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POV:Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

After all that introduction was over,Yuuki decided to lead the way to where we were about to go.

He said he wanted to buy new clothes since he only has one pair of clothing as of right now,the reason behind this is because he's trying his best to svae up private points but is that really his objective? Yukishira Hiro,this is someone who knows about my past and 'that place',at the time I didn't know who he was.

His white hair and blue eyes never clicked anything within me,it didn't remind me of anything so I had the assumption that he was any of the children that were within the 4th generation of the White Room.He even stated before that he has no intention of leaking my past to anyone so for now I could trust him to be someone I can turn to in case of trouble.

This boy,I can't see through him especially when that smirk appears on his face,he is someone who is completely unpredictable and there's no telling when he'll go against me.If he were in the White Room,then I'd say he's only five steps behind me and yet he claims that he wouldn't stand a chance against me.

As to how he got all this information is beyond me,perhaps he had some sort of outside source that gave him information about me? Well whatever it is,it could cost me my freedom so I need to know for absolute certain that he's a ally.

I can't shake what he said to me that one time.....


I was just walking along the beach,you know getting some fresh air in order to get away from the first year group.That's when I saw Yukishira Hiro talking to someone in secreat,I couldn't clearly see who this was but from her voice,I could tell that it was Chiaki Matsushita.

It's not like I was into stalking but I couldn't help but feel curious for what they're talking about,mainly because they've never interacted before in class,at least as far as I know.

I tried to get as close as I could without then noticing,though I couldn't go too close since I knew how good Hiro-kun's senses are,it was close enough for me to hear what they were saying.

The way I can put this conversation is that it was really random,Hiro-kun was talking about the unexpected guest known as Ichika Amasawa.From my understanding they seem to know about each other and are fairly close to one another.

Doesn't seem like anything suspicious is going on- speak of the devil.

I looked to my right only to see the so called devil herself,Ichika Amasawa.It appeared to me that she was also eavesdropping on the two of them.I had no way of confronting her as doing so would lead to me getting noticed so for now I decided to ignore her.


Right when I saw him turn towards me,I immediatly darted backwards for him not to notice me,though I doubt that he'll think that I magically dosappeared.

Seems like he knows more than I thought.....

I pulled out a recorder I brought with me and played the conversation just to listen to it a second time.

Men in suits huh? Could it's possible that man will start to use brute force whenever we're not in the school campus from now on.....I need to be more careful.....

Classroom Of The Elite:Forging Legacy [On Hold]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin