I sat on top of the table, crossing my legs. 

''I know Lydia was here last night.'' Scott spoke, gazing at me for a second. ''Dean's still working on figuring out what Kate did to you. If anyone can find an answer, is him.'' 

''What if he doesn't find one this time?'' I spoke, gaining both looks at me. ''What if we capture her? I can make her talk after five minutes of torture with my sister.''

''Do you forget she's guarded by two giant bezekers?'' Scott ask me

''And we looked for her everywhere.'' Derek added, ''We haven't got luck.''

I sighed, frustrated glowing my eyes. ''I'm not a Luna anymore.'' I looked at Derek, ''You're not a werewolf... And you're dying or are about to.'' My eyes started to fill with tears, ''I can't see you die Derek. I can't.''

Derek reach my side in silence, holding my hand.''

''Dean's going to find a answer, trust me on this one Derek and Katherine.'' Scott told me

I sighed, looking for hope inside me, ''Okay.''

Scott nod one time and look at Derek, ''Uh- Can I ask you a favor?'' Derek nod his head. ''Kira and I haven't go to an first real date and I wanted to do something special. Can I use your loft for the night?'' 

Derek gaze at me, I shrug, nodding with a smile. Derek turned back to Scott, ''Sure, I'll loan you the loft for the night.''

''So romantic.'' I said 

Scott smiled. ''Are you coming to school?''

''Nope, I have to go over my place and check on Amelia.'' 

''Oh, well... thanks again Derek.'' Scott said Derek, whom nod with a flat smile. 

Scott turned and started to walk out . ''Hey Scott.'' I shouted, he look over his shoulder. ''No sex on the bed.'' Scott's eyes widened and chuckled, leaving afterwards.

''I was about to say that.'' Derek said with a grin.

I chuckled, placing a lack of hair behind my ear. ''So... Dinner at my place?''

''Course, maybe some movies too?'' he added

''Is a date... We are going to have a third wheel though...'' 

''I don't mind.'' Derek kissed my lips, ''Should we go now or...?'' 

I smirked, ''Now. I'm afraid my sister already wrecked my place.''

 Derek drove us to my place, I unlocked the door with Derek's copy and strolled in. Surprisingly to find my loft clean and not wrecked.


Derek took a seat in my couch and turned on the tv. While I head over my room to wake Amelia up.

''Wakey wakey!'' I shouted as I wide open the curtains, letting the rays of light inside the room.

Amelia groaned as she cover her face with the sheets.

''Wake up sleeping beauty! It's near eleven.'' 

''So?'' she groaned, ignoring me.

I rolled my eyes and took a big deep breath in, then let out a big roar. Making Amelia jump straight to the floor. I laughed, glancing at her shaky eyes and really mess up hair. Also it remind me when I used to do it to Isaac. 

''What the hell?! Why did you did that for?!'' she shouted standing up

''FYI, I tend to roar a lot in the mornings.'' I wink and walked out, sitting next to Derek.

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