Kikyo: "This is a critical time for Killua. We simply cannot allow anyone near him! Especially unnecessary distractions like friends. Is that clear?" Kikyo asked.

Butler: "Yes, ma'am." The butler said as he bowed and Kikyo walked away.

-Cut to Gon and friends.-

As they kept walking, they suddenly see a girl with dark purple hair and grey eyes wearing a suit. Standing in their way.

Canary: "Please leave now. You're trespassing on private property. I can't allow you to pass without permission." Canary said.

Y/n: "You know what? We dont have time for this. Your either gonna move or Im gonna blast you out of the way." You said as you prepared to fire Red at her, but Gon stops you.

Gon: "Dont do it Y/n. Let's try talking first." Gon said, making you calm down a bit.

Canary gets intrigued after she saw that red energy coming from your hand, so she decides to ask you guys about it.

Canary: "You, with the white hair, Y/n was it?" Canary asked.

Y/n: "Yes, That would be me." You answered confused.

Canary: "You wouldn't happen to be the person who caused that explosion from earlier are you?" Canary asked.

Y/n: "Yesssss..." You said through your teeth awkwardly.

Canary: "Hm. Well, Anyway. You guys aren't allowed here. So leave." Canary said bluntly.

Gon: "But we called ahead, AND we came in through the Testing gate." Gon said as he walked up to Canary.

Canary: "The butler's quarters did not give you permission to enter." Canary said, angering Gon.

Gon: "What the heck do we need to do to get permission?! " Gon questioned irritatedly.

Gon: "I even told them I was Killua's friend and everything." Gon said angrily.

Canary: "Who knows? No one has ever received permission." Canary responded.

Gon: "Then I guess we're gonna have to trespass!" Gon said.

Canary: "I suppose so. In any case, this is where I draw the line." Canary said as she drew a line in the dirt with a cane.

Canary: "Take one step past it and I will remove you by force if necessary." Canary said as Leorio and Kurapika prepared to fight, but Gon stopped them.

Gon then began to walk toward Canary. But when he stepped over the line, Canary struck him with her cane, sending him flying back.

Y/n: "You know what? We're not doing this." You said as you prepared to use another technique, wanting to knock Canary out quickly and move on.

Y/n: "Blu-" But before you could finish, Gon stops you again.

Gon: "Y/n! Just let me handle this. Dont attack her. Just stay back." Gon said while wiping blood from his nose.

Gon: "Look, we didn't come here to fight anyone. We just want to see Killua." Gon said as he got up.

Canary: "Your motives don't matter. I have my orders, and it is my duty to follow them." Canary responded.

You just sigh in annoyance as you began to walk toward a tree, Proceeding to lay down on it.

Everyone then awkwardly turns their attention toward you, making you look back at them.

Y/n: "What? We all know how persistent Gon is, So this is gonna take a while. So Im gonna use this as an opportunity to get some sleep. Would've been a lot easier just to let me kick her teeth in but whatever." You said as you yawned and instantly went to sleep, making everyone just sweatdrop.

Canary: "If he was fully capable of beating me like he says he is, why didn't you just let him?" Canary asked, wanting to know why they didn't take the easier route.

Gon: "Because I just have a feeling... That you dont want to do this." Gon said, making Canary have a look of shock on her face before quickly replacing it with a stoic one.

Canary: "Not like it matters. I still have a job to do." Canary said while preparing to strike Gon again.

Meanwhile, In the bushes, We see Kalluto watching the whole thing with curiosity. Then, his eyes land on you. He of course recognizes you from that time where Illumi tried to kill you.

But, deep down, He feels kind of bad. YOU didn't do anything to the Zoldycks that warranted for Silva to seal you away with the prison realm.

Now, he's kind of taking some time to really think. First, He got Illumi to try and kill you over some chocolate robots, which he could've gotten from another store. That was stupid and petty of him, In fact, he still cringed when he thinks about that particular memory.

Second, Your dad beats the shit out of Zeno and Silva, But because he died they could never get their revenge. So they take their anger out on you? That was also stupid. Why should you suffer for what he did?

Third, You have an entire family of the world's greatest assassins out to kill you for the sole purpose of getting back at Gojo.

They aren't supposed to be like this! They only kill people when paid to do so, Not because someone broke their precious Killstreak!

Now, Kalluto was more distressed than ever before. Should he side with the Zoldycks, His own family, The people who broke their own rules when it comes to Assassination?

Or should he side with you, The victim, The unlucky bastard who has to face almost the entirety of the Zoldycks, the greatest (and most petty) assassins on the planet?

Kalluto wasn't calm, cool, and collected like he usually is. No, he was conflicted.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now