"Tell that to the kids."

"They don't expect it...well, not really," she said, "and certainly no ipods or phones, token Derek...token gifts," she said, noticing Meredith's melancholy in spite of her efforts to be cheerful, "Mer, honey, do you want to lie down, you should get some rest."

"I'm ok."

"You would be better, I'm sure if you take a nap, go upstairs, lie down."

"I'm...no...it's ok, I couldn't just use your bed."

"Derek," Kathleen interrupted her, "walk her upstairs."

"Come on, I'm not going to argue with her bossiness," he said, thankful for Kathleen's insistence.

He walked behind her, his hand on he small of her back, and sat next to her when they reached the bed, pushing her gently against the pillow, he leaned down and kissed her, and heard the small intake of breath.

"It's ok..."she said, "and pulled her into his arms, "it's ok..." he said as she cried softly against his shoulder.

"I...I was doing ok..."

"You are doing great...and you are so brave...talking about...about all of this..."

"I want us to be happy...I want to be normal...with you...with a family..."

"We are...we already are..."

"I was more tired than I thought," she said and lay back against the pillows.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Yes...but...you should spend some time with her before she leaves tomorrow."

"I can stay...she'd understand."

"I'm going to fall asleep...go ahead...and the two of you need to call your Mom."

"I cannot believe you did that..."

"What...talk to her?"

"No...lie to her..." he laughed.

"I didn't really...except for the day when she got here..."

"And she knows you lied...and isn't mad..."

"Derek...you're pretty lucky...your family...lucky to have them."

"They're your family now too..."

"Well, there is Nancy..."

"You have the two pillars on your side...and me..."

"You think...you think...your Mom will really like me?"

"From what I heard...she already loves you."

"She didn't judge me...Derek...that...that meant a lot..." she said, with tears in her eyes, "even though all she knows about me is the slutty intern..."

"Hey...would you do something for me..."


"No more sluttly intern talk...you never were..."

"Derek...I kind of was..."

"You were an intern...with whom I fell in love..."

"That's pushing it...remember our one night stand..."

"Was it... really...just a one night stand..." he asked seriously.

"The first night...of a lifetime..."

"That's how I remember it..." he told her and kissed her, leaving no doubts theirs was a love unequaled to anything they had ever experienced before or expected, and certain few were lucky enough to find it.

(Shattered...) Dreams FulfilledWhere stories live. Discover now