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POV:Yukishira Hiro

The whole walk to the outside of the ship didn't go as expected,what I expected was no one to be inside since I had the assumption that everyone used up their time to have fun and enjoy themselves,instead the complete opposite happened.

For starters,Matsushita clung tightly onto my left arm which I was sort of fine with as she stated that she was only cold and nothing more though I knew immediatly that what she said was a definate lie.I just didn't want to go through the trouble of complaining and trying to get her off me,even if I could do so easily.

Next was the fact that people were in the corridors and were staring at us,it made me uncomfortable in a way and I couldn't move in any way aswell since Matsushita was on my arm.Finally and the worst thing that could have happen was that I passed Sakayanagi and her two goons on the way out.

I could have sworn I saw Sakayanagi recording,if she sends a recording of this to Amasawa then some shit will go down.....

"Are you ok,Hiro-kun?"

"Yeah,it's just I'm not used to people staring at me.After all what is there to like about me right?"

"That's not true! Hiro-kun is very smart since you're the only person that managed to score 100 on most test! On top of that you're handsome and atheletic!"

I can't even respond in any way because of this.....ho- Actually I shouldn't call her that and let my real self take in for that split second.After all I remember what happened during the 'fucking incident'.

I didn't mean anything offensive towards Matsushita,in fact she gave me the impression that she was smart and beautiful.It's just that I couldn't imagine myself with a girl like that,well at least that's just what I thought,in fact I wouldn't mind being with her,it was just Sakayanagi that was concerning me.

If she finds out and I'm absolutely sure she KNOWS,I might just die 100 times over.Well that depends on how accepting she is.

"Finally,we made it here!"

"Mhm,the ocean is beautiful in a way.The blueness of the water is clear enough to see the marine life because there isn't any type of polution in this area."


"Of course,if you didn't know this part of the sea is banned for ships that opperate on oil or any kind of poluting substance."

Matsushita looked at me in awe for the next 5 seconds,I suppose even she didn't know this fact.

"Why are you so surprised that I know? Aren't you smart yourself,Matsushita?"

"O-oh! Not really,I mean I can't be that smart,didn't you see my grades on the recent test? Hahah."

"That may be true,however didn't you intentionally get the questions on the test sheets I gave you wrong? I mean there wasn't any reason to be so careless on one of the questions."

"E-eh? What do you mean...."

I didn't want to immediatly say it but I couldn't resist anymore,this was also a good oppertunity to corner her as there was no one else around the area.I mean there was a certain someone behind a wall nearby,however I was fine with it since it was HER.

"It was just a mistake you know? I mean people make mistakes every now and the- IYAA!"

I forcefully took her hand and pinned her to a wall while revealing my hostile eyes at the exact same time.Her face was red enough to the point where you can compare it with a tomato or something like that.

"You can't lie to me,I know that you're on of the couple of people that's holding the class back."

"W-what do you mean....?"

"Hide,hide and hide again,humans don't learn no matter what and that's how they are.The test sheets are a good enough reason for me to complain so I don't really understand why you're resisting.....stalker~"

I whisper those words into her right ear while slowly releasing my grip on her hand,I needed to be quick about this because it would cause problems if someone else saw this situation.

I adjusted the glove on my left hand  while keeping my gaze on her eyes,although they were covered by the shadow that was looming over us,I could see her eyes clearly.

"You already knew all along....?"

"Obviously,after all it takes someone that holds back to know someone that holds back aswell.Now tell me what you want,surely you're not here to openly stalk me too?"

"I.....fine,will you go out with me!"

This might be planned but it's still sudden in a way,wonder what she wants out of this.

I pondered while staring at her eyes,the eyes of someone who was actually true to themselves.

"Hmph,sure.However I have two conditions."


"Condition one,I want you to act as a spy to class-D for me since I'm not really good at conversing with people.And Condition two,I want you to accept any type of order I send at you,of course I won't ask you do do anything too aggresive or terrible,that isn't my way of working."

"Is that all? Then I'll take that chance!"

"Really now? Then it's decided,also you can tell your friends if you desire,I don't care at all."

This will be useful,having a girlfriend like her I mean.I'm glad however there's something she isn't telling me....whatever I'll let her off with it for now.

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