The ship then lands and everyone gins to pour out, but they're confused as to why nothing is here. But Beans gets their attention by clearing his throat.

Beans: "Everyone, this is the site of the Hunter Exam's Third Phase. You'll be competing here at the top of the Trick Tower." Beans said, explaining what they were gonna do.

Guy: "Did you say trick tower?" Someone asked.

Bean: "To pass this phase, you must reach the base of the tower alive. The time limit is 72 hours. And with that, the Exam's Third Phase will now begin. Good luck to every one of you." Beans said.

Then, An unknown figure watching everything from a TV screen begins laughing.

???: "So, It's finally my turn eh?" The figure said while eating.

Beans: "All right everyone. Do your best!" Beans said from the airship that was leaving the trick tower.

Gon: "Whoa!" Gon said in shock as he looked down, to see that the tower was incredibly high up.

Leorio: "Now what? Are we supposed to climb down?" Leorio said, confused as to what they were supposed to do.

Kurapika: "Well, I hope not. That would be suicide." Kurapika said while looking down.

Some overconfident examinee then begins to speak.

Guy: "Sure, for most guys. For an expert rock climber like me, this is gonna be a piece of cake." He said as he began to climb down the tower.

Killua: "Oh, wow!" Killua said impressed.

Gon: "Look at how fast he's going!" Gon said, also impressed by his climbing abilities.

Guy: "By the look of things, I'm about to be the first one to pass the Third Phase." He said confidently.

He then notices a weird sound going toward him, He stops climbing down and looks around, Gon and his friends then notice the sound too, and look around as well.

Then, 4 large creatures appear out of nowhere and take the cocky competitor and fly away, leaving him to scream for help.

Leorio: "Uh, So, I guess we can't climb down, not this way at least." Leorio said, shocked at what just happened.

Y/n: "Wow looks like climbing down doesn't FLY with them huh?" You said, cracking a joke. Making Gon and friends stare at you.

Y/n: "What? That Joke didnt FLY with you?" You said, cracking the same joke as before. And making them stare at you even harder.

Y/n: "A-Anyway..." You said awkwardly.

Every Examinee then starts looking around the tower, looking for a way down.

Kurapika: "There are fewer people around." Kurapika says, noticing the number of people on the tower has shortened.

Leorio: "What?" Leorio said surprised, not even noticing that people were missing.

Kurapika: "I count 23. So nearly half the applicants have already found an exit." Kurapika said, being the analyst that he usually is.

Leorio: "No way! When did that happen?" Leorio said surprised, not being as observant as Kurapika is.

Kurapika: "We're missing something, but what is it? There must be hidden doors up here somewhere that leads to the lower floors of the tower." Kurapika said, trying to figure out a way down.

Gon: "Kurapika! Leorio!" Gon shouted, for his friends. Making them run toward You, Gon, and Killua.

Kurapika: "What is it, Gon?" Kurapika asked.

Gon: "Look at this. We found a trap door. Check it out!" Gon said, showing them the trap door.

Kurapika: "I see, so the only way to reach the lower levels is by turning these stones." Kurapika said.

Leorio: "Okay, Good job! Now, what do you say we head down?" Leorio asked.

Gon: "Okay, but I'm still sort of confused." Gon said to Leorio making him wonder what he's confused about.

Leorio: "Why? What is there to be confused about?" Leorio asked, while ironically also confused.

Gon: "There's one, and another, and another, and another and another one right over there. There's a lot of them." Gon said while pointing in the direction of several trap doors.

Leorio: "That many?" Leorio asked, baffled by how many trap doors there are.

Kurapika: "Five hidden doors located in the same area. Sounds a bit suspicious. No doubt a few of them are traps." Kurapika theorized, putting his brain to work.

Y/n: "From what I can tell, each one of these trap doors can only be used one time." You said to everyone.

Leorio: "Seriously?" Leorio asked surprised.

Killua: "We saw somebody fall through one earlier, but when we tried to open it, it wouldn't budge an inch." Killua said, backing up your claim.

Kurapika: "Judging by the door's size, only one applicant can go through it at a time." Kurapika theorized.

Y/n: "Which means only one person can use each door. As much as I hate to say it, It's beginning to look like we're all gonna have to split up. We decided that we'll each pick a door, and see how it goes." You said to everyone, a bit sad that you have to split up.

Gon: "And no hard feelings if one of them's a trap. How about you guys? What are you gonna do?" Gon asked Leorio and Kurapika.

Leorio: "Works for me. Seems like luck is part of the game or something." Leorio said, agreeing to what you said earlier.

Kurapika: "No objection here. Guess That settles it." Kurapika said, coming to a unanimous decision to do what you said to do.

Leorio: "On the count of three, we all hop in at exactly the same time, okay?" Leorio asked, making everyone nod in agreement.

Y/n: "I guess that means this is goodbye for now, guys." You said sadly.

Kurapika: "We'll meet up at the base of the tower." Kurapika said.

Killua: "Let's do this. One..."

Gon: "Two..."

Everyone: "Three!" Everyone said at the same time whilst falling into their trap doors.

You all then land into a room, only to notice that every one of them landed in the same room. Shocking them all.

Leorio: "Wait, what?" Leorio said, shocked at the fact that you all just happened to land in the same room.

Child Of Infinity (Malereader X HunterHunter) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now