Killua: "And once they had their fill of watching Y/n suffer, they trapped him in this, Along with my little brother." Killua said.

After they told the story, Zushi couldn't help but feel bad for them. The burden on their shoulders must be massive.

So he assumed that they came to Heavens Arena to get strong enough to free you and get back at whoever sealed you.

Zushi: "I can't imagine how you must feel right now. I wish you luck in your journey to help your friend out of there." Zushi said while looking at the Prison realm.

Then, someone wearing a white dressing shirt that was semi tucked in started clapping, making them turn toward the person.

Wing: "Zushi! You did well." Zushi's master said.

Zushi: "Thank you, Master!" Zushi said.

Wing: "I'm very happy to see that you stuck to my teachings." Wing said.

Zushi: "Osu! I am honored. But master, your shirt's untucked." Zushi said, making Wing quickly scramble to tuck it in.

Wing: "Oh! Sorry about that." Wing said while tucking in his shirt.

Zushi: "Oh. This is Killua and Gon." Zushi said, introducing Killua and Gon.

Wing: "Pleasure to meet you. My name is Wing." Wing said.

G/K: "Osu!" Gon and Killua said at the same time.

Wing: "I really wasn't expecting to see any other kids here besides Zushi. So, what brings the two of you here?" Wing asked.

Killua: "Well, You see... We want to become stronger. But we're also pretty broke, so we're making money at exactly the same time." Killua responded.

Gon: "Yeah. Killua's been here before, sir." Gon said.

Wing: "That right? You must be quite talented or else you wouldn't have made it to this level. Even so, pay close attention to your opponent's body and your own." Wing said.

G/K: "Osu!" They both said at the same time once again.

Then we cut to Gon, Killua, and Zushi in front of a female staffer.

Staffer: "Killua, Gon, and Zushi. Ah, there we are. Hand me your tickets, please." The staffer said as they handed her their tickets.

Staffer: "Here. This is your prize money from the earlier fight." She said as she slid them an envelope with money in it.

Gon: "152 jenny..." Gon said, slightly disappointed.

Killua: "On this floor, you make just enough for a juice, win or lose. But on all of the other floors here a loss gets you nothing." Killua explained.

Killua: "Winning on the 50th floor earns fifty thousand." Killua said.

Gon: "Fifty thousand?!" Gon said surprised.

Zushi: "That's a lot of money!" Zushi said.

Killua: "The 100th floor, I think you get a million." Killua said, shocking them even more.

Killua: "Once you're past the 150th floor, you get ten million." Killua said.

Gon: "Ten million?! Didn't you make it to the 200th floor before?" Gon said.

Zushi: "Whoa! The 200th floor?" Zushi said surprised.

Gon: "How much do you get for winning on the 200th floor?" Gon asked.

Killua: "To tell the truth, I don't actually know that. Because I quit pretty much as soon as I qualified for it. But when I won on the 190th floor, I had around 200 million in total." Killua explained.

Zushi: "Two hundred..."

Gon: "Where's that money now?" Gon asked.

Killua: "That was four years ago, so it's long gone by now. I spent all of it on snacks!" Killua said, having a serious addiction to snacks.

Gon: "That much on snacks in four years?"

Zushi: "What kind of snacks were they?"

Killua: "Hey. Let's head up to the waiting room. We got through our matches unscathed on the first floor. They'll probably give it another one today." Killua said as he began to walk toward the waiting room.

Then, they arrive at the waiting room to see a bunch of grown men standing around, The atmosphere was pretty tense. But they weren't all that intimidating.

Killua: "Well, if these guys are our opponents, it'll be a cinch. Just take it easy." Killua says confidently.

Then, Killua notices someone in a cloak standing in the corner. The cloaked guy looks back at Killua, and for some reason, Killua is extremely intimidated by him and is visibly sweating. When the cloaked figure sees this, he just grins and turns away.

Gon and Zushi notice this and get concerned, so they decide to ask him about it.

Zushi: "Hey Killua, you okay?" Zushi asked, concerned as to why Killua suddenly started sweating.

Gon: "Something wrong Killua?" Gon asked.

Killua: "Dont worry... I-Its nothing." Killua said, lying through his teeth.

Killua: 'Who the hell is that guy? And why is he so intimidating?' Killua thought to himself.

Announcer: "2054, Mister Killua." The announcer said, snapping Killua out of his thoughts.

Killua: "Hey, Im already up." Killua said.

Announcer: "And 1963, Mister Zushi." The announcer said, shocking Zushi.

Announcer: "Please head to Arena A on the 57th floor." The announcer said.

Zushi: "Osu! I am honored to fave you!" Zushi said.

Killua: "I bet. Well, you can't win 'em all. Better luck next time, right? Catch ya later, Gon." Killua said.

Gon: "Yeah. Best of luck to both of you guys." Gon said.

Killua: "I'll wait on the floor above. Bye." Killu said as he left.

Gon: "He didn't have to act like it was such a done deal." Gon said to himself.

???: 'So the green-haired one has the Prison realm huh? I knew the person who had it would show up here. I'll have to wait until we're alone to kill him and take it.' The cloaked figured thought to himself while grinning, unknowingly making Gon shiver a bit.

Gon then looks at the cloak figured with an interested but slightly scared look on his face.

Gon: 'I dont know why... But I feel like I should keep my guard up around that guy, And guard the prison realm even more.' Gon thought to himself as he unconsciously pulled your Prison closer to his chest protectively.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now