark roared, "what did she say to that?"

"I have no idea, because Kat, who was six months pregnant at the time, pulled her to the side, and the woman left shortly thereafter."

"She didn't bring it up again?" Mark asked.

"Oh yeah...she's never let me forget it, and I wasn't the one flirting."

"You just made that up," Derek told him.

"Ask Kathleen."

"I don't think we'll be talking about cheating spouses today," Derek muttered.

"Good idea," Mark mumbled, but Derek heard him.

"Hey..." Derek said, "the past...it's over," and extended his hand to him, "I'm glad you're here today...it would not be the same without you."

Mark took his hand and took one step further and gave him a heartfelt bear hug, "you're my brother Derek, I'll never jeopardize that again."

"I know...and so does she."

"Did you read her note, she told me to remind you...and I'm sure you did, but I think it meant more than that, Shep, you didn't forget did you, she'll kill me and she may take it back...you know...my other role...Derek...did you...don't tell me you forgot man..."

"I need a drink," Kevin laughed, "you guys are nuts...Mark, you just rambled like a girl."

"Oh shut up," both Mark and Derek echoed.

"I did not forget," Derek smiled as he slipped his hand in his pant pocket and fingered the iron key she had given him, and began pacing the centuries old room, and was soon followed by Mark, much to Kevin's amusement.

Meredith, unlike Derek, was relatively calm, as she'd experienced a myriad of brand new emotions and she'd been overwhelmed by the presence of family and its healing power.

When Ailene Shepherd placed the bracelet on her wrist and embraced her, she'd touched Meredith deeply and forever found a place in her heart.

"Meredith," Lucia had told her when she met with her before leaving the hotel room, "these are the wedding vows that have been translated, they cannot be changed because they are the Italian civil wedding vows, but if you wish to say you own vows, you may do so after these are completed."

"Vows...I didn't write anything...and we didn't talk about it, Derek and I, how could we have forgotten...it's our wedding..." she felt Kathleen's hand over hers.

"Meredith, I'm sure he did not think about it. Honey, there's been a lot going on, and with these vows, you'll be married...and later, the two of you can add anything you want and share it with each other," she said calmly.

"Kat...but, he may think I did not care, that it wasn't important to me..." she said quietly.

"Mer," Cristina walked over to her, "remember at my wedding, I had my vows all written, and everything was sort of perfect..."

"Cristina, you're not making this better, you washed off your vows, and Burke did not go through with the wedding."

"But you are, and the vows...when the time is right, after the ones you must say, I know, that if you speak from the heart, you will find the perfect thing to say."

"Who are you?" Meredith said, shocked by Cristina's sensitivity. "What happened to you?"

"I'm your person, recognizing that what the two of you share...is what love is about."

"You mean that..." Meredith said softly, touched by her words, "seriously?"

"Seriously..." she said and hugged her ever so briefly, "now let's get going, Shepherd must be a nervous wreck wondering if you've changed your mind."

"There's the Cristina I've come to know," Mrs. Shepherd laughed.

"Mama Shep, you're a hard act to follow," Cristina told her. "I think they broke the mold with you...Lexie and I are going to be stuck with dreadful mothers in law."

"Cristina, dear, that is lovely...but...I'm not so sure about that," she said smiling, and quickly glanced at Lexie, a look that did not go unnoticed by either Kathleen or Meredith.

"Meredith," Lucia spoke again, "it will take less than ten minutes to get to Palazzo Cavalli and once we get there, you will be escorted to a room adjoining the marriage room, in case you don't want to see Dr. Shepherd until the ceremony begins."

"Mer...it would be so romantic, if he did not see you before, you know you walk up the aisle...or whatever," Lexie said.

"Lucia, we did not talk about it...what do I do?" she asked a bit nervous.

"Meredith," Kathleen assured her, "we talked yesterday, with Derek, and he thought you'd join him...in the Wedding room, that will be the first time he sees you..."

"He did...he wanted that..."

"We kind of told him that..." Kathleen laughed.

"He was ok with that..."

"Yes, he was fine with that...and besides, he got to sleep with you last night, so he can wait...just like we had to," she said, "thanks to Mom."

"Oh stop whining, you had your share of sleeping with Kevin before, not to mention already..."


"Yes dear?"

"Never mind...I don't want to know now..."

"You already do, Kathleen..." her mother smiled and went to her side to hug her, and they shared a private moment.



"You know..."

"Everything...well, not everything...but, sweetheart...an almost eight pound premature baby," she smiled, and caressed her daughter's face and kissed her cheek.

"Mom...I'm sorry, I should have..."

"You are beautiful and perfect in my eyes, don't ever forget it...as in your Dad's...and do not make me cry before the wedding."

"Do you need anything from here Meredith," Lexie had asked, and Meredith had given her a gift to take with her and been harassed about what it was by the others, but would not budge in revealing the content.

Kathleen, after seeing Meredith's dress had gone to her room and brought a black cashmere shawl and told Meredith she could use that instead of her coat during the reception, so Derek could enjoy her dress, and teased her along with Lexie and Cristina that she probably wouldn't be wearing much clothing during the rest of the week.

"Kathleen, stop teasing her, we all know what they're going to do the rest of the honeymoon, for goodness sakes, even I have not forgotten my honeymoon, or the lack of clothing," Ailene said, effectively shutting them up as she walked over to Meredith. "Ignore them...but follow their advice," she laughed, and had Meredith giggling.

The wedding party of five women was escorted to the private taxi and within minutes approached the landing dock on the Grand Canal, and in spite of the banter amongst them, Meredith remained in quiet reflection.

"Derek you've looked at the time every thirty seconds, the ceremony is not till ten thirty, she has another ten minutes to get here," Kevin told him.

"What if she changed her mind..." he asked. "She could, you know."

"Unlikely," Mark taunted, "you're the one that has the market cornered on that, non-proposals, taking them back...telling her you bought her ring but not giving it to her."

"How do you know about that?"

"You are seriously asking me that question?" Mark answered with a question.

"Yes, didn't talk to anybody."

"Shep, the night before you flew out...weren't Cristina and Lexie at your place, and helped her pack?"


"Women talk...Derek...women talk, too damn much."

"That doesn't answer my question how do you know...oh wait...don't tell me...Lexie."

"We sat together on the way here...do you know what it's like to sit next to Xena on an airplane for hours on end?"

"I'm sure you're going to tell me," Derek responded.

"No...not at all," he smirked, and thought, delightful.

"Oh God," Derek said, "Meredith's going to kill you."

"Why?" Mark asked, "I haven't done anything..."

"Why indeed," Derek laughed, almost seeing the humor in the situation, "keep it that way."

"Your bride's arrived Shep," Kevin said as he looked out the window, and Derek followed relieved to see Meredith on the dock walking towards the building, and his mother approached and linked her arm through hers and he saw Meredith turn her face and smile at her.

"Dr. Shepherd," the young driver spoke as he entered the room, "they are here, and we'll give them a few minutes for any last minute preparations and then we will be ready to join them in the Wedding room."

"Thank you, let me know, I'm ready," Derek responded.

Meredith stood outside the building and admired it's façade, and when she went inside, murmured to Ailene, "it feels perfect...to be married here, it's such a beautiful palace, centuries old...and in Venice...full of stories and legends..."

"As yours...you begin your own story today, you and my son, a love story guaranteed to be a legend...with your romantic proposal and kiss under the Bridge of Sighs," she said as she glanced at the marble staircase in the Renaissance building overlooking the Grand Canale, and the two most important women in Derek's life walked up the stairs, one to enter into and the other, witness the commitment of a lifetime.

They were escorted to a small room beautifully decorated with original eighteenth century furniture and paintings. "Meredith," Lucia said, "you have a few minutes before the ceremony begins, the Mayor, it is Wednesday and he performs all the marriages and he speaks English, but the vows must be read in Italian so the interpreter will be there, but they are the same as you have read, do you have any questions?"

"No... I'm ready, "she said as Cristina helped her take her coat off, "except...Lucia, if I want to say something...like...my own words...can I say that..."

"Of course, you can, but it will be after the official vows, so I will let him know, you wish to say something...do not worry, I will take care of that now, and will be back in a few minutes."

"This is it," Meredith said quietly, almost to no one in particular, "my wedding day..."

Lexie stood next to her, "you look beautiful, Meredith...and I'm so happy to be here to share this day with you..."

"So am I...Lexie...you think he'll like the dress..." she said, fidgeting with the bracelet.

"He will love the dress," Kathleen said, "it's his favorite color."

"That's why I chose it..."

"And he will know that Mer," Cristina said.

"You look perfect dear, my son will not be able to take his eyes off you."

"Music..." Meredith, said suddenly as Lucia walked in the room, "there's no music...that must be bad luck...I mean...a wedding and no music for the bride, I don't, I'm not walking down the aisle, but still...maybe..."

"Meredith, there is music. Dr. Shepherd thought of it, he asked for music since he's going to wait for you to walk the length of the Wedding Room."

"He...Derek thought of music..."

"Yes, he said he was sure you'd like what he chose."

"Ok...he...he thought of everything..."

"I really think he did, Mer," Cristina said.

"He loves me Cristina," she said almost in awe that he truly did.

"Yeah...he really does," she admitted.

"Thank you..." Meredith said getting teary eyed, "for saying that."

"It's time Meredith, the Mayor is here, so if the ladies will come with me, and they can take a seat, and then I will come back to get you."

"Lexie, don't forget the gift ..."

"I have it here," she indicated to the bag, "I won't forget."

"It's for Derek," she said quietly to her sister.

"I figured that..." Lexie smiled.

"You're not always right you know," Meredith rolled her eyes.

"I was about you and him...my brother in law..." she said, "happy wedding day Meredith," she said and kissed her cheek, "I love you."

"Do not make me cry," Meredith told her softly, "I'm glad we're sisters Lexie."

"Let's go," Kathleen said, "before we all begin to cry or ramble," and gave Meredith a kiss on the cheek as well, "again, welcome to our family, I am so happy to have a new sister."

"Lucia," Ailene asked, "may I walk with her and take a seat before she walks to Derek?"

"Of course Mrs. Shepherd, we have many of the bride's mothers that do that."

"That is wonderful dear, thank you," she said, "girls we'll see you in a couple of minutes."

"Oh, Lucia," Kathleen said before she walked out, "the flowers...we forgot..."

"They are here, don't worry," she smiled indulgently, "let me show you the way."

Derek was nervous, and became increasingly so when he did not see his mother with the others and approached Kathleen, "what's wrong, where's Mom?"

"She will be here, she wanted to stay with Meredith," and gave her brother a kiss, "you look very handsome Derek."

"Is she ok...is Meredith ok?"

"She is perfect..." she smiled, as she went to sit next to Kevin in the front row and greeted her husband with a light kiss on the lips.

"He's a nervous wreck," Kevin smiled as he kissed her back, "even took a wrong street, and manwhore asked if I'd ever cheated on you."

"He did what," she narrowed her eyes, and laughed as he told her the story.

"Meredith, Mrs. Shepherd, we're ready," Lucia said, "these are your flowers Meredith, from Dr. Shepherd," and handed her a beautiful delicate bouquet of about fifty stems of Lily of the Valley, with three sprigs of lavender perfectly matching the indigo of her dress, all tied with a small white satin ribbon.

"They're from Derek," she said as the bouquet was placed in her hands, "he ..." she paused as tears welled.

"No crying sweetheart, not till he at least sees you..." Ailene told her, and following Lucia walked toward the Wedding room.

Derek could see his mother just outside the door, and for the umpteenth time straightened the knot of his tie. "Derek, stop with the fidgeting, she's right there," Mark said.

"Meredith," Ailene said, "whenever you need me, whatever you need me for...from this moment forward, I will be there, just one call away...as I am for my children and in my heart you are already my daughter."

"I thought you said I could not cry," Meredith said as she fought back tears.

"Well, I thought I could do this without crying too," she responded and reached for a lace and Irish linen handkerchief in her small bag, "this was from my husband, on our wedding day he had to dry my tears too," she said and dabbed at the corner of Meredith's eyes, before she did the same and then hugged her, "I'm so happy to be here to share your wedding day, Meredith, and I know...if she could, this would be your mother standing here with you," and Meredith in that moment knew her mother was present, and felt her unconditional love in that embrace, and then her tears wiped away once again, before Ailene walked away.

"Mom," Meredith closed her eyes, and barely whispered, "I did love you...I miss you," and chose to believe as she held on tightly to the bouquet in her hand that the wind could echo voices from afar, and heard "I love you too Meredith...you are a beautiful bride."

Lucia touched her arm lightly, indicating it was time for her to walk in, just as the delicate sumptuous sound of harp strings filled the room with Mendelssohn's Wedding March from A Midsummer's Night dream, and Derek and Meredith's eyes met, their gazes locked, never wavering until she was at his side.

"You remembered," she whispered as she reached his side, and the last sounds of the age old song resonated through the room, "the music."

"I remember everything about you," he smiled. "You wore blue."

"Your favorite color," she smiled, eyes filled with tears, "I chose it for you."

"You look beautiful," he said, as his eyes perused her body, and the simple short sleeve silk dress she'd selected, the round slightly gathered neckline highlighting the heart pendant she wore, and the blouson top accentuated at the waist by a silk sash tied to rest against her thigh.

"You look very handsome," she said as she raised her hand to lightly stroke his face, and he noticed the bracelet, and his eyes filled with tears.

"This," he said, touching the bracelet, "Dad's gift..."

"She...she wanted me to wear it."

"Oh...Mer...do you know..."

"Yes...Derek...I do..." she said acknowledging the deeply emotional significance of her wearing the charm bracelet, and squeezed his hand gently.

The Mayor interrupted in English, "we will begin now," and read the vows, immediately followed by the translator, and they agreed, that "the husband and wife acquire the same rights and assume the same duties, and the state of matrimony requires a reciprocal obligation to fidelity, to moral and material assistance, to collaboration in the interest of the family and to cohabitation. Both the husband and wife are expected to contribute to the needs of the family, each pledging in relation to their own financial circumstances and personal capacity, relative to their profession, whether inside our outside the family home, and the husband and wife will agree together on the physical address of their home and establish the family residence according to the needs of both, and of the pre-eminent needs of the family itself. The state of matrimony requires from both the husband and wife the duty of supporting, raising and educating their children, keeping in mind their natural abilities, their inclinations and aspirations."

Derek had raised his eyebrow when they'd mentioned the financial circumstances, and Meredith had done the same, both smiling in challenge and agreement.

Upon stating the required articles, the Mayor continued, "After this premise, I invite you to answer the following questions," he said as the translator continued.

"Does Mr. Derek Shepherd declare he wants to take as his wife Miss Meredith Grey, here present?"

"I do," Derek answered with the expected response, and then added, "for a lifetime."

"Does Miss Meredith Grey declare she wants to take as her husband, Mr. Derek Shepherd, here present?"

"I do," she said, emotions overwhelming her, "for always."

Derek was ready for him to say he could kiss the bride, when he heard the Mayor speak in English again, "before you may kiss the bride, she would like to say her own vows."

Derek could not have been more shocked. "You have vows...you didn't say...you wrote vows..."

"They're...from the heart, Derek...spoken from my heart," she said, as she turned to face him, her hand still held in his, and she placed the bouquet on the desk in front of them and reached for his other hand, and began to speak barely above a whisper, though all in the front row could hear her the softness of her voice and the poignant words spoken.

"Once upon a time..."she began, "the first night of a lifetime, I met the love of my life, and he told me if I knew him..." she smiled, "and he was right, one night in a trailer in the wilderness, he made me fall hopelessly in love with him, and began to believe in love, that a love like ours existed, and here I am ...wanting you always, no longer scared, for I know, I've found my soul mate... and we will never be alone again...our hearts entwined forever...our love," she said so quietly, only for him to hear as she released his hand and gently touched the hearts she wore, "now three souls... together beyond sad goodbyes," and he reached gently to wipe her tears, before she slightly raised her voice again, "the two of us...for always..."

"Meredith," he spoke reverently, "you were like coming up for fresh air, I was drowning and you saved me...I looked in your eyes, and even when I did not deserve it, you trusted me, and took the rest on faith, and I promise you today, that I will spend the rest of my life...of our lives," he said holding both her hands in his and bringing them to his lips for a gentle kiss, "doing all I can to be worthy of your trust and love, my life is nothing without you and I will spend it loving you always."

Their wedding guests each were touched for different reasons, but all had tears in their eyes, as they continued to hear the intimate exchange between the two people they loved.

"Derek...you saved me...pulled me out of the water...and breathed for me...and now...from now on, when one falters," she said, but he finished, "the other will be steady in our resolve and commitment to each other ..." and she smiled.

"Our one hundred steps, Derek, we're here."

"Your ugly toad," he smiled.

"Turned into my knight in shining armor, my prince charming, my strength and comfort, the love of my life."

"You are the love of mine, and my heart skips a beat whenever I look in your eyes, and see that you love me," and both continued, finishing the other's thoughts, oblivious to time and anyone but each other, and the voices of their hearts.

"Today, Derek...our wedding day," she said, no longer caring if tears spilled, "all that we've been through, the sadness and joys we've shared brought us to this moment as we begin our married life...all is forgiven," she said and raised his hands to her lips," and then added quietly, "except any new brainless activities...you'll have to make up for those," she said and he laughed softly, "and so will I...but, today as we make these vows in front of our family, our loved ones," she said thinking of her mother, his father, Brianna, "I promise to love you for the rest of my life...to be there through all that life may have in store for us, to never give up and together...to build a life with you...a family...and give them a legend of love unequaled...to create memories for our children and grandchildren, and if one forgets...the other will be there...remembering for us both...I will love you...beyond our goodbyes...I'd already given you my heart...now I know our souls too have discovered each other..."

He was speechless, and humbled and knew that his words could never match hers, "That you have forgiven me...that you love me, is and will always be my most treasured gift, and I promise you that I will always be there, you will never have to doubt those words again, no more pulling away, communicating always...and as we build our life, as we begin to take new steps, Meredith...I pledge my commitment to that lifetime I asked for, our home, our children... and as our Angel watches over them, I will spend each day, each moment, making sure your dreams...our dreams come true."

Kevin had long since reached for Kathleen's hand, and at that moment reached over to wipe her tears and kiss her, both of them remembering the common bond they shared in the loss of an angel.

Cristina fought back tears as she remembered her wedding day, and acknowledged her love for Burke had never measured up to what Meredith and Derek shared, and wished them happiness.

Lexie made no attempt to hide her tears, as she spoke silently, "Mom...I'm pretty sure you're here...I love you Mom, I miss you...but, I think you're happy...that we've become sisters..."

"Derek," she said softly, "you've already made many dreams come true."

"Once upon a time," he said, "two people, two lonely people hiding their pain, were given a second chance... and prayers were answered," his voice was filled with emotion, "and found the priceless gift of love, now...our very own tale...a legend of love, for always," he said, and took out the key she had given him and placed it in the palm of her hand and covered it with his, and repeated the words he'd memorized after reading her note, "I have looked in your eyes and seen the depth of your soul...my soul mate...the love of my life, consider this the key to my heart as well, for a lifetime."

"The bride and groom may exchange their rings," the Mayor said a few moments later, touched by their vows, and Mark handed Derek her wedding band.

"With this ring, I thee wed...for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others...for always," he said, ignoring the traditional till death do us part.

Mark smiled, securing the third ring in his pocket and handed Meredith his wedding band, and she repeated, "with this ring, I thee wed...for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others..." and as he had done, "for always..."

"Further to their respective declarations in the affirmative, I hereby pronounce that Meredith and Derek are united in matrimony."

"You may now kiss the bride," the Mayor spoke in English.

Derek brought his hand to her face, cupping it gently and kissed her softly at first, then briefly deepened the kiss that sealed their love for a lifetime.

"We've done it Irish," Ailene spoke as she'd done so often through the years, "our son...happily married, remember love, they're like us...and she's wonderful and perfect for him, I wish I'd given in to you that day, and kissed you...look out for them love...make sure they get the years we didn't, and one day...I expect you to be there, as I know you are today, celebrating the birth of their next baby...take care of Brianna love...until it's my time to join you," and sent a prayer of thanks, and her own request, "God...they still need me here...I want to see those grandchildren," and smiled, her faith secure in the knowledge she'd be there...to enjoy seeing those dreams fulfilled.

"Now, to complete the ceremony, we must finish the formalities," the Mayor read, "On this twenty seventh day in the month of March, 2008 at ten thirty in the morning, in the town of Venice....by the authority vested in me, Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey have asked me to unite them in marriage," he paused and Meredith and Derek simply continued to gaze at one another smiling, as he continued until he reached the end, "and each having responded yes of their own free will, and the full understanding of the witnesses I have thus declared them united in matrimony."

They were asked who the two witnesses would be, and Derek indicated Mark, and Meredith said his mother, who was visibly emotional as she rose from her seat and walked to the desk to sign the certificate.

"I love you, Mom," Derek said as he embraced her, "you and Dad...I love you."

"We know dear," she said, as she used the handkerchief to dab at her eyes, "we know."

"Congratulations, you are now officially husband and wife," the Mayor said as he extended his hand to them both, and the harp's strings again filled the room, but this time rather than delicate, the sounds of the wedding march struck chords of the culminated ceremony.

Derek reached for the bouquet and placed it in her hand, and they turned to walk to the end of the room where earlier Meredith had waited to make her entrance, and then he reached for her and without a care for their guests or witnesses, captured her mouth in a kiss that promised endless hours of passion desperately waiting to be fulfilled.

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