Student Council President

640 18 3

POV:Yukishira Hiro

It's been a while since I've been in the teacher's office,wonder if they made any renovations.Nah they're not the type to do that.

I thought jokingly,I was still absurdly confident about everything,it was almost as if I had already completed life's challenges.

I wasn't aware of why Chabashira would call me to the teacher's office,I didn't even have a good idea  of why she called me but something seemed off.

Normally she wouldn't be so forceful,after all I'm someone she's close with at least to some extent.Thus a third party has a plan,if I had to guess then it would probrably be Sakayanagi but isn't that too obvious?

I stood outside the door for a few minutes to ponder,it was possible that Sakayanagi called me there but there was no real reason to.Think of it this way,if she wanted to talk then she would have just exted me or talk to me after school.

Ryuen? I doubt it,Ichinose? Definately not.Well there's only one person left....

I stepped into the room and saw the person I had expected.

"Oh student council president,Manabu Horikita.I thought Chabashira called me here."

Completw lie,I pretty much narrowed everyone down to him.Although we don't talk much,I've talked enough with him to know why he called me here.

"You did very well during the last special exam,even after it you surpassed my expectations."

So I caught his eye? It's only natural of me I suppose.

"I asked Chabashira-sensei to call you here to fool you into thinking she called you to talk.I'm guessing you already knew who called yoy before coming in?"

"Of course,we've talked once on the cruise ship but I know you quite well already.Tell me,what do you need me for?"

The elder Horikita gestured for me to take a seat so naturally I sat down on a sofa.He sat up and went over to pick up a basket full of different kinds of tea before seating them on the table along with kettle and two glass cups.

"I'll have roasted green tea I suppo-"

"I want you to join the student council."

I froze up while holding the roasted green tea packet in my hand,I expected this but I never knew that he'd say it so casually.Well if he kept quiet then I might left the room after drinking the tea.

Roasted green tea was a first for me so I was quite interested in it.

This again?

"You must have called me here knowing I'd decline right? There's no way in hell you'd just invite me so casually without a plan,right president?"

"I knew you'd catch on,and I expected you to decline.However I know one thing that can bend you against your will.How about a deal,Yukishira Hiro?"

I slowly drank my tea while staring at him with my apethetic eyes.To be honest I didn't really care what the deal was even if it was about the student council,I just wanted to enjoy the tea.

He knows I can't disagree huh? Human curiosity is seriously freaky.I bet smug loli told him about this weakness of mine.One minute I hate her and the next,she's the second most precious thing to me,am I crazy or what?

"If you join the student council then I'll allow you to have one favor from me right now,if you decline then I'll forcefully have you join."

This guy isn't cutting any strings,does he want to figure out who Ayanokouji is so badly? No he's even underestimating me,does he want his balss to be kicked that badly?

I sat there quietly before finally putting a wide grin on my face.

That favor is tempting in a way,man isn't human curiosity freaky? Well this could help me in a lot of ways but....

"Sure,however if I join the stduent council then I want you to give me all of the private points you've been saving up these three years on your graduation day."

This was a deal with the devil,he was aware of this and yet he wanted me to join so badly.

"Deal,come to the student council room tomorrow at reccess."

I simply nodded before exiting the room and returning back to the classroom.

"That president,he was some serious nerves.This is going to be interesting.....hah! What am I kidding putting this persona of mine on! Let's just have some fun for the time being!"

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