Student Data

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POV:Arisu Sakayanagi

"Are you two ok? He didn't hurt you both too much didn't he?" said Manabu Horikita.

The four of use in the back were treating both Kamuro-san and Karuizawa-san since it appeared like Hiro-kun got a little carried away and did both of them too roughly.The two girls had bruises all over them but they were barely visible,that doesn't mean that he played nice with them though.

"Y-yeah...I think so...."

"Tch,that guy won't get away with this!"

The two of them seemed serious about reporting this to the school despite two high ranking members of the studetn council being there.We were discussing why we were even here in the first place,after all Hiro-kun has an extremely high chance of facing expulsion by performing such a dangerous stunt in front of the student council president and his own homeroom teacher.

What kind of plan is this? A suicide bomb? No there's no way he would think of such a strategy....after all his student data says this.


Name:Yukishira Hiro
Class:First year,Class-D
Student ID:S16906T55
Club Affliations:None
Birth Date:Febuary 15th

Academic Ability:A+
Decision Making:A-
Physical Ability:A+

Although this student may seem perfect,his past is something that cannot be overlooked.He also does not like to cooperate with anyone besides himself,he has also been shown to hate the relationship between friends.Because of these two reasons alone,we've decided to place this student in class-D,we hope to see him improve in the near future as he is a perfect class-A candidate.

He is the definition of perfect at the moment,plus I cannot deny that he has looks that would make a maiden fall in love.He has definately improve when it comes to cooperativeness but from what I understand he is starting to hold back,the reason is unknown so I will try to continue my researching of him.

I am almost certain that he knows about this database system so why? Perhaps he....yes maybe.

I'm excited to see the outcome of this fight...Hiro-kun,I may reward you later too if you win.


A/N:That's it for this chapter,to be honest this was only planned to show Hiro's data so you can have a better idea of how other students view him.

Also it is likely that there will not be another chapter today since I'm really tired but if there is then count it as boredom.

Anyways sorry for the short chapter,I'll make up for it by making a long fight scene.Cya my bois!

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