31. Opening up in a miniverse

Start from the beginning


We sat in the voot cruiser for a while, travelling to some unknown destination that Zim wont even clue me on. I could only sit in silence as he piloted, remaining wrapped up in the blanket given to me by computer.

It was only at that point that I saw something truly beautiful.

It was a galaxy of light blue colours, shining through the vast abyss of space. It was dotted with glowing white stars and distant small planets.

At least....I thought they were distant.

"That's quite a far galaxy..." I mused softly, shuffling to the front of the voot to get a better view.

"Eh? No it's just really small" Zim corrected, getting a little closer before stopping the voot completely.

The two of us used our oxygen bubbles before climbing out of the ship, nearing the tiny planets. They must have been no bigger than a handball.

"This is the galaxy of tiny planets, y/n!" Exclaimed the irken proudly, "it's a place I go to get much needed Zim-time!"

I was both in a state of shock and flattery. Who knew Zim had a secret spot to relax in the galaxy? Certainly not me. And I would never have expected him to share it with anyone else, much less me.

"Thank you, Zim. I didnt expect you to have a secret spot to relax." I stated with a smile, looking across the many beautiful glimmers of stars and tiny planets.

But my peace was interrupted in the most unexpected way.

"Relax? I dont come here to relax!" Said Zim with confusion washed over his face.


If he doesnt come here to relax then what does he do when hes here? Zim-time means something else?

"When I'm tired of pitiful species and their frustrating planets, I come here" he explained nearing one of the tiny planets, "And punch a planet in the face!!" He exclaimed, pounding his fist into the surface of the mini planet.

I hovered in my spot with a wide-eyed expression, contemplating what just happened. I could hear the distant screams of tiny aliens saying horrifying things like "ahhh" or "the skyfist has returned!"

Zim remained unphased, smiling like he didnt just destroy an entire planet.

"So....you just come here to pound the life out of this miniverse?" I question, eyebrow raised in confusion and distaste.

It's not really how I'd blow off steam but....this is Zim. Can I really expect a normal, healthy method from him?

"You know me so well, y/n" he waved dismissively with a smug smile.

I couldnt help but smile at that. No matter what he does I just cant stay mad at him. Theres always been something strangely charismatic about his overwhelming ego.

Maybe I was just being biased, but it's super hard for me to dislike anything about him.

"Now it's your turn, y/n!" He exclaimed excitedly, "crush a planet with the power of your mighty foot!"

I panicked.

Destroying planets wasnt really my thing. If it was Earth, fair enough. But it's not.

I frantically looked around at the planets, completely unsure of what Zim told me to do.

"Uh I dont know, Zim. I'm not really the planet crushing type...." I trailed off, looking over at the different planets that dotted the area.

However, the irken continued to encourage destruction and me to shake hands and kick a planet like a football.

Irkens Cant Love (Zim x reader)Where stories live. Discover now