Chapter Sixty-One: Not Just No But Hell No

Start from the beginning

"You all get chills at the same time," George chuckled.

"No," Krinos answered. "Somebody is just knocking on the trunk of the tree."

"Must be someone that wants our attention or wants to come up into the tree," Lily says.

"I'll be right back," White got up from his seat.

The nature beast wizard walked over to where the tree swings were. He may not be able to control plants as Krinos and Lily could, but he was able to manipulate the tree since it bent to the will of all nature users around it. So within seconds, the boy dropped through the branches as he rode one of the swings.

"Maybe some of the other students are finally giving us a chance," T'challa says.

"I doubt that," Hawk crossed his arms. "As the mystic soul in the room that is half-harpy, I can tell you that people will be scared of us no matter how much as try and prove them wrong."

His wings flapped as he said that. Those like Buzz and Vallia, who also had extra appendages because of their powers, agreed with him.

"I think I might have an idea," Harry said. 

That was when White came shooting back up into the tree. But he was not alone.

"Look who I found, guys," he said, smiling.

Much to the shock of Fred, George, Neville, and Cedric, in walked professional Quidditch player and total hunk, Viktor Krum. Fred and George, in particular, looked somewhere between fainting on the spot and screaming in excitement. Luna was just her usual Luna self, as calm as ever. Abby half expected her to be a secret Enchanted Sapphire mage with how cool as ice she could be. But they knew Luna's powers, so her calm nature was just who she was.

"What," Fred started.

"The," George said.

"Bloody," Fred continued.

"Hell," George finished.

The trio certainly had a good laugh as they saw their reactions. It was not like they ever told them that they knew Viktor Krum. But that was more because it just never came up in a conversation, not because they were keeping another secret from their wand-user friends.

"Talk about a priceless reaction," Krinos laughed.

"A memory worthy of one of those moving pictures this country has," Melody giggled.

"Way ahead of you guys," Harry had recorded their reactions on his mirror phone.

"As sassy and cheeky as ever, you three," Viktor chuckled as he looked at the trio fondly.

That seemed to fully shake the Hogwarts gang out of their shock.

"You guys know Viktor Krum," Cedric was the first to ask.

"We have for years," Harry says. "We never told you guys because it just never came up before. We have had a lot of other things to do while attending here. Such as trying to stay alive."

"Viktor attended Crystal Rose before his parents decided that Drumstrange was a better suit for him," Melody explained.

"I still do not agree with them, but it's not like I had a choice," Viktor shrugged.

"He attended Crystal Rose," Neville put two and two together. "Doesn't that mean that he is also a..."

Viktor cut him off by lighting both of his hands on fire. Bright flames danced in his hands. The Hogwarts gang were all shocked, but the mystic souls acted like it was just a regular event for them. But given who they were, it probably was. Especially given Mason's powers.

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