Smart or Smartest?

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POV:Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

It's been a few days since the exam's been announced. Horikita got back her role as class leader though people has started to like Hiro-kun a bit more,it's not surprisingly really since he's more talented then her in every aspect. However that's only on the surface,deep down he has many flaws and most of them resemble mine.

I'd say if there's one person that could officially beat me it's going to be him. His physical ability is off the charts and that isn't looking at his intelligence,he could be smarter than me if you pay close attention to his intentions and 'guesses'.

The worse thing is that I don't even know who he is,he knows my past so he must have some sort of connection with the White Room. He treats me as some sort of king or god just because I'm better at physical tests than him if I get serious. I don't understand what he's thinking nor what kind of plan he has for this exam,sure he told me everything but that can't be all,no he wants to beat me fair and square.

Under most conditions doing such a stunt would be labled as suicide in the eyes of many,he even told me to go all out from the beginning of the exam. He asled me for it without even flinching,this means he has some sort of plan in mind,is it to expose me? No that's too simple,his mind doesn't do simple....does it?

Knock knock!!!

"Huh? Oh guess Kei's here." I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door,normally people would knock three times when coming into someone's room so we made a secreate code so that I would know who's coming.

"Glad to know that you thouht of coming here." Of course she did,she doesn't really have any other choice since I said over text that the bussiness is urgent.

"Of course I would,so what's the problem?" Kei said while sitting on my bed.

"Our class' best student,you know Hiro-kun right?"

"Yeah but not too much,we don't talk often after that day on the roof top....but he did give me an apology gift so I should forgive him...." Understandable.

"I want you to spy on him for me....the only person that can actually beat me."

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