Masta: "Im Masta. I'll be serving as referee for the tournament. Good luck. Both of you." Masta said.

Hanzo: "Hey. Good to see you again. You were the one who was tailing me around during the fourth phase." Hanzo said, greeting his Psuedo stalker.

Gon was taken aback by this, someone was watching him? He didn't even notice!

Masta: "You noticed that, did you?" Masta asked, slightly impressed that a competitor managed to notice him.

Hanzo: "Naturally. I assume that each of the Examiners was assigned an Examinee to follow. Well, I'm sure that I wasn't the only one who noticed." Hanzo said.

Kurapika: "I noticed, but didn't think it was worth mentioning." Kurapika said.

Leorio: "Uh. Yeah..." Leorio lied nervously. He didn't notice a thing.

Hanzo: "Im very grateful. You recognized my talent and my rank improved as a result. But no surprise there." Hanzo said, boosting his ego to incalculable heights.

Hanzo: "Now, moving on... I have a question for you. We can only win if our opponent surrenders. Correct? Knocking them unconscious doesn't count. No TKOs either?" Hanzo asked.

Masta: "Right. Those are the rules." Masta confirmed for Hanzo.

Hanzo: 'Hmm... I see. Well. This one might prove difficult.' Hanzo thought to himself, having the creeping feeling that Gon won't surrender so easily.

Gon: 'He looks tough. but we should be pretty even in strength and speed. I've just gotta keep him on the move 'til I see an opening.' Gon said, being HORRIBLY wrong.

Masta: "Now, time to start. Begin!" Masta said.

Gon: 'I'll keep some distance!' Gon thought to himself while dashing away.

But then, Hanzo suddenly appears right in front of him.

Hanzo: "You must think you're pretty quick on your feet, dont you? I'll give you that." Hanzo said as he chopped Gon's neck.

Hanzo: "Not half bad for a little kid." Hanzo said as gon fell to the ground.

Hanzo: "Now if this were a regular match, I'd already be declared the winner." Hanzo said.

Hanzo: "C'mon, pull yourself together." Hanzo said as he kneed Gon's back, making him grunt in pain.

Hanzo: "You must feel awful. I hit you hard enough to bounce your brain around your skull. Do you get it? You dont stand a chance. Just give up and spare yourself the trouble." Hanzo said, trying to end this quickly.

Gon: "No way!" Gon said through a strained voice. Prompting Hanzo to rattle his brain again.

Hanzo: "Think hard about it. Surrender now and you'll have another chance. But being stubborn isn't gonna get you anywhere. So just give up." Hanzo said.

Gon: "That's never gonna happen!" Gon strained once more, prompting Hanzo to hit him again.

Hanzo: "Say it." Hanzo said as Gon began to get up. As he got up, Hanzo punched him in the gut again, sending him back to the ground.

Leorio: "Gon! Dont push it! You still have other fights! So just-" Leorio said angrily as he got cut off by Kurapika.

Kurapika: "Leorio! If you were in Gon's position, would you give up?" Kurapika asked.

Leorio: "Hell no I wouldn't!" Leorio said as he went back to watching the fight.

Kurapika: "Gon feels the same." Kurapika said.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now