Thic Because Thic

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POV:Enki Teriyama

What lives beyond evil? Perhaps...nothing, it's possible that this question lies in every answer to everything but now that I think about it,evil lies in everyone as long as they think who their saviour is. If you ask the question to someone they would answer some sort of God like being....however I believe this is not the case,in fact I believe God like beings actually control humanity against their will at a young age.

This theory starts from the fact that everyone believes,or at least most people,they believe that these 'gods' are our saviour without any evidence whatsoever of these god's doing Jack shit. That's when I had my suspicions...though I won't discuss it since I technically don't have the rights to,I'll let the Kiyotaka in the other book of this author  explain later.

Anyway I woke up up next to two beauties,one being Kikyou Kushida and the other Amikura Mako. I remembered what I did to them yesterday and it wasn't pretty.....they pleaded for me and I just did what I was told but it ended up in tragedy since they aren't waking up because of exhaustion. Thus I needed to carry the two of them to their destination by myself...until Kiyotaka came along.

"I really appreciate you helping me carry Kushida,I didn't mean to..umm do anything to them but technically they asked for it." I said to Kiyotaka while carrying Mako-chan over my shoulder.

"No problem,I just happened to hear what was happening inside your room and thought you needed help carrying them the next day. Besides I want to ask you about the next part of the special exam." Ah that's the real reason huh....thank god only Kiyotaka came by,still thanks to the girls I need to buy more condoms.....

"Oh about the next part,according to some sources I have it's going to be something about fighting. Maybe we actually get to fight sooner rather than later. Still my sources say it's going to be something like 'Military Combat Test', or something like that." It's strange really even he said to take this information with a grain of salt,I've never heard that from him before....still cutting his pay wouldn't be a good idea since his snake like wiggling could be useful....yeah maybe.

"Military Combat Test you have any experience in such combat? As I remember your original name is from the THAT PLACE so it means you at least have experience in the realm of combat... especially after seeing that one time on the rooftop." Good observation,still military combat isn't my cup of tea so I just shook my head.

"I'm not specifically from THAT PLACE but I know physical combat good enough...though it seems like the real problem won't be the combat itself. You'll have to find out yourself later since neither I nor my snake know what this part will have......"

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